

A Tip of Our Hat

Manward Digest

A Tip of Our Hat... to This Iconic Hat (and Its Admirers)

  Rooster's Crow
  WARNING: When it comes to making smart investing decisions, you are on your own. News broke late Thursday that President Trump is appealing to his regulators in Washington to halt the rollout of an Obama-era plan. The move would stop previous moves that force a financial advisor to act in your best interest. The fate of the rule is unknown. But we do know this... you have always been and will always remain on your own - no matter what laws are signed in Washington. You must be informed enough to make your own smart decisions.
We were walking through the woods one day recently when we heard a gentleman approaching from the side. It was clear he had his eyes set on us and wanted our attention.

Not excited to have to deal with some weirdo in the woods, we upped our pace and turned down the hill.

"Hey," the younger man shouted breathlessly, "I like your hat."

We hit the brakes. We had a new friend.

Silly as it looked, he liked our wool hat. He had one just like it at home. His grandfather had given it to him.

He must get it, we thought.

An Icon

If we told you the brand name of the company that makes our hat, you likely wouldn't recognize it. And since we're not in the advertising business, we won't do it.

Besides... most folks don't connect the name with the hat.

But if we showed you the picture that more than 100 devoted fans of the hat in Michigan recently tattooed on their arms just to get one, you'll likely recognize this not-so-popular but oh-so-perfect piece of headwear.
Plaid Hat
With the adjustable earflaps, short brim and iconic pattern, it's a hat just about everybody is familiar with. Ask someone to imagine an old-time trapper in Michigan's snowy Upper Peninsula, and the hat will almost certainly be part of the attire.

While it's nowhere near as iconic or inked up with the same tenacity as Harley's bar and shield, we can think of few other articles of clothing that folks are willing to get permanently drawn on their bodies.

And since we're in the business of pondering, it makes us scratch our heads and wonder why.

What makes this hat iconic? Heck, what makes a cowboy hat... a cowboy hat?

We think we get it.

And, of course, it comes right back to our Triad.

With these wooly hats, it's not just about warmth, comfort and quality.

No. It's about a connection.

It's about connecting with the men who made the hat iconic. And it's about connecting with the like-minded men who continue to share their vision today.

The Story on Our Heads

Again, it's hard to imagine a harsh winter scene without envisioning a grizzled man donning a snow-clad wool hat. They worked in harsh environments, they did tough jobs, and they knew the value of good, lasting equipment.

I'll be honest... they're ideals our culture doesn't celebrate all that much these days.

But this hat does. And that's why folks will stop each other to talk about it.

It's like saying, "Hey, I get it too. Those were some tough sons of guns."

When diehards get the hat tattooed on their arms or backs, they're not celebrating a hat. No, they're celebrating what it means. The ink connects them to an ideal that many men have lost touch of.

To be sure, what we've witnessed isn't about the hat at all. It has nothing to do with function... or form.

Yes, we've looked at wool in this column before. We hail it as the ultimate survival material. It's saved lives. It's changed the world - sending men where they had never gone before.

But in this case, the wool is merely shaped into an icon of hard work and perseverance - two things we'll gladly celebrate.

Donning it not only shows that we're proud of the men who weren't afraid to step outside into the harsh elements and get the job done... but proves our connection to them.

And we'll gladly tip our hat to that.

Be well,

Spread the Manward  

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