



Richard Branson to Explore the Center of the Earth

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 04:42 AM PDT

After filmmaker James Cameron set a depth record for exploring the Marianna Trench and Jeff Bezos found the engines from Apollo 11, entrepreneur Richard Branson felt a need to do something even more spectacular. The head of Virgin galactic is preparing to launch a journey to the center of the earth! The new company Virgin Volcanic, an offshoot of Virgin Galactic, has developed a vehicle called the VVS1.

Using patented carbon-carbon materials pioneered for deep space exploration, Virgin is proud to announce a revolutionary new vehicle, VVS1, which will be capable of plunging three people into the molten lava core of an active volcano.

In its first three years of operation, VVS1 will target the five most active volcanoes in the world: Etna, Stromboli, Yasur, Ambrym and Tinakula.

Sir Richard Branson will go on the first expedition along with Black Eyed Peas recording artist and science enthusiast and actor/producer Seth Green.

Virgin Volcanic hopes to launch the first expedition in 2015. This new technology may lead to a new method of transportation in which people will travel through the earth instead of around it. Link -via Arbroath

See also: More information.

13 Delicious Recipes Using Cadbury Eggs

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 11:58 PM PDT

Easter is just a hop, skip and diabetic coma away, which means it’s time to inhale as many Cadbury Eggs as you can before it’s too late!

These 13 recipes call for those most delicious of all candy eggs as their main recipe, so they should help you consume Cadbury Eggs in massive quantities just in the nick of time. My teeth are aching already!


Beware The Bath, Gentle Sloths

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 11:49 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

Sloths are in for it this time, and by it I mean trouble. By next year they will be subjugated and bathed for the amusement of the masses, their cuteness extracted like visual Prozac.

You shouldn’t have been so darn adorable, little sloths, your relentless need to be cute has brought you under the radar of those who feed on cuteness like vampires.

If you want to survive you’d better get a pair of Groucho glasses and a baseball cap on right away. Better yet, hang on the back of a stinky critter, like a warthog, or a big brute that can offer you protection, like a hippo, and you might be okay.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you, I can sense marketable cuteness a mile away and you guys have that “it” factor. Better watch your backs, little guys, because the bathers are coming.

Dan Bull Raps About Why He Hates DLC

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 10:48 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

British rapper Dan Bull lays a rather eloquent smack down on the shady video game sub-industry known as DLC (downloadable content). Then guest star Francis (of YouTube fame) shows up and emphasizes how much they both hate DLC with some carefully chosen expletives. Well played, gentlemen, well played.

(NSFW due to coarse language)

–via Kotaku

Catch The Party Cab For The Ride Of Your Life

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 10:29 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

His name is Taxi Dave, he drives the Party Cab between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m., and he’s a one man mobile paaar-tay in Sacramento, CA!

Watch him strut and sway his way across the parking lot, performing the Taxi Dave Dance in order to attract new customers. Party Cab is in the house tonight indeed!

–via Videogum

Existential Crisis & Dragons

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 10:07 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

Dungeons and Dragons has never seemed so mundane! When all of the player characters are cast as office drones things get a little too real, like real life and reality real. Roll a d20 to avoid having an existential crisis of your own while watching this video.

(NSFW due to coarse language)

–via Geeks Are Sexy

How Darth Vader Ended Up On The Washington National Cathedral

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 09:52 PM PDT

It seems a bit odd that a sculpture of Darth Vader’s helmet would reside atop the Washington National Cathedral, but quirky little juxtapositions like this one make the world a fun and colorful place.

Here’s how Darth found his way on to the Cathedral:

In the 1980s the Cathedral, with National Geographic World magazine, sponsored a competition for children to design decorative sculpture for the Cathedral. The third-place winner was Christopher Rader of Kearney, Nebraska who submitted a drawing of this futuristic representation of evil. Darth Vader was placed on the northwest tower with the other winning designs: a raccoon, a girl with pigtails and braces and a man with large teeth and an umbrella.

