

[Crime Scene] What the next-door neighbor saw

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Greetings ,

Arthur Beck, victim's neighbor

Several witnesses have mentioned Kimberly Pace's neighbor Arthur Beck, and in this update we have a video and transcript of our interview with him so you can see for yourselves what he had to say about his neighbor and their history.

We asked him if he could tell us anything about Kimberly's relationship with her estranged boyfriend, Paul Evans.

Arthur Beck: Well, I guess they had their differences, but [Beck's wife] Frannie said that was just differences between young folks so... they always seemed to patch it up.

We also asked Mr. Beck about the last time he saw Kimberly.

Detective Murphy: Did you have a conversation with her then?

Arthur Beck: I sure did. Caught her in the front yard and told her the dog had been in my yard again. Asked her to get control of it once and for all.

Detective Murphy: And how did she respond?

Arthur Beck: She said something rude and slammed the door. That was the last time I ever saw her.

This update also includes the Daily Mississippian column that caused such a stir on campus and Kimberly Pace's response to it, the evidence inventory from the crime scene, and a map showing places of interest to the investigation.

Coming on Thursday, we talk to Kimberly's estranged boyfriend. We also located the kid that several neighborhood witnesses mentioned was riding his bike on the day the body was found, and we'll hear from him. Look for that information and more in the next update.

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Det. Murphy

Kimberly Pace Investigation

Case documents:

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