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Dale Dougherty and Alasdair Allan Talk Arduino/iPhone

Alasdair Allan, author of Learning iPhone Programming, Programming iPhone Sensors, and iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino (available along with the Redpark Breakout Pack for Arduino and iOS) sat down with MAKE’s Dale Dougherty to talk about getting iOS devices and Arduino talking to each other. (video link)

Dale and Alasdair are just two of your 300 peers you’ll run into at the upcoming Hardware Innovation Workshop, May 15-16, 2012—where MAKE magazine hosts an inspired conversation and curated tour of the unique culture, enabling technologies, and innovations of the maker movement.

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Prusa Twofer: Monogrammed 3D-printed Whistles + Getting Started w/RepRap Sample Chapter

Josef Prusa, designer of the Prusa Mendel, created a Python script to generate code for 3d-printed whistles with the initials of 150 conference attendees at INFOTRENDY. And to celebrate, he’s posted a sample chapter from his upcoming MAKE/O’Reilly book, Getting Started with RepRap:

Only thing I was waiting for, was right conference with not too wild number of visitors and actual list of visitors. Fortunately guys making INFOTRENDY conference in Bratislava wanted me to talk about RepRap. I had great time there, even met Adrian Bowyer there.

Conference had only 150 visitors and full list of them one week before. I freed some of my time from writing my Getting Started with RepRap book and coded small python script generating plates of whistles to print.

Well and it worked! I printed all 150 on my Prusa Mendel the day before I left for conference. Everyone was happy to get custom made gift and it was much easier to show them the versatility of 3D printing! No-one has to give out boring prints anymore!!

Video from SF Hardware Startup Meeting

This past Thursday, some of the MAKE team traveled down to San Francisco to attend a Bay area meetup for hardware startups. We continue to experiment with our streaming camera rig and we livestreamed the event. You can see an archive of that stream here. In the video, you get to see folks who have new hardware companies in motion, or on the drawing board, presenting to the crowd. I always find this sort of thing very inspiring.

Kudos to the amazing Nick Pinkston for putting this event together and to the Jellyfish Art for hosting. We’re hoping to do more of these streamed events and we encourage other groups to do the same (and let us know if you do and we’ll try to cover it here on MAKE). It’s great to be able to take a peek inside local maker communities and to share in some of the bright ideas we all have brewing.

And many thanks to members of the MAKE Team (Dale Dougherty, Sherry Huss, Brookelynn Morris, Nat Wilson-Heckathorn, Brian Jepson, and Shawn Wallace) for taking time out of their very busy schedules (cough: Maker Faire) to attend and cover this event.

BTW: Nick will be hosting these meetings every month, so if you’re interested in future events, sign up via their Meetup page.

Live Show [livestream] Thu Apr 26 2012

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Old Broken Guitar Given New Life as Speaker

Daniel McGregor of Germany shared with us how he took an old broken guitar and upcycled it into a speaker. The guitar was put to good use during its lifetime as an instrument and therefore bridge plate broke off because of wear and tear. Daniel got the idea to transform the guitar when he was throwing out an old boombox that was also broken. Check out a few more detailed shots of the build below. Nice hack, Daniel!

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