

The Government Just Engineered a "Reset" of the Entire Retirement System

Don't risk your retirement.
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Don't risk your retirement.
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The Government Just Engineered a "Reset" of the Entire Retirement System

The nightmare story you're about to read is 100% true. 

It happened on a rainy Tuesday morning on October 21, 2008, when the president sent an urgent bill to Congress. 

It was the height of the global financial crisis. 

Everyone was panicking, even the government. But the left-wingers in charge also smelled an opportunity... a chance to make a seismic change to the financial world they'd been wanting for years. 

That's why even though the purported goal of this urgent bill was to "protect" ordinary investors from the market turmoil caused by the financial crisis... the way it did so was by giving the government complete authority to seize control of the country's private pension system. 

No public debate. No discussion. 

Just a few weeks later, the Senate passed the bill into law... 

And with the stroke of a pen, the government engineered a wide-scale "reset" of the entire retirement system. Billions of dollars in the private pension system — equivalent to a staggering 12% of GDP — were transferred to the government's hands virtually overnight. 

The government had complete control of the retirement money! 

And millions of hardworking and self-determined citizens instantly saw their financial futures placed in the hands of a corrupt and authoritarian left-wing government. 

Skeptical economists suspected that this so-called "reform" was just a cover-up... that it was nothing but a blatant cash grab by a desperate government intent on raiding these private pension funds to cover looming debt repayments. A subsequent report by the International Federation of Pension Fund Administrators proved their suspicions right...

As you've probably guessed by now, the country where this happened wasn't America but rather Argentina. 

I know most Americans believe that what happened in Argentina would never — and could never — happen here on American soil. They think our economy is far too strong for the government to ever need to raid our private retirement accounts... that our constitutional rights and system of checks and balances would prevent that from ever happening. 

I understand why they — and maybe even you — might think that way. 

But let me ask you this... 

Before March 2020, did you ever think the government could ever order you to "stay home," "shelter in place," or close your business until further notice? Did you ever imagine that the government could prevent you from leaving your own home... forbid you from having contact with your parents, siblings, or even your own children... and threaten you with fines and jail time for not complying?

Remember, if you keep your hard-earned money in a 401(k) or other so-called "retirement plan," the government could easily take it away with the stroke of a pen.

Don't risk your retirement.

Learn how to protect yourself today with our retirement reset report.

We'll get to the good grass first,

Brian Hicks Signature

Brian Hicks
Founder and President, Angel Publishing

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