

Are these things holding you back?

Hello Tycoon Report Reader,

Learning to play the markets is actually pretty easy. Some folks don’t believe that … but it’s true.

The hard part is getting started.

You stand at the “edge of the pool,” ready to dive in… and up come the questions and concerns.

Am I smart enough to learn this? … Can I afford to take this course? … Do I have the time? … Where do I focus to best meet my goals? … Is this too risky?

In truth … you know you can do it. But… the questions come up anyway.
Well, we have a solution for you.

It's called the IFII Resource Page, and it's packed with special investment education reports that can help get you started.

The IFII Resource Page was created to allow you to explore a wide range of investment education topics and ideas so you can get answers to those questions that keep you from finally “jumping in” and taking full control of your retirement and your financial future.

You'll find reports and primers on how to collect insured tax-free income with municipal bonds … how to master the lucrative options markets … the best ways to play the gold and silver markets … how to avoid “trading traps” and how to cut your risk down to a bare minimum so you sleep soundly while your nest egg is secure…

And that's not all. You can sample every Special Report for free so you can decide for yourself if you want to learn more about a particular area of investing.

Many Tycoon Report readers have written in saying they'd love to add options to their portfolio, but they don't know where to start.

First off -- you're absolutely right to want to learn about options. They are the Rolls Royce of investment vehicles …
  • With options you stand to make gains faster than with stocks, bonds or ETFs. It's common for options plays to pay off in just a matter of days.
  • You can invest with a very small amount of capital. You can control 10,000 dollars' worth of stock for a few hundred dollars.
  • Your risk is spelled out down to the penny. You'll sleep well knowing that there are no nasty surprises in your portfolio.
  • You can gain in bear markets, bull markets and stagnant markets. In fact options are the ONLY vehicle that let you set up plays where you get paid when the underlying stock moves in 2 out of 3 directions -- not just 2 out of 3 like with stocks and ETFs.
And a great place to start is at the IFII Resource Page and Chris Rowe's Options Basics.

IFII co-founder and Tycoon Report senior editor Chris Rowe poured almost 20 years of options expertise into this 23-page report. He walks you through the basics of options, illustrating every point with real-life trading examples of his own.

Once you've breezed through Options Basics any lingering fear and doubt you may have about options will disappear.

You can read a sample here >>

It's the perfect starting point for the soon-to-be options master.

You're right to want to take hands-on control of your family's financial future. You're right to have those questions. But in the end, what you really want is to jump in.

It bears repeating -- Learning to play the markets is actually pretty easy.

The hard part is getting started.

Your journey begins here, at the IFII Resource Page > >

Enjoy your visit.


IFII Research Team
November, 2012

PS: Keep an eye on your inbox, because we expect to add many more Special Reports in the coming weeks. And after you've browsed the Resource Page, why not visit the IFII main page.

Find out how since 2004 we've helped hundreds of thousands of people prepare for retirement, earn extra monthly income, and learn how to grow and protect their nest egg.

Click on the tab called “Our Courses.” Discover how easy it is to finally master an area of investing and to take your retirement fully into your own hands.

You can also call 877-489-2666 and speak to a customer service representative who will answer all of your questions.

Institute for Individual Investors, LLC.
110 East Atlantic Ave - Delray Beach - FL - 33444
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