

About Europe Travel: Thermal Spas - Christmas in Europe    Europe Travel
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  from James Martin
Christmas decorations are going up in the streets of Tuscan villages all around us. The big day come on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate conception. We'll be here through the season, reporting all the holiday news fit to blog and twitter.

In the Spotlight
Italian Spa Town Monsumanno Terme
If you see "Terme" as part of a town name in Italy, you can be pretty sure that there are thermal baths associated with it. Monsummano Terme, in Tuscany, is not one of your famous spa towns, but it has a fantastic Alto, or upper town with remains of a medieval castle that has great views--and you can stay and eat up there, too. Check out Monsumanno with our guide.

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Serravalle Pistoiese and the Rocca Nuova
Serravalle Pistoiese and the Rocca Nuova, its new (12th century) castle makes an interesting day trip that you can take from Monsummano Terme above. In fact, you can climb up to the upper levels for some fine pictures of the lush countryside that exemplifies Tuscany--covered in olive trees, small farm plots, gardens, and vineyards. Check out our latest pictures.

Tiny Travel Cameras
The distinction between compact and ultra compact cameras has all but disappeared. Cameras have gotten smaller, lighter, and cheaper. But these cameras have been selected for their ability to capture the scenes that many people will take on their vacation--those wide angle landscapes and the architectural wonders taken along narrow medieval streets.

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Top Picks - Netherlands Guidebooks  from your  Europe Travel  Guide
The Netherlands is rich in history and culture, best known for windmills, tulips, bicycles, canal-lined towns, and art. A guidebook to Holland will help you discover not only the tourist attractions but some places off the beaten path. These specially selected guides will help you plan your trip, find places to stay and eat, and make your trip more enjoyable. Find a guidebook that interests you, then click compare prices to see the best prices on the web for each guide.

1) Lonely Planet the Netherlands
This 320-page guide provides detailed information on cycling through the country, accommodation options from trekkershutten to five-star hotels, and entertainment. It also contains a special section on windmills and 45 maps.

2) Dk Eyewitness Travel Guides Holland
This 480-page guide to Holland contains beautiful illustrations, maps, and an 8-page pull-out on the canals of Amsterdam.

3) Fodor's Amsterdam and the Netherlands
The Fodor's guide flags must-see sights, suggests itineraries, and has hotel and restaurant reviews for all budgets.

Rome and the Vatican
Angels and Demons Top Sites
Ok, so the DVD of Angels and Demons has been released. Here are where the scenes are supposed to have taken place. Have you visited them all?
Feeling Under the Weather?
Evaluating Your Cold Symptoms
How to tell when a runny nose is just a cold, and when it might be turning into something more serious and require a visit to the doctor. More>

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