

Appraisal Cards from Signature Canvas

Signature Canvas. Custom-Made. Premium Quality. Competitively Priced. []

"Ask Not What Your Art
Can Do For You -
Ask What You Can Do
For Your Art"
Set yourself apart from hobby artists.
Each high quality artist canvas and panel purchased from Signature Canvas includes
a free Artwork Appraisal Card to ensure that your artwork will be properly identified
and valued in the correct market. Keep in mind, if an appraiser cannot identify
the artist the painting is valued in the decorative market (this market includes
anonymous works sold by decorators, commercial artwork and paintings by unknown
hobbyists.) Set yourself and your artwork apart from the crowd!
Artwork Appraisal Cards -
Another quality innovation from Signature Canvas
Cinco de Mayo Especial! []
Offers expireMay 11, 2010
Especial Numero Uno - $137.00
12x48x1.5 - 5 canvases
Triple-primed quality artist canvas
Gallery wrapped and spline fastening
(normal price $164.80)
Click our special offers page []
Especial Numero Dos - $206.00
24x36x1.5 - 6 canvases
Triple-primed quality artist canvas
Gallery wrapped and spline fastening
(normal price $236.10)
Especial Numero Tres - $249.50
24x48x1.5 - 6 canvases
Triple-primed quality artist canvas
Gallery wrapped and spline fastening
(normal price $300.30)
Great offers on canvas and panels []
Especial Numero Cuatro - $289.95
(limited quantities available)
4 Large Panels - 24x30 Panel on 1/2" Gatorboard
With Claessens #12 - oil primed Smooth linen
(introductory offer - regular price will be $337.00)
Especial Numero Cinco - $408
(limited quantities available)
4 Large Panels - 30x40 on 1/2" Gatorboard
With Claessens #13DP - double oil primed Portrait Smooth linen
(normal price $480.00)
Shop our site []
Experience the difference in quality with products from
Signature Canvas!

Reintroducing quality to the art world one canvas at a time.
Visit our Factory Store -
10324 W 79th Street
Shawnee, KS 66214

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Signature Canvas | 2711 Warwick Trafficway | Kansas City | MO | 64108

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