



The Worst Campaign Songs Ever

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 01:09 AM PDT

We’ve all heard our share of songs being used in terribly inappropriate manners, but sometimes the worst violations are those involving political campaign soundtracks. Mental Floss has a collection of some of the most memorable, most of which are really bad.

Can you imagine Saddam Hussein campaigning to Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love you?” Now that’s just plain weird.


An Imperial Walker In Chicago

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 01:05 AM PDT

Have you ever wondered what the world of Star Wars would look like if it emerged in our own culture? Tony Bamber has you covered with this great image of an AT-AT cruising the streets of Chicago. Personally, I’d rather ride in one of those than a bus.

Link Via Geeks Are Sexy

Dentists Say "Let Kids Gorge On Candy"

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 01:01 AM PDT

When it comes to parents on Halloween, there are those that let the kids gorge, those that parcel the candy out, and the parents who steal most of their kid’s candy. If you’re wondering which one dentists suggest, you might be surprised. They suggest it’s better to let the kids go crazy on Halloween night and then cut back their candy consumption rather than letting them eat a couple pieces every day after Halloween. Dentists warn:

Slowly snacking on Halloween candy every few hours, day after day, keeps your teeth bathed in enamel-corroding acid, the byproduct of bacteria feeding on sugar and other carbohydrates in your mouth. This leads to dental caries, or cavities.

So I guess even if you’re a candy stealer, it’s still better to steal it all in one night than stretch your thievery out.

Link Via The Mary Sue

Zombie Iron Man Is Falling Apart

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 12:54 AM PDT

Zombie Iron Man showed up at the Paris Zombie Walk 2011 looking like a billion bucks. I’m surprised he wasn’t at Occupy Wall Street supporting the 1% by eating protestor’s brains! Wouldn’t it be hilarious if this caught on as a Halloween costume?


Turtle Eating Pumpkin Pie

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 12:54 AM PDT

(Video Link)

If you still aren’t convinced that turtles are utterly adorable, then just look at this precious little guy working so hard for a few bites of delicious pumpkin pie. Is anyone else getting hungry?

Via BuzzFeed

6 Horrifying Things Discovered By New Homeowners

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 12:46 AM PDT

Buying a new home is a big commitment and for first-time buyers especially, it can be a little terrifying. Imagine just how horrific it would be then to discover your home ended up being home to thousands of snakes or the mummified body of the last homeowner. Read about these terrible discoveries and more over at Cracked.


A Gallery Of Super Spooky Artworks

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 12:37 AM PDT

The folks over at ComicsAlliance put together this spooky gallery of artworks featuring various monsters, creatures, and things that go bump in the night as envisioned by some of the world’s finest comic book and animation illustrators. Happy Halloween!


Animation Rendered On Fogged Glass

Posted: 31 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT

Evelyn Evelyn “Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn” Music Video from Amanda Palmer on Vimeo.

This cute animation has an old-time cartoon look which works really well with the song “Have You Seen My Sister Evelyn?”, by Evelyn and Evelyn, for which it was created. If you’re curious about how they managed to animate on fogged glass, then hit the link and read on!

Metroid Cosplay At It's Finest

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 11:40 PM PDT

This costume will have people rubbing their eyes to make sure they didn’t imagine seeing the full scale sprite of Samus from the Nintendo game Metroid walking by.

Dan Cattell created these Metroid inspired sprite costumes, and Nintendo liked them so much they featured them in Nintendo Power magazine. Hit the link and see how cool Samus and a Chozo Statue look when they’re about to battle it out!

Link –Dan Cattell’s DeviantArt page

Goofy Anime Adaptation Of Tomb Of Dracula

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 11:32 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

Fans of the Marvel Comic series Tomb of Dracula were less than enthusiastic about this goofy anime version of their favorite comic when it came out in 1980.

Part 1 in a nutshell: Dracula takes off with Satan’s girlfriend in an effort to keep Satan from getting it on. All six parts of this amazingly silly adaptation are on YouTube, watch them and see if it’s anything like the silver age comic book series you remember.

–via ComicsAlliance

Awful Retro Halloween Costumes

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 11:29 PM PDT

I remember seeing stacks of these awful things on the shelves when I was a youngster, and hearing parents say things like “look for the ones that say non-flammable” and “well, at least you can use the mask”, as their kids stifled tears over their terribly disappointing selection of flimsy plastic costumes.

Browse through this gallery of awfulness and see just how good kids have it these days when it comes to Halloween costumes.


Should Junk Food Be "Fat Taxed"?

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 10:19 PM PDT

The skinny:

Everyone knows junk food–especially fast food–is bad for you. In recent years, restaurants and food manufacturers have been required to list nutritional information in more obvious and realistic ways (including labels for trans fat content and more conspicuous serving size info), but some say that public health regulations should go further, by imposing a “fat tax” on junk food.

The idea was first presented in 1942, by a physiologist who suggested individuals be tax per pound they were overweight. The idea has moved from individuals to groups of food, particularly those which have been shown to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease (such as non-diet soda and foods containing high levels of saturated or trans fat). Fat taxing has moved in and out of the news over the last half century, but recently Denmark recently instituted such a program to promote public health.

