By Dylan Jovine
Last year a New England farmer refused a million-dollar profit when approached to sell his shares of a small company he'd invested in.Based on the strength of the new technology the company had just patented, he judged the offer as "far too low."
Within months of rejecting the offer, shares soared to a high of $85 from $38 on rumors of a takeover. It seemed the scientists at the acquiring company had deemed the patents as valuable as he had.
Did you ever stop to wonder how incredibly successful you would be if you could judge a company's patents... yourself?
For example:
Every year, on average, 74% of the stock market’s biggest gainers come from companies in the business of developing and patenting new technology.
So it should come as no surprise that of the "Top 5 Biggest Gainers" year-to-date, 4 of them are stocks whose shares soared based on patented technology they've developed.
For example, companies like:
#2 Top Performer: Threshold Pharma. (+490%)
#4 Top Performer: Sunesis Pharma. (+395%)
#5 Top Performer: Arena Pharma.
On October 16th, 2012, the date we open registration for Lou Basenese's new course, Small Cap Maverick, you, too, can learn how to judge patents...
You, too, can learn how identify and invest in "life changing" stocks... stocks whose potential is so great, just one winner can change your life.
To the people who say: 'Impossible! There is no way a regular person will ever be able to successfully invest in companies like this', consider the following:
On September 16, 2011 President Obama signed into law the "Leahy-Smith America Invents Act" (AIA), the bill with the most bi-partisan support of his entire Presidency.
Under most normal circumstances, passing a bill like this would benefit the Mitt Romneys of the world: very savvy private equity investors who are in the business of investing in small companies with great technology and watching them become big companies with great patents.
But this bill had an added benefit few people looked at and even fewer people understood... what's been called a "Golden Key" for making certain types of investments.
As members of our Inner Circle list will soon discover, this rare key will enable you to open ten potential investing "treasure chests" a year, each of which is hiding in plain sight to those of us without this key.
It will make you uncommonly effective as an investor who only buys stock in companies with strong patents.
Such is the unique power of the key we offer to hand out to members of our Small Cap Maverick Inner Circle list -- the Golden Key to Patent Investing.
And that's why I urge you to sign up today: because I believe -- no, I know for a fact -- that what you're going to learn has the potential to give you 10 opportunities a year to invest in "Life Changing" stocks.
And if my belief itself isn’t enough for you...
Ever since announcing the release of this course, we've had hundreds of call-ins from our best, most loyal customers asking us to reserve them a seat or to give them a sneak peek at the course.
Well yesterday, for the first time, we did just that... we gave 25 of our Alliance Members (our most beloved customers) an advance look at the course.
(We also invited six people we recently hired, all of whom have no investing background whatsoever.)
The response was so overwhelming and, quite frankly, so encouraging, that I agreed to do something we've only done one time before... we're gonna offer a deal that we haven't offered since we launched Sector Hunter back in 2009...
We're so confident that this course is not only great -- but that what you learn will literally blow you away -- we're going to offer a full one-year 100% money back guarantee.
That's right -- I am so absolutely convinced of what you'll learn in this course, I've mandated that we really put our money where our mouth is and make the most outrageous guarantee we've ever made.
So sign up to our Inner Circle list to finish learning about the Golden Key, and to receive a ton of exciting extras leading up to the launch.
During a successful career as a Wall Street analyst - and later as owner of his own brokerage firm - when Dylan Jovine made recommendations, the big money paid attention. But now, he's the ultimate Wall Street whistleblower. He got sick and tired of seeing the big institutional investors grow richer and richer while the average investors watched their nest eggs crack to pieces under the rampant greed and pervasive conflict of interest at the major brokerage firms. Dylan left his cushy corner office behind and set out on a mission: To make "Grade A" institutional quality stock market education and research available to individuals at prices anybody could afford. The Institute for Individual Investors is the staging ground for the successful culmination of this mission, and The Tycoon Report is its cornerstone. |
1. Our Customers
I think it was Frank Sinatra who once said, 'If you think customers are not important try doing business without them for a while.'
Although he was referring to another singer who didn't like to sign autographs, he could have been talking about any customer in any business.
In our offices here in Delray Beach we keep that quote posted on the wall just to remind us how fortunate to have you as part of our family.
2. No Hidden Agendas
Please forgive the populist tone here, but the sheer audacity of what some brokerages pawned off as "research" in the 90's was stunning. As a result, the New York State Attorney General forced many of them to fund separate independent stock research firms.
We here at the Institute for Individual Investors have no interest in the "conflict of interest" business (we've seen what it does to people.) We do what we do because we enjoy it and we're good at it. Therefore know that we will never accept any payment, in any form, to recommend the shares of any company. Period.
Our goal is to not only provide you with our unbiased opinions, but to also bring you behind the scenes and show you exactly how we form those opinions. Knowledge is your best defense in the investing battlefield.
3. Information You Can Understand
In addition to the research and educational courses we offer, we try to present our facts in a way that will help you understand the rationale behind our thinking.
It is our hope that during the course of our relationship you will gain a more sophisticated framework for making investment decisions both as an investor and as a businessperson. We believe that the more educated you become, the more likely it is that you will appreciate and recommend our work.
4. We Will Always Admit Our Mistakes
Only fools never admit and learn from their mistakes. Good investors are not born they're forged. It's that simple.
5. Real Wall Street Experience
Everybody we hire to teach and inform you will actually have real investment experience.
Need I say more? Well, I will. Why?
Because many of our "competitors" aren't real investors - they're marketers and journalists pretending to have the real world experience that separates the men from the boys.
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