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  from Derrick Riches

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Top 10 Cinco de Mayo Recipes
Cinco de Mayo is a uniquely Mexican-American holiday that celebrates the long relationship between the United States and Mexico. In recent years it has become an excuse to put together a party and blend each countries flavors. As you can see from my list of the most popular recipes on the 5th of May there is a wide diversity of food but always at the top is Carne Asada. Whether you are going traditional or hitting the ribs or beer can chicken, fire up the grill and celebrate this great holiday.

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Barbecue Ribs on a Gas Grill
Getting good ribs with a genuine barbecue flavor from a gas grill is a challenge. Gas grills are great for hot and fast cooking but not so good when you need to turn a rack of ribs into tender, smoky barbecue. There are some tricks you can use however. To get the best possible ribs from your gas grill you need to use a three step process to get them perfect.

London Broil
This classic cut of meat, isn't a cut of meat, it's a method of preparing a steak. The true, London Broil is actually a marinated Flank Steak, broiled or grilled. But as with many things that really catch on various cuts of meat have come to be known as London Broil, typically any lean, less tender cut.

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Top Picks - Top 10 Small Grills  from your   Guide
Some times you just don't have the space for a big grill. Whether you live in an apartment, condo, on a boat or just don't have a big patio, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy a good cookout. Try one of these smaller grills, gas, charcoal or electric to give you real grilling flavor and fun. Remember to check with the local rules where you live to know what kind of grill you can have. Most apartments don't allow gas or charcoal grills. This list contains a wide range of types and prices.

1) Weber Q 300 Gas Grill
This gas grill grew out of the popularity of the original Q. This super-sized model is designed more for the person who has limited space than the person who needs to transport their grill. At 83 pounds all together this isn't a grill to take on a picnic. This grill does, however provide you with indirect cooking abilities and as much space as a small, traditional gas grill. This grill will give you authentic grilling in a unit that is easily stored and doesn't take up a lot of space.

2) European Outdoor Chef City Grill
This is a little, lightweight portable gas grill with the features, function and power of a full sized grill. The internal engineering centers around a pair of baffles (for lack of a better word) that allow you to focus the heat or distribute it. This gives you heating versatility in a single burner design. Under normal grilling you actually get a hot zone around the outside so you have lots of searing space and since you can reach over 500 degrees F. with this unit you can actually sear a steak. This is an excellent portable grill as well as a great apartment grill.

3) Char-Broil Patio Caddie Electric
This is Char-Broil's answer for the person who has limited space or wants a gas grill, but doesn't want to grill a lot of food. The Patio Caddie is a full height grill that takes up only 28 inches. It's one burner gives you enough heat to carry out most grilling tasks. It only has 187 square inches of grilling space so you won't be able to do to much. But then, that's the point, right? This unit comes either gas or electric.

Discussion: Smoking Jerky
Smoking Jerky
I am SO new to smoking. I am just using my new Masterbuilt Electric Smokehouse today for the first time. I am making beef jerky for a class assignment (Culinary Arts). I did my homework and researched different recipes and articles. As far as selecting the correct meat, cure and seasonings I think I did a good job. It's the wood chips NOT smoking that is causing my angst. It smells kind of nice, so I'm thinking it's working. But, when I took a look to see if I might need more wood chips I found that the wood chips are still there. They did not burn up, get used or do whatever I thought they would do. What am I doing wrong? The temp is set at 140 F. It's been about 4 hours so far.
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