

The Bost Bulletin

News from Rep. Bost


The Bost Bulletin 

Dear Friend,
Congress has two urgent priorities before the end of September: funding the government and ensuring only legal ballots from U.S. citizens are cast in the election. We must accomplish both objectives but have little time to do so. That’s why I supported linking passage of the Continuing Resolution with the SAVE Act. Sadly, House Democrats - some of whom voted for the SAVE Act earlier this year - stood in near unanimous opposition to the plan, killing both bills just 12 days before a shutdown. Now, there are 8 days left. Rest assured, I will not back down in the fight to ensure Southern Illinoisans have access to essential government services and the comfort of knowing we’ve protected the integrity of the most important election of our lifetimes. As this important work continues, you can keep reading to see what else I’ve been focused on over the last week. 

Ramping Up Presidential Candidate Security

The awful and dangerous attempts on President Trump’s life need to serve as a wakeup call. There must be changes made to the security protocol if the leading presidential contender was left in harm’s way twice in one summer. That’s why I voted to ensure that presidential candidates are applied the exact same standard for Secret Service protection as presidents and vice-presidents. I’m happy to say the legislation passed the House.


Ending Wokeness at U.S. Colleges and Universities

I presided over the House debate on H.R. 3724, the End Woke Higher Education Act. This legislation will ensure that First Amendment rights are protected on college campuses and that universities are not forced to commit to DEI principles to receive accreditation. The free exercise of learning and exchange of ideas should be the foundation for public education!


Increasing Post Office Accountability 

Communities rely on the Postal Service for the timely delivery of letters, prescriptions, bills, and other mail. When a post office closes, especially in a rural area, it hurts the people who depend on it most. I was proud to introduce the Upending Secret Postal Shutdowns Act, or the USPS Act, which is legislation that will help clear up the confusion and uncertainty that comes with a postal closure by improving transparency and setting aggressive timelines for communicating with the public about when service will be restored. This is an issue I hear a lot about from my constituents; we can’t rest until we improve postal services in Southern Illinois and across the United States. You can read my bill here.

Demanding Improvements for Local Veterans

For far too long, St. Louis and Metro East Illinois veterans served by the John A. Cochran VA Hospital have been waiting for improved medical facilities. The VA has recognized for well over a decade that the hospital’s bed tower needs to be replaced and its clinical services need to be modernized. This project must be funded as a top priority - and it needs to happen now. As chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I will continue working with Congresswoman Ann Wagner and my colleagues in Missouri to see that the Biden administration gets this project over the finish line. Our veterans deserve better. 



Advocating for Veterans' Accessibility to Service Dogs

I had a productive meeting with K9s for Warriors and their incredible Service Dogs. We discussed the impact these dogs have on the lives of veterans and their families, which is truly remarkable. As chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee I'm proud to support the expansion of their impact through legislation like the Service Dogs Assisting Veterans Act to ensure our veterans receive the assistance and care they deserve. 


Receiving the Guardian of Small Business Award

As a former small business owner, it's a privilege to again be recognized by the National Federation of Independent Business with their "Guardian of Small Business" award. Small businesses are the heart of Southern Illinois’ economy. That’s why I'll always fight for policies that empower them to grow and succeed. Special thanks to NFIB President and CEO Brad Close for this recognition. 


Protecting Womens' Access to Competitive Sports

Riley Gaines, the accomplished former NCAA swimmer, has become a valued leader in the fight to protect women’s access to competitive sports. As the father of two daughter and grandfather of seven granddaughters, I couldn’t be more supportive of her work. To measure Congress’ record on preserving opportunities for women, Riley and Independent Women’s Voice has issued a vote scorecard for each Member of Congress. I’m proud to say my voting record is Riley Gaines-Approved! 


Renewing Your Passport? Good News 

Good news for Southern Illinois travelers - the State Department has launched an Online Passport Renewal system, making it easier for U.S. citizens to renew passports 24/7 from home. No more hassle with paperwork or waiting in long lines. It's a secure, straightforward system that streamlines the whole process. All you need to do is submit your application, payment, and photo online. Get started today at travel.state.gov/renewonline and make sure you're ready for your next trip! 


Championing Adult Education Programs 

I was honored to receive the Legislative Champion Award from the Coalition on Adult Basic Education. Adult education is vital for helping thousands of Southern Illinoisans, and over 725,000 Americans nationwide gain critical skills like literacy, digital literacy, and job readiness. These programs bridge the skills gap and create real opportunities for career advancement. I'm proud to support efforts that strengthen our workforce, and I'll keep fighting to ensure these programs get the support they need.


Honoring National POW/MIA Recognition Day 

Friday was National POW/MIA Recognition Day, a time to honor the over half-a-million servicemembers who endured captivity and the nearly 82,000 servicemembers who remain lost in action. In the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee room, we have a chair draped in the POW-MIA flag to honor their memory and mark their sacrifice. As chairman of the committee, I’ve had the opportunity to review the latest technology used to identify soldiers' remains and help return them to their families – it is truly incredible to see. These heroes will never be forgotten. 


Celebrating Constitution Day 

Last week, we celebrated Constitution Day, a day to celebrate one of the most important documents in human history. Signed on September 17, 1787, by 39 delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, the U.S. Constitution lays the foundation for our fundamental values as American citizens: liberty, self-governance, and protection from tyranny in all its forms. We must recommit ourselves to ensuring the principles enshrined in this sacred document are upheld for generations to come. 


Making Progress on Honoring a Hero from Millstadt

And saving an important update for the closing… Earlier this summer, I shared with you my floor speech honoring the legacy of Marine Cpl. Matthew Wyatt of Millstadt. December 3rd of this year will mark 20 years since Matt bravely gave his life defending his fellow Marines from an attack on their base in Iraq. For his heroism, Matt was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. I am proud to let you know that last week the House Oversight Committee approved my legislation renaming his hometown post office in Millstadt in his honor. The bill now must be passed by the full House before it becomes law. Semper Fi, Marine. 


To stay updated on the work I am doing, make sure you follow me on Facebook or Twitter. And if you would like to receive these email updates, make sure you sign up for my newsletter here

- Mike 


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