

“Thought Crimes” adventure - "The Power of Conversational Hypnosis"

Mind Control 101 Newsletter
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Greetings Indiana

Do you want the power to put people quickly and easily under
your spell?

With just a few specially chosen words? Is that a
loud "YES!" I hear?

Well there is a new course that will shock and delight you

"The Power of Conversational Hypnosis"

And it will finally give you the little known skill of
driving people into deep hypnotic states during NORMAL

It's by Igor Ledochowski, a maverick genius of a hypnotist
and the undisputed master of conversational hypnosis.

And that's not all, he's also an expert trainer, so his
course is effortlessly easy for anybody to understand and use.

In fact just look at what this dating guru says about
Igor, "Igor Ledochowski is a world-class hypnotist, coach,
and NLP trainer.

"He has greatly helped my company using cutting-edge models
of language and behavior to take our live programs to the
next level."

- Nick Kho
President of Real Social Dynamics
Los Angeles, California, USA

When the premier "seduction school" CEO gives a hypnotist
this kind of praise you sit up and take notice!

That's because this school takes shy 'geeks' into nightclubs
and instantly turns them into the life of the party that
everyone wants to hang out with.


By sharing with them the same secrets and strategies of
conversational hypnosis Igor helped train them in.

The exact same hypnotic persuasion techniques that are
waiting for you now in his one-of-a-kind course...

So the question is...

Are you interested in having immense personal power to
control your own destiny?

Or perhaps you just want to persuade people to do as you say?

Or maybe you want the ability to help people overcome their

Whatever motivates you, you'll want the tools Igor can give
you right now to make your dreams come true.

There's one thing you should know.

In my opinion Igor's course is much more valuable than the
pittance he's asking for his 16+ Hours of amazing hypnotic know-

Not to mention the fact the entire course has been
transcribed at huge expense for you as well.

In fact I'll be shocked if the price isn't jacked up really
soon, so I recommend you
head over and check it out now while you can here :-

I'd hate for you to miss out on such a bargain.

That's all the hypnosis news for today,Sincerely,

Dantalion Jones

PS, I've got a HUGE list of Mind Control Books for you to pick
from too at

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