Tax all the fat

Supporters argue that “revenue from a 'fat tax' could be used in various ways, such as financing subsidies for healthy foods or exercise equipment, funding advertising campaigns for healthy eating or in schools. Alternatively, it could form part of general government receipts. Backers also say the move would create “a potential $50 billion windfall,” and that the revenue “could help offset the estimated $147 billion cost of treating obesity-related diseases and fund programs to battle the expanding girths of Americans.”

Keep the government out of it

But opponents say it’s at the expense of low-income families. With the cost of food essentially “upside-down” in the US, with healthy foods costing more than fast or junk foods, and since “the poor spend a greater proportion of their income on food,” taxing what are now cheap and readily available foods could be a regressive move that limits the funds and available food for those already struggling to keep something on the table. Michelle Obama, who heads up an anti-obesity campaign, has argued against the fat tax. “People eat what they eat because they think it’s OK. They don’t need government telling them what to do. They just need good information and access.”

What do you think, Neatoramanauts? Is a fat tax a good idea for the US?


ZombiKeys Key Covers

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 09:24 PM PDT

ZombiKeys Key Covers – $5.95

Are you having trouble telling which key is which? Ask a friendly zombie for help.  The ZombiKeys Key Covers from the NeatoShop includes 6 gruesomely adorable key caps shaped like zombie heads. These zombies are happy to lend a hand head to assist you with your labeling needs.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more Zombie fun!


Steampunk Mickey Ears

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 08:36 PM PDT

Behold the fantastic (punktastic?) Steampunk Mickey Ear, made by Christina Grey. Our pal Jen over at Epbot has got it, and I'm officially jealous: Link

Real Life Chia Pet

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 06:35 PM PDT

Boston Terrier Chia Pet Costume by David Kittle

Here's the best doggie Halloween costume ever: the Chia Pet (now, how many of you immediately thought of Ch-ch-ch-Chia!).

From Inhabitat:

Anyone who grew up in the 80s is sure to remember the jingle announcing everyone's favorite terracotta pet plant, so this Halloween why make your pooch the most popular pup around by outfitting it as a real live Chia Pet. This adorable eco-friendly costume was one of the top finalists in our 2010 Green Halloween Costume Contest, and you can make it yourself from organic materials and eco-friendly felt by following a simple set of instructions courtesy of The Flirty Blog.

Link | DIY Guide by Stacie Tamaki of The Flirty Blog

What's in the McRib Sandwich?

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 04:33 PM PDT

The McRib sandwich is back, and with it, the horde of cult-like fans of the McDonald's pork sandwich.

Despite its name, the McRib sandwich actually contains no rib meat. But what exactly is it made of?

The Week explains some of the 70 ingredients of the McRib (which you may want to skip if you're a fan of the sandwich):

How many ingredients are there?
At face value, the sandwich contains just pork, onions, and pickle slices slathered in barbecue sauce and laid out on a bun. But the truth is, there are roughly 70 ingredients. The bun alone contains 34, says TIME's Melnick. In addition to chemicals like ammonium sulfate and polysorbate 80, the most egregious may be azodicarbonamide — "a flour-bleaching agent most commonly used in the manufactur[ing] of foamed plastics like gym mats the and soles of shoes." According to McDonald's own ingredient list, the bun also includes calcium sulfate and ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides, among other chemicals.

Link (Photo: The Impulsive Buy/Flickr)


Posted: 30 Oct 2011 12:30 PM PDT

Dog/font lovers rejoice! Christine Hale of Dahg Blahg has created the 26 letters of Dogphabet (plus two punctuation marks) for your enjoyment: Link - via Everlasting Blort

Last Master of Martial Art Seeks Apprentice

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 12:01 PM PDT

Why don’t you apply? You’re not getting paid for that office clerk internship anyway.

Nidar Singh of Wolverhampton, UK, may be the last living master of the Sikh martial art shastar vidya, which means the “science of weapons”. He himself was taught by an octogenarian in Punjab who thought that he was the last serious practitioner. Singh remembered the first day of his training:

On his first day of training, the frail old man handed him a stick and instructed Mr Singh to hit him. When he tried, the master threw him around like a rag doll.

“He was a frail old man chucking me about and I couldn’t touch him,” he says. “That definitely impressed me.”

Link -via Geekosystem | Photo: Beyond Exposure Photography

Intact, Adult Deer Found inside Belly of a Snake

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 10:40 AM PDT

I lived in Florida for a few years. One thing that I didn’t like about the place was that it was simply dangerous to go hiking in much of the state, especially off-trail. Too many creatures there see humans as a food source, or at least a threat from which one didn’t have to flee. Spiders the size of your hand, water moccasins in tubing rivers, alligators in suburban ponds…I mean, there’s a good reason why the state bird is the mosquito. It represents what you’re up against.

Case in point: wildlife officials in the Everglades found a Burmese Python that had swallowed an adult-sized deer. The doe’s body caused the snake to swell to a 44-inch girth. No, it didn’t kill him. A shotgun blast did that.

Link -via Glenn Reynolds | Photo: South Florida Water Management District

I Was Told There Would Be No Math

Posted: 30 Oct 2011 09:50 AM PDT

The correct answer is “An African or a European swallow?” Or, for partial credit, “blue”.

Pencils down.

Link -via Blame It on the Voices

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