

Media Matters Daily Summary

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Media Matters for America

Here are today's news items from Media Matters for America, click on the title or 'read more' to read the entirety of each story.

Dobbs falsely asserted that Obama advocated bilingualism "while discussing the issue of illegal immigration"
CNN's Lou Dobbs asserted that in his July 8 remarks, Sen. Barack Obama was "out telling people to have their children not learn languages -- foreign languages, but specifically, while discussing the issue of illegal immigration, tells them they've got to learn Spanish." In fact, Obama was responding to a question about education and bilingualism, not "illegal immigration," and at no point in his remarks did he mention "illegal immigration." Read More

McLaughlin: Obama "fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo -- a black on the outside, a white on the inside"
On The McLaughlin Group, John McLaughlin said: "Question: Does it frost Jackson, Jesse Jackson, that someone like Obama, who fits the stereotype blacks once labeled as an Oreo -- a black on the outside, a white on the inside -- that an Oreo should be the beneficiary of the long civil rights struggle which Jesse Jackson spent his lifetime fighting for?" Read More

Brokaw didn't challenge Fiorina's assertion that "[t]he principal reason that [McCain] voted against the Bush tax cuts is that they were not accompanied by fiscal restraint"
On Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw did not challenge Carly Fiorina's assertion that "[t]he principal reason that [Sen. John McCain] voted against the Bush tax cuts is that they were not accompanied by fiscal restraint." In fact, the reason McCain gave for voting against the tax cuts in a May 26, 2001, statement on the Senate floor was that "so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us, at the expense of middle class Americans who most need tax relief." Read More

Ignoring own reporting, AP claimed McCain "is respected by many Hispanics for refusing to pander to anti-immigrant sentiment"
An Associated Press article claimed that Sen. John McCain "is respected by many Hispanics for refusing to pander to anti-immigrant sentiment over the years." But the AP reported in November 2007 that McCain now "emphasizes securing the borders first" and quoted McCain stating: "I understand why you would call it a, quote, shift. ... I say it is a lesson learned about what the American people's priorities are. And their priority is to secure the borders." Read More

Wash. Post's Cillizza asserted that Swift Boaters "raise[d] questions about" Kerry's military credentials, did not note accusations were false and baseless smears
Discussing on CNN the 2004 presidential election and noting that Democrats believed Sen. John Kerry had "unassailable military credentials," Chris Cillizza asserted, "Well, lo and behold, a group called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth raises questions about it, John Kerry is presented as a flip-flopper, and that conventional wisdom goes out the window." But Cillizza failed to note that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's "questions" were false and baseless smears about Kerry's service in the Vietnam War. Read More

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