I wonder how many pigeons stone Darth has killed with his psychic choke hold?


Live-Action Children’s Sci-Fi Shows From The 80s

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 08:50 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

There were a lot of quirky sci-fi themed TV shows that came out in the 80s, and many of them were really fun to watch!

From the custom built little robot girl in Small Wonder, to the action packed time traveling adventures in Voyagers, to the apocalyptic armored tales of Captain Power and the Soldiers of Fortune, these fun shows are just a fraction of the retro gems that made it on to the list of “forgotten 80s live-action children’s sci-fi series” over at Topless Robot.

So, whether you want to relive the 80s via sci-fi show intros, you’re a retro enthusiast looking to expand your mind, or you’re just bored and have about ten minutes to spare, check out the list and see if any of these shows are worthy of adding to your Netflix queue.

–via Topless Robot

NES Style Cover Art For Classic Hitchcock Films

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 08:28 PM PDT

These fun pixel art prints are by Joe Spiotto, and they put a fresh spin on classic Hitchcock films by making them over in a NES cover art style.

Personally, I think all of these movies would have made great NES games. Imagine running around a creepy old house and motel dodging Norman Bates and his mother, fighting your way through waves and waves of attacking birds, or trying to survive being mistaken for a secret agent, all while maintaining your composure for the sake of society. Sounds like a swingin’ good time to me!

For now, we’ll just have to settle for Joe’s vision of imaginary NES style cover art for these movies, imagining how great those games would have been.

Link  –via Super Punch

But Did She Blind Him With Science?

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 08:19 PM PDT

It can’t be said that they lack chemistry, that’s for sure.

While we’ve featured plenty of geeky weddings, I think this might be the first one based on science. And the theme penetrated every aspect of the wedding:

"They fell in love with the idea of the scientific geek wedding theme because of the incorporation of a lot of glass elements such as beakers, petri dishes, test tubes, eye droppers, which would all have very good light-catching elements," writes Wedding Chicks. "All of these scientific elements were sourced from laboratory supply houses so that they would be 100% authentic." When the guests arrived they were able to sign in at the Periodic Table of Elements!

What do you guys think? Geek chic or geek reek?

Link Via The Mary Sue

Pac-Man Ghost Bookshelves

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:54 PM PDT

Etsy seller LightYourselfUp made this adorable bookcase. It may not be practical for storing books, but we’re too busy playing video games to read them anyway.

Link -via Geek Crafts

Claude The Cookbook Companion

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:27 PM PDT

Claude The Cookbook Companion – $34.94 (sold separately)

Mother’s Day is right around the corner. Are you looking for the perfect gift for your gourmet loving Mom? You need Claude The Cookbook Companion from the NeatoShop. This little guy is a great kitchen helper. He can hold cookbooks, recipes, or an iPad. Use his little thumbs to stow rings while you are cooking.

Claude is available in black and white.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Mother’s Day ideas and Kitchen Stuff.


Oinking With Cuteness

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:11 PM PDT

(Video Link)

She’s oinky and she knows it. This little twelve day old piglet is still trying to get her footing down. Between her miniature size and precious little squeaks, she might just be the cutest pig on Earth.

The Hunger Games By Any Other Director

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 06:03 PM PDT

You know what the Hunger Games needs? More explosions, or maybe more romance-based comedic scenes. Whatever your favorite Genre, EW probably has a poster translating the young adult novel into a film you’re certain to enjoy. As a non-Michael Bay fan, I love their take on his take of the movie.

Link Via io9

This IS The Skirt You’re Looking For

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 04:57 PM PDT

I don’t know about you other ladies, but while I have plenty of geektastic tees in my wardrobe, I’m certainly lacking when it comes to R2D2 skirts. Fortunately, Etsy seller GoChaseRabbits is here to correct that fashion faux pas with this adorable piece.

