

Manage your family's health -- from eyesight to digestive care

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Name: Indiana
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MyPoints Everyday Health Newsletter

Bringing you the most credible and relevant health information.

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We are partnering with the Everyday Health Network to help you manage your family's health. Here are some recent news items we wanted to be sure you heard about:
  The Eyes

How the Eye Works:

The eye is often compared to a camera, but in truth, the organ of sight is far more complex and efficient. Not only does the eye focus and snap pictures, but it also works continuously with the brain and nervous system to process ever-changing images and provide you with the visual information you need for doing everything from hitting a golf ball to preparing your taxes. Read more.
  Women's Health

Starting a Workout Routine:

You know all about the benefits of exercise — it can protect your body from illness and injury and help promote emotional health. But if you've never exercised regularly before, don't just jump right in; you could hurt yourself that way. Three types of exercise should be included in your weekly routine. Read more.

The Gut-Brain Connection:

Does the thought of speaking in public tie your stomach in a knot? Do you need to rush to the bathroom before a job interview? There's a perfectly valid reason behind these physical responses to emotional stress. Like the brain, the gut is highly sensitive and full of nerves, so when a stressful or emotional event occurs, it has a profound effect on the digestive system. Read more.
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