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Gimbal-mounted kid's snack bowl


This product by Löopa is called the "gyro-bowl," in spite of the fact that, since it does not exploit conservation of angular momentum, there's really nothing "gyroscopic" about it. I haven't purchased, used, been given, been paid to endorse, or otherwise had any first-hand experience of this product, but the idea is certainly clever.

[Thanks, Billy Baque!]

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Tonight 10pm ET – "Ask an Engineer" – Another Make: Electronics night and more!

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I'll be helping out Ladyada with another night of "Ask an engineer" - the weekly LIVE video show about electronics and more in NYC - stop by if you're around! She'll be going over some more chapters in the Make: Electronics book!

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Small-space workbench


Make: Online reader Conor wrote in with a pic of his small, small workshop -- on top of an old traveler's trunk, underneath his loft bed in a 8x8' room! Kind of reminds me of Adam Wolf's closet workshop except with more Mexican candles. And what's that he's working on? An electric guitar slash bullhorn? The neighbors'll like that.

Readers, anyone else have a nifty solution for a space-deprived maker?

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Two feet of snow


Apparently, New York received two feet of snow during their latest storm. We were hit a little harder here in Pittsburgh, receiving just a nose more.

Puns aside, this is a pretty funny snow sculpture. My favorite for the season has been the fire-breathing snowman, but I have been too occupied with getting the stuff out of my way to take advantage of it as a building material. Have you built anything fun out of snow this year? [via neatorama]

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Hello, this is me speaking - Roger Ebert

This is amazing, on Tuesday Roger Ebert will be using his own voice (made from old recordings) while on the Oprah show.

After I lost my speaking voice, everybody thought they had this brilliant idea. "Hey! Why don't you just take your voice from your old shows and put it on a computer?" Sounded good to me. I kept getting suggestions: "I know this guy who says it would be easy." Either there wasn't a guy or he didn't think it would be easy. In the meantime, I was using off-the-shelf computer voices on my laptop. My wife Chaz loved a voice named Lawrence, who had a British accent and sounded like a slightly crabby headmaster. Then I found a new Mac voice named Alex, who sounded like he knew when a sentence had ended. 

One day I was moseying around the Web and found the name of a company in Edinburgh named CereProc. They claimed they could build voices for specific customers. They had demos of the voices of George W. Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger. (I amused myself by having them argue with each other.) In August 2009, I sent an e-mail to Scotland and heard back from Paul Welham, the president of CereProc, and Graham Leary, one of their programming geniuses.

They said they needed good quality audio to work with. Hey, no problem. I'd been doing movie reviews on television since 1975 and had hours and hours of old programs. But it wasn't that simple. They listened to the old shows, and discovered (1) somebody else was always interrupting me, (2) I sounded all worked up a lot of the time, and (3) you could kinda hear the soundtracks of movies playing in the background.

....had an idea. Before I lost my voice due to cancer-related surgery, I'd recorded commentary tracks for some movies on DVD: "Citizen Kane," "Casablanca," "Floating Weeds," "Dark City" and, ah, "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls." These tracks had been recorded separately from the movies, so they could be edited to fit scenes. They might be "pure" audio. I asked two friends of mine, Ronnie Sass of Warner Bros. and Kim Hendrickson of the Criterion Collection, if they still had the original digital recordings. They rummaged in warehouses and found they did. So did New Line and 20th Century-Fox, studios for which I'd also recorded commentary tracks.

This began a back-and-forth process with CereProc, which had to transcribe every recording with perfect accuracy so they could locate every word. The "normal person" may use 5,000 words, not all of them on the same day. A college professor may use 15,000. Shakespeare used more than 25,000, but he was making up a lot of them as he went along.

Anyway, CereProc didn't need to hear me speaking a specific word in order for my "voice" to say it. They needed lots of words to determine the general idea of how I might say a word. They transcribed and programmed and tweaked and fiddled, and early this February, sent me the files for a beta version of my voice. I played it for Chaz, and she said, yes, she could tell it was me. For one thing it knew exactly how I said "I."

This was the voice I used in predicting the Oscar winners when Chaz and I taped a segment Friday of "The Oprah Winfrey Show." When it was just me talking with Oprah, I used Alex. That show will air on Tuesday, so you can hear for yourself. Yes, "Roger Jr." needs to be smoother in tone and steadier in pacing, but the little rascal is good. To hear him coming from my own computer made me ridiculously happy.

You can check out the CereVoice demos here.

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Maker haiku art print


If you haven't heard of 20x200, they're site that sells art prints in editions of 200 for 20 bucks each. One of their latest ones (oddly priced at $50 each with 500 printed... they should launch a sister site!) looks awesome and has a fun maker twist, created by Clifton Burt.

In April of 2007, John Maeda quietly posted a haiku he had written to his blog. It was entitled think-make-think, and to me it fulfilled the potential of Maeda's simplicity. Over the next few months, that haiku often found its way to the forefront of my mind. When our studio acquired the remnants of a discarded arrow sign, it was clear to me that think-make-think was a perfect fit, both in form and function.

Buy the print on 20x200.

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Bliptronic + Arduino = Monome compatible


After some investigative hacking, Wil Lindsay added Monome functionality to a low cost Bliptronic 5000 melody generator using an Arduino + Arduinome source code. If the devices mentioned in the previous sentences leave you a tad confused, suffice it to say - the above-demonstrated hack adds nicey-nice versatile functionality to a $50 grid of LED buttons. For more info on how it's done, check out the Arduino sketch and relevant hardware hookup infos @ Stray Technologies. [via Matrixsynth]

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