

Can Your Center Keep Up with the Changes?

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Can Your Center Keep
Up with the Changes?


Manage the Avalanche of Complexity and Still Control Costs

The biggest challenge facing today's contact centers is that they do their jobs too well. Contact centers are mostly narrowly purposed business units that are phenomenally efficient at fine-tuning the balance between quick response and cost-control for voice calls. So what's the challenge there? The challenge is that this comfortable state of affairs is about to end-forever. And most centers are unprepared for what is already starting to happen to them. Today's contact centers are beginning to wrestle with some of the most wrenching changes in how service is delivered that have occurred in decades. Facing pressure from different directions, managers have to be agile in a way that they've never had to be agile before. This white paper explores some of those challenges and provides insights on how contact centers can be more proactive to remain fleet of foot in the competitive race.

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