

Dog Talk: Introducing Dogs & Cats

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Dog Talk: Introducing Dogs & Cats

Matthew 'Uncle Matty' Margolis

How many times have you seen a heartwarming photo of a sweet looking dog and a contented cat curled up next to each other in perfect harmony? It starts you thinking. If you have a cat, why not get a dog? If a dog lives in your home, why not get a kitty? Or maybe the neighbors have a cat and dog that get along and this example is an inspiration.

But, have you really thought this one through? Should you bring a puppy home if you have an older cat? Can you adopt an older dog if you have a resident cat? Will a kitten be safe with your pooch? How on earth will you introduce them? If you think you'll just put them together and hope for the best, you will probably see the fur fly. If you enjoy stress, this is one way to experience it.

I'm not trying to discourage you from having a two-species household. Not at all. I do hope, however, that you will avoid impulsively taking home a dog for your cat, or vice versa, until you have a plan that makes integration safe and pleasant for both animals and for the members of your family. Yes, some dogs and cats just take naturally to the other species, but it is rare indeed without your help.

If you have a dog, know that he is naturally territorial and has predator instincts. His own unique temperament will help you determine what he is likely to do if you bring a cat into the family. It is out of the question to add a cat if your dog is aggressive toward other animals or known to chase cats or has ever tried to kill a cat. And above all, if you are adding a cat to a dog household, make sure you can control the dog, and that means your dog should be well trained.

On the other hand, a loving, calm resident cat can become highly territorial and downright antisocial if you bring a dog into the house. It works both ways.

It is easier to introduce a kitten to an older dog than a puppy to an older cat. But in either case, protecting the little one and allowing your resident pet to be curious without feeling threatened, is your responsibility. Use a large wire crate with toys for the puppy or kitten. Then it's up to you to chaperone the introduction and the period of adjustment that can last as long as a month or two.

If you are adding a kitten, put your dog on a leash and take him into the room where the wire crate with the kitten is located. Put him in a Down/Stay position away from the crate, and let the two look at each other. Do this several times a day for a few days before you allow your dog to be off the leash near the crate. Praise your dog when he stays put. Don't leave your kitten locked in a wire crate 24/7. Just make sure that your dog is in another area of the house when kitty is outside the crate.

Instinct should tell you when it is safe to bring them closer together. Have another person hold the kitten, and have your dog on a leash.

If you are bringing in a puppy, do the same thing -- allow the cat to get used to the crated puppy before introducing them in the open.

Introducing an older dog and an older cat requires a lot more patience. If you are bringing a dog into your cat's home, get the dog's history. Was he raised around cats? This is a big plus. He cannot be aggressive. It will also be easier if the older cat comes from a home with dogs. Just know that common sense and patience are definitely required.

Also realize that in the off chance it doesn't work out, you will need to find another home for the newcomer that is safe and loving. That should also be part of your plan.



Dog trainer Matthew "Uncle Matty" Margolis is co-author of 18 books about dogs, a behaviorist, a popular radio and television guest, and host of the PBS series "WOOF! It's a Dog's Life!" Read all of Uncle Matty's columns at the Creators Syndicate website at, and visit him at Send your questions to or by mail to Uncle Matty at P.O. Box 3300, Diamond Springs, CA 95619.

Copyright 2006 Creators Syndicate Inc.

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