

Will You Pay for BP's Disaster?

Food & Water Watch: Advocating for our right to safe, affordable, healthy food and water.

Do You Want to Pick up the Tab for BP's Spill?
Make BP and Polluters Pay for the Harm They Cause

Dear Indiana,

We Shouldn't Have to Pay for BP's Damage!

Take Action to make sure BP pays for all of the damage its oil spill is causing!

Fishermen's boats are docked, seafood prices are skyrocketing, oil is washing up on the shore and BP is still working to cap what's becoming the worst oil spill in U.S. history. We may not know the full impact of BP's disaster in the Gulf for a long time to come, but one thing is clear, this is BP's fault and it should pay for the harm they're causing. Can you take action to make sure the $75 million cap is lifted, and that BP will have to pay for all of the harm it has caused?

Deepwater oil drilling is extremely dangerous, and as we've seen with the Atlantis platform, the safety oversight from the federal government has been lax. While we continue to call for the Atlantis platform to be shut down until it can be proven safe, we need to make sure that BP takes full responsibility for the human, economic and environmental damage it causes. 

There is currently a $75 million cap on how much an oil company has to pay in the event of a disaster. Unfortunately, the fishing communities, restaurant owners, tourism industry and other individuals affected by this current disaster have lost more than this much already and will lose more in the days, months and years to come. We need the Senate to pass strong legislation that will lift this cap, and make sure BP is responsible for all of the damage it causes.

Take action to lift the cap and make BP and other polluters pay for this and future man made disasters:

Thanks for taking action,

Sarah Alexander
Outreach Director
Food & Water Watch

Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.

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