

Emergency Power Stock News: "The Time Has Come" - Powell

Alexander Green's Emergency State-of-the-Market Summit

Emergency Power Stock News: "The Time Has Come" - Powell

By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist, The Oxford Club


Did you see that?

Jerome Powell cemented the September rate cut with four little words this morning...

"The time has come."

It's not often the market hands us sure things like this.

So I had to reach out to you again. This is all playing out exactly as I predicted.

Case in point?

As I write, the small cap index - the Russell 2000 - is currently outpacing the S&P by 358%. And the IWC - a microcap ETF - is crushing the S&P by 419%.

But it's not too late. At least not yet.

This is the start of an incredible bull market in microcaps which I believe will only be fueled by even more cuts in the coming months.

However, you need to hurry.

Please, stop what you're doing for just a minute to finish filling out your Oxford Microcap Trader acceptance form.

Your $200 discount is good until midnight so the timing is perfect. And based on demand, we adjusted our offer to provide an even greater value to you. Details here.

Good investing,


P.S. Our incredible team is ready to answer any questions you may have. Give the a call now at 888.570.9830 or 410.864.3090 or click here to schedule a call.

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