

Developer Shed Weekly News for 2010-10-01

October 2nd, 2010

Welcome back to yet another spectacular episode of the Developer Shed Weekly Newsletter. Down here in the Florida offices were assaulted by our first named storm this year, but like those faithful mail people, not hail, sleet, rain, or hurricanes can keep us from delivering you the goods. So read on faithful reader, and discover what we have in store for you this week...

DevShed will make you oo and ah this week, with a great series on Ajax and the Google API. If you are a serious developer that wants to keep on the cutting edge, you won't want to miss this series.

Over at ASPFree you will be sure to gasp in delight at our stunning offerings: A piece about Silverlight and a tutorial covering website templates in ASP .Net.

Meanwhile at DevArticles, we continued our two series on CSS with Turbine and Styling HTML lists with CSS. Be sure to remain seated throughout the reading process to ensure your complete safety.

Flipping the page to DevHardware, we featured some new reviews and showcased some articles on the newest Madden game.

All my SEO peeps were given a rare treat: two pieces on Baidu Optimization. If you are wanting to diversify your portfolio, you need look no further. We also discussed the Google YouTube lawsuit in great detail.

Last but not least, Web Hosters, Codewalkers, and Dev Mechanic offered up their own articles, while Scripts and Tutorialized featured the great content from our readers that you've come to expect.

As always, thanks for reading. Until next week,

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Code is just about everywhere you look. So are the challenges of bringing your ideas to life.
Fortunately, Visual Studio 2010 simplifies the entire development life cycle, from design to deployment.
Learn more today.

It's edgy! It's irreverent! It's all about technology! It's News You Can't Use,
and you won't want to miss it! View this week's edition to learn the answers to these burning questions:

  • Keith Introduces us to some of Tech News' best clips! No, that does not mean you will just be seeing credits.

    Watch the video!

Google's Closure Compiler Service API: Talking to the API via a PHP Class

In this second part of the series, I develop a concrete PHP class derived from the abstract parent defined in the previous tutorial. This new class implements some refined methods that permit you to interact "face-to-face" with Google's Closure Compiler Service API in a pretty straightforward fashion.
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Google's Closure Compiler Service API: Fundamentals

Looking for a fast way to optimize your JavaScript files, but do not want to give up total control? Google offers Closure Compiler, which makes use of an intuitive REST API and several other features to get you exactly the optimization you need for your JavaScript.
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Installing Google Web Toolkit

The Google Web toolkit is a useful open source toolkit that can be used by web developers for developing complex JavaScript applications/AJAX in Java. This article will show you how to get started using it.
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Oracle Database XE Administration

If you're looking for an overview of the Oracle database architecture, keep reading. This article series focuses on what you need to know to use the Oracle Database XE home page.
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Silverlight News: SRS and Microsoft to Bring 5.1 Surround Sound

In the hope of offering online video viewers a more exciting experience, Microsoft and SRS Labs are teaming up to provide developers with a new toolkit that will let them add full SRS 5.1 Surround Sound to their creations. Keep reading for the full details.
Read the full article.

Master Pages: Structuring an ASP .NET 3.5 Website Template

Welcome to the third part of multi-part series on using master pages to build a website template with ASP .NET 3.5. We have made some progress on the template in the first two parts, but we still have a lot of ground to cover, such as adding a background, borders, footer text and more. Keep reading to see how we'll get this template closer to website-ready.
Read the full article.


CSS with Turbine: Introducing the Copy Statement

In this seventh part of the series, you'll learn yet another method offered by Turbine for copying properties from one CSS selector to another. The method relies on the functionality provided by the copy statement, which is a breeze to use. 
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CSS with Turbine: Single and Multiple Inheritance

In this sixth part of a series, you will learn how to work with single and multiple Inheritance by using Turbine�s extends keyword. This is a fairly straightforward process. If you already have a background in using an object-oriented programming language, you�ll find this feature a breeze to master. 
Read the full article.
CSS with Turbine: Using Constants and Aliases

In this fifth part of the series, I develop a couple of basic examples that demonstrate how to use CSS constants and aliases in files parsed by Turbine. If you�ve ever worked with a dynamic programming language like PHP or Python, the examples should be pretty easy for you to follow. 
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Desktop review: Asus Essentio CM5671-05 and the Dell Inspiron i560-2050NBK

Today we will review two desktop computers designed for everyday computing, the Asus Essentio CM5671-05 and the Dell Inspiron i560-2050NBK. While neither one of them offer cutting-edge performance, which one offers more bang for your buck might surprise you.
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Review of Madden NFL 11

