

Prepare to Have Your Retirement Funds Seized

You need to build a wealth and retirement fortress that a corrupt, desperate government can't touch.
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You need to build a wealth and retirement fortress that a corrupt, desperate government can't touch.
Wealth Daily

Prepare to Have Your Retirement Funds Seized

"Due to the ongoing fiscal crisis faced by our nation, the federal government of the United States of America is hereby notifying you that the sum of $25,000 has been deducted from your account ending in XXXX..." 

Imagine getting an email like that in the year 2030.

Because at this rate, you will — unless you take the necessary steps to prevent that today.

So you can read what I'm about to tell you and take this threat with the seriousness the situation demands — or you can ignore me and get caught completely off guard when it happens, along with millions of other Americans who blindly entrust their livelihood well-being to the powers that be.

Either way, a crisis is coming — one that threatens us all, but particularly those of retirement age. 

Because they, the most vulnerable among us, are the ones who will be most affected.

Here's how it's going down…

2024 marks the beginning of what will be the largest surge of retirement-age Americans in our nation's history. 

More than 4 million Americans will turn 65 each year through 2027. 

That's 16 million people who are about to discover how just obsolete and inadequate our nation's retirement system is. 

Of course, if you're reading this, you probably already know. 

But just to lay it all out there…

Our nation is now carrying more than $34 trillion in debt. 

And a lot of that debt is being accrued by our Social Security program, which, despite being a massive tax on workers, is wholly unfunded.

Just how much money is lacking? 

About $22.7 trillion.

The "Nerve Center" of the $15.7 Trillion AI Revolution

See this massive compound?

TWA AI Tollbooth Image 1

It could easily be the most valuable piece of real estate in the world right now…

But it's NOT a military base or a secret government lab.

It's the epicenter of the blossoming $15.7 trillion AI revolution…

Because every popular AI app like ChatGPT, DALL-E, or Bing MUST pay this tech firm to access an essential resource that keeps their apps running smoothly for users.

And this firm is legally mandated by the government to share a whopping 90% of its colossal profits with individuals like you and me.

Discover the company behind this secret facility that could hand you as much as $48,800 annually.

If that sounds like a lot, don't worry!

Our Medicare system is in even worse shape, as it's carrying $40.5 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

Now, to put that in further perspective, the entire U.S. GDP is $23.3 trillion. 

So the entirety of America's economic output would only account for half of our retirement obligations.

We've got maybe a decade at best before our country simply won't be able to cover these expenses.

But that's not all. 

Pensions are coming up short, too.

U.S. pension funds face over $8 trillion in unfunded liabilities, with The Wall Street Journal calling it a full-blown "pension crisis" and a "fiscal nightmare."

These funds are meant to bestow retirement income to police officers, school teachers, firefighters, and other public employees.

Collectively, they hold $5.7 trillion in assets and support almost 12 million retirees, with another 15 million working members waiting to be added to the payout list upon retirement.

The sums owed to each pensioner are fixed, just like Social Security. And it's the job of the money managers helming these funds to intelligently manage these trillions of dollars so they can uphold the promises made to those workers.

But, unfortunately, these so-called "professionals" have fallen short.

As a result, the American Legislative Exchange Council reports that America's pension funds have a staggering $8.28 trillion funding gap.

That's almost 1.5 times the total assets within the funds themselves.

If that happens, this will likely force our government to try to drastically increase our country's debt to pay for it all.

9 Billionaires Shifting Funds Here (Plus Warren Buffett)

The smartest investors in the world are making a BIG move right now. 

David Tepper, Steve Cohen, Bill Gross, Paul Tudor Jones, Jeremy Grantham, George Soros, Carl Icahn, Jim Simons, and Larry Fink...

They're jumping into oil and gas stocks with both feet. 

Meanwhile, 99% of investors can't see what's coming. 

According to Keith Kohl, our oil and gas analyst, three powerful economic triggers are converging on the oil markets right now...

A "perfect storm" unlike anything we've seen in 50 years. 

The last time this happened, a small group of oil companies made 20x returns in a few years. Some gains were as high as 3,000%! 

That's exactly the type of oil company Keith is recommending today.  

He's calling it "the No. 1 oil stock of the decade." 

Get the name and ticker here before oil prices surge higher.

So, basically, Americans cannot count on Social Security payments or pensions to actually be there for them. That just leaves retirement funds like 401(k)s and IRAs — and even those won't be of much help if there's a fiscal crisis that crashes the market.

This is the crisis few are prepared for.

And when the shit hits the fan, all bets are going to be off. The government's only recourse will be to seize assets from the people that set themselves up properly.

We can't let that happen. 

Which is why I'm bringing all of this to your attention. 

I'm not trying to scare you. I'm trying to level with you so you can get ahead of it all. 

You need to build a wealth and retirement fortress that a corrupt, desperate government can't touch. 

And there's one guy in particular who can help you do that.

I'm talking about none other than Brian Hicks — the founder of Angel Investment Research and the brand-new R.I.C.H. Report.

Brian isn't just my boss; he's a thought leader, mentor, and investment guru of the highest order. 

He's independently wealthy and a testament to the kind of success that can only be drawn from true self-reliance. 

It's not an accident that Brian got where he is, and it's not some fluke that he'll stay there. 

But the truly great thing about Brian is that he's always willing to share. He's always open for discussion. And he always has remarkable ideas. 

Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. You can see for yourself right here — in Brian's just-released e-book, which you can access for FREE.

That's right, he's giving it away — everything you need to know about the coming "Retirement Reset," how to preserve your wealth and grow your money, and how to protect yourself and your family…

It's all right here in a handy, condensed format.

So if you want to ensure that your retirement is anything more than a pipe dream, do yourself a favor and check it out.

Fight on,

Jason Simpkins Signature

Jason Simpkins

Simpkins is the founder and editor of Secret Stock Files, an investment service that focuses on companies with assets — tangible resources and products that can hold and appreciate in value. He covers mining companies, energy companies, defense contractors, dividend payers, commodities, staples, legacies and more...

In 2023 he joined The Wealth Advisory team as a defense market analyst where he reviews and recommends new military and government opportunities that come across his radar, especially those that spin-off healthy, growing income streams. For more on Jason, check out his editor's page.

Be sure to visit our Angel Investment Research channel on YouTube and tune into Jason's podcasts.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

follow basic@OCSimpkins on Twitter

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