Link Via Geeks Are Sexy

Add Some Breakfast to Your Coffee

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 03:56 PM PDT

Chicken and waffles make a great pair, but there’s always the problem of all that cholesterol. Fortunately, Torani syrup has you covered with their new Chicken ‘n Waffles flavor, perfect for coffees, sundaes or for pouring all over your chicken and waffles to create meta chicken and waffles. Mmmm…chickennwaffleicious.

Link Via Laughing Squid

Picnic Table with a Wine Chiller

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 02:00 PM PDT

I haven’t been able to track down the person responsible for this table, but s/he is certainly clever. It looks easy to make your own. Just remove the center plank from the picnic table, then attach a gutter. Keep your wine cool during picnics by adding ice.

-via Nag on the Lake

Oreo Sunglasses

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 01:55 PM PDT

You will look totally rad in these 80s-style sunglasses made by Phil Jones. You won’t be able to see, but you will be seen.

Jones’s Website -via Bit Rebels | Previously by Phil Jones: Miniature Tire Swing

Teen Drama at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 01:47 PM PDT

Gambit wants to get close, but he’s scared of getting hurt again. And getting into any relationship with Rogue can be really draining. Will Gambit overcome his anxiety and ask Rogue to accompany him to the prom? Let’s crack open this faux Sweet Valley High cover by Tony Fleecs. Check out his gallery at the link, which is filled with geeky goodness.

Link -via io9 | Fleecs’s Blog

10 Infamous Hoaxes

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 12:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

Here’s a rundown of the most famous hoaxes in history. They fooled a lot of people in their time, but we can’t say we’re smarter than those folks now. The hoaxers are always one step ahead in finding ways to fool us! -via the Presurfer

The Only Guy Out There

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 11:17 AM PDT

Ivo Zdarsky escaped from Communist Czechoslovakia in 1984 by building his own airplane and flying to Austria in the middle of the night. Since then, he moved the the US and bought a ghost town. Lucin, Utah, has no other residents anymore. Zdarsky lives alone in an airplane hangar, where he makes airplane propellors for a living. He flies to Ogden for groceries or to Salt Lake City to see his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Zdarsky is living large in the ultimate man cave.

His home is divided into two 50-by-50-foot areas: one is for his planes, the other is his living space (the bathroom is a separate room). "I notice most people have a house which is usually smaller than my room," Mr. Zdarsky says. "And inside this house is a bunch of little rooms, called bedroom, living room, whatever. If they want to do something on a computer you have to go in one room, you go to eat in another room. I have just one room, and I can watch the TV here, watch the computer here, eat here, and it is not claustrophobic."

He points at one of the motorized hinged hangar doors, which can lift 10 feet off the ground. "If I need a bigger window, I can lift this."

Read more about Zdarsky and his one-man town at The New York Times. Link -via reddit

(Image credit: John Burcham for The New York Times)

Andy Warhol Painting Debbie Harry With An Amiga

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 09:06 AM PDT

(YouTube Link)

Apparently Andy Warhol was quite handy with the Amiga computer, here he is using an early paint program (anyone know which program?) to colorize a digital portrait of Deborah Harry, lead singer of Blondie.

And while this task seems simple by today’s standards, this video is from 1986, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and gas was a buck and a quarter a gallon!

–via i09

Corgis Explain the Final Four

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 08:20 AM PDT

The NCAA basketball tournament has reached the Final Four, the top four teams who will play each other today. I am inwardly excited that two of the four teams are from my home state (take that, Duke)! To get you ready, Buzzfeed has the most important tournament topics people are talking about, explained by adorable little Corgis. Link

Animated Cardboard Short-”Mr. Carton”

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:30 AM PDT

(YouTube Link)

This understated animated short comes from the mind of Michael Bolufer, and it’s the pilot episode for a 12 part series. It looks like a fun way to bring cardboard and sharpie together, and it’s animated for your viewing pleasure. A Cardboard cartoon, what’ll they think of next?!

