

FW: Will you capture it, or let it slip? (last 90 days)

Hey Indiana, so two days have passed ... I know it's
the weekend, but seriously ...  make that 88 days
left now.  Time to motor! (see below)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:     Mark Joyner (MJ on Marketing)
Date: Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 5:12 PM
Subject: Will you capture it, or let it slip?  (last 90 days)

Hey Indiana,

I don't know about you, but every time I hear the
song "Lose Yourself" by Eminem it totally fires me

Whenever I have a deadline, I'll use that song to
fire myself up, and it works miracles every time.

If I don't have a deadline, I'll *impose* one on

That's what I'm doing today ... There are 90 days
left in 2010.

That's right - the year is almost OVER.

Folks, hear me now:  it's time to get off your tuckus,
and do something!

While everyone else is "winding down" and using the
impending holidays as an excuse for sloth-dom, you
can now sneakily blow them away with a flood of
intense action.

Imagine the look on your competition's face when
they see that while they've been stuffing their face
and watching the tube - you've been on a campaign of

I'm a peaceful guy, but in the field of commerce ...
it's "game on" baby!  (In fact, competition in
commerce probably prevents wars.  Anyway, that's
another story.)

And, to help you get your game face on, I've put
together all of the tools you need:

Click Here <---

So, what's it gonna be Indiana?

Or as Eminem said:

"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it? Or just let it slip?"


Mark Joyner
MJ on Marketing


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