

[SPBG] - what it's all about right here.

Hey, it's Griff again with more from Beginning Blues Guitar

This is it, this is why we've practiced all those licks and chords for the last several days.

Let's go back and look at The Sitting Easy Blues with all the pieces under your belt.

I won't get into a big speech here, this should be a lot of fun. If you've done everything so far, you're ready for it. It will be a little overwhelming at first, but just take it piece by piece as I demonstrate it in the video.

You CAN do this, I have yet to see someone fail who really tried.

And when you get it down, I want to hear about it. Let me know how it's going in the comments section or shoot me an email.

This is just the first of many tunes like this that you can learn in my Beginning Blues Guitar DVD course. If you like it, and want some more of it, point your browser to -

Good luck, I'll check it again tomorrow and see how it's going.



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GHB Productions 387 Magnolia Ave., Ste 103-412 Corona, CA 92879 (866) 531-4741

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