–via Drawn

Doctor Who Sticky Notes

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:17 AM PDT

Doctor Who Sticky Notes – $5.95

Attention Doctor Who fans! Behold the Doctor Who Sticky Notes from the NeatoShop. This great assorted notepad set comes in a nifty little book. Included are over 300 different sticky notes featuring The Doctor, TARDIS, and 4 different daleks. Use it to write your favorite Doctor Who quotes.

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more great Doctor Who items!



Junk Food Jubilation

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 07:17 AM PDT

(YouTube link)

Norwegian adventurer Aleksander Gamme spent three months in 2011-2012 skiing to the South Pole solo. On day 86, he reached a stash of supplies, and was delighted to find cheese doodles and chocolate. You might think his joy is a bit over-the-top, but I tend to act the same way when I find forgotten chocolate candy. Link

English translation. Link

Gamme also has an AMA (ask me anything) thread at reddit. Link

This Week at Neatorama

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 06:14 AM PDT

Yep, it’s another holiday weekend, as tomorrow is April Fool’s Day. But what do you do when it falls on a Sunday? In the last couple of decades, I see people tending to stretch holidays across several days to extend the fun, so why not this one as well? Pranks all weekend long, pranks on Monday, and maybe even into Tuesday. All the better to totally fool someone, you know! Still, think before you prank, because there’s a limit to how far you can go before you cause irreparable harm to a physical body, job prospects, your credibility, or a relationship. The safe way to celebrate is to enjoy other people’s pranks and hoaxes. At the end of this post, you’ll find a list of Neatorama feature articles about pranks, hoaxes, and tricks from history. And here are the features from this week you might need to catch up on:

John Farrier found 14 Facts You Might Not Know about Mission: Impossible.

Jill Harness brought us back pictures of 35 Great Costumes From WonderCon.

The Magna Carta filled us in on the history of the document, courtesy of Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader.

Ig® Nobel Limericks: Slime, Nation, Beer came to us from The Annals of Improbable Research.

And mental_floss magazine gave us 4 Winning Moments in Gym Class History.

Over at NeatoBambino, the Decipher the Doodle contest is Back! Take your best shot at interpreting a drawing by a 5-year-old and win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop!

In the What Is It game this week,the mystery item is a miner's plummet, the lighted wick was sighted with a transit by surveyors when doing layout work in dark mine shafts. Steve Pauk knew that, and wins a t-shirt for his efforts!  The prize for the funniest answer goes to pismonque for this quip: "Commemorative souvenir torch necklace from the 1928 Summer Olympics. Didn't really catch on because it tended to catch on." And we also found that everyone loves to say (or type) the words "plumb bob." Thanks to all who played this week! Find out the answers to all this week's items at the What Is It? blog.

For April Fool’s Day

From the archives, I recommend Non-Foolery on April Fools' Day. It’s a look back at real news stories that no one believed because they happened on April Fools Day! And we have plenty of articles about historical pranks and hoaxes and foolishness you may enjoy.
Hippo Eats Dwarf: Phony Technology
Five Hoaxes that Fooled the World
Six More Hoaxes That Fooled the World
7 Great Sports Scams, Scandals, and Hoaxes
The Great Moon Hoax
Really Successful People Who Never Actually Existed
The Newspaper Hoax that Shook the World
Human Oil (and Other Hoaxes)
Joey Skaggs, The Ultimate Hoax Meister

Remember, you can also get more Neatorama goodness by joining us in the social networking world. That means Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and now Pinterest!

Mmmmmmm….Maple Syrup Popcorn!

Posted: 31 Mar 2012 05:51 AM PDT

The Royal Theatre in Toronto is hosting the Canadian Film Festival this year, so they’re breaking out the big guns-buckets full of maple syrup popcorn goodness!

It’s described as “a perfect mix of sweet and salty”, and sounds like a fun syrup to pour all over many kinds of food products-maple bars, maple pancakes, even maple candy would be be so much better drenched in maple syrup!

So, is popcorn going to be good when subjected to a maple syrup shower? Does a Mountie crap in the woods?


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