Summer has passed and it is now the best time of the year for many sports fans. This is especially true for fans of professional football. Now that the NFL season has kicked into full gear, many football fans can plop on their couches and enjoy full Sundays and Monday nights of hard hitting action. What about those other days? Well, with the release of Madden NFL 11 for the PS3, you can fill all your days with football fun.
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Cell phone review: Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

The Xperia X10 from Sony Ericsson is an Android phone for AT&T subscribers. It boasts a solid feature set, solid design, and a touch-screen that should be hard for many to pass up. The X10 can be yours for $149.99 with a two-year contract from AT&T.
Read the full article.
iPad Accessory Review: PadGear Folio and the WaterGuard Waterproof Case

Continuing with the TrendyDigital accessory theme from the past, here are two more offerings from the manufacturer that can protect your iPad. Between the PadGear Folio Case and the WaterGuard Waterproof Case, you have two new items that can keep the iPad safe not only from bumps and bruises, but also harmful environmental elements.
Read the full article.
Google Not Guilty in YouTube Case

Earlier this week, Google was cleared of any wrongdoing in a copyright infringement case brought against YouTube by Telecinco, a Spanish broadcaster. Google owns the popular video sharing website, which was accused of harboring copyrighted content. Telecinco filed the lawsuit claiming that YouTube should be responsible for the content that is uploaded to the site, but that claim was rejected by a federal court in Madrid, Spain.
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Baidu Search Engine Optimization Guide: A Second Look

In this second of two articles on Baidu search engine optimization, you will learn about the following important items: website analytics data; website trust and the importance of link popularity; Baidu search engine penalty factors and how to recover from a penalty; and some frequently asked questions regarding Baidu search engine optimization.
Read the full article.
Baidu Search Engine Optimization Guide

Thinking about doing business in China? Then you'd better start thinking about optimizing for Baidu. This China-based search engine is as dominant in that country as Google is in the US, and its ambitions stretch beyond its country's borders. You can not approach SEO in the same way for Baidu that you do for Google, however, as this two-part article series reveals.
Read the full article.
Zero Day Tracker Launches to Provide Comprehensive Updates on Vulnerabilities

Do you trust your software provider to reveal and remedy vulnerabilities in their software quickly? Do they do it quickly enough for you? Would you appreciate a service independent of your vendor that lets you find zero day vulnerabilities more quickly? Keep reading to learn Eeye Digital Security's response to this problem.
Read the full article.
Six Reasons Your Business Site Needs a Blog

If you are trying to make your business website more visible on the search engine results pages, you should give serious consideration to creating a blog. If you already have a blog, you should put real effort into maintaining it. Facebook, Twitter, and other social media may be getting the marketing attention now, but few things can do as much for your site as a blog.
Read the full article.
From Databases to Datatypes

Handling database objects is an important aspect of using and administering Oracle Database XE. This seven-part article series covers what you need to know, starting with tablespaces and continuing through the basic Oracle datatypes, after which you will learn how to create tables with these datatypes.
Read the full article.

Tutorialized is dedicated to programming, designing, and many other
tech related tutorials.

Intro to Creating Action Script 3.0 buttons
Creating buttons with AS3 in Flash.
Read the tutorial.

Basic Drag and Drop in Flash 8
How to create basic drag and drop with Flash 8.
Read the tutorial.

Blend Techniques With Layer Mask
Learn blending techniques by using this layer mask. Read the tutorial.

Grails Services and Google Maps
A guide to using them. Easy tutorial and simple to read. Read the tutorial.

Flash Zoom In and Zoom Out
A Flash zoom in and zoom out application with Actionscript 2.0.
Read the tutorial.

Google AdSense Split Testing
Guide to maximizing your revenue with a small PHP script.
Read the tutorial.


Scripts is dedicated to developer and programming related scripts both commercial and free, and for all OS platforms.

h2desk Help Desk Software
h2desk is the powerful way to provide online support to your customers. Create, manage, and overlook unlimited staff and more.
Learn more.

PHP Store Pixel Ads
PHP Store Pixel Ads comes with advanced settings including the ability to use interlaced images, and much, much more. Learn more.

Framework for WEB Development
You will be able to develop easily and really fast grids, reports, graphics, filters, forms, and more.
Learn more.

Inventory Bookkeeping
Billing accounting software generate various accounting reports including final report, stock reports, sales reports, and others. Learn more.

Time Tracking
TimeTracking is a web based time tracking application. It allows you and your team to enter time spend on different task while working.
Learn more.

Remote PC Monitoring Software
Network asset database administration freeware utility generates software auditing and management reports. Learn more.

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