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The Maker Spirit That Haunts Halloween

673_10151077469001930_1832132484_nWith all of the Halloween coverage we’ve been running over the last few weeks here on MAKE, several people asked: “Why so much? Why is Halloween such a big deal to you all?” I just saw the above image on Facebook (on director Kevin Smith’s Wall) and I think it [...]

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The Maker Movement Personified: Brook Drumm

Printrbot's Brook Drumm.The phenomenon we call the Maker Movement is characterized by many things, among them the ability to cheaply and quickly prototype hardware. Open hardware principles, collaborative design, and crowd funding are contributing factors, but perhaps the most empowering is access to inexpensive computer-controlled tools and software. If there's someone who embodies what's possible with this array of tools, it's Printrbot founder Brook Drumm.

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Join us for our first Make: Believe HOA on Google+

IMG_3831Shawn Thorsson (amazing costume and prop fabricator who was our cover story for MAKE Volume 32) will be joining us to help kick off our first Make: Believe HOA on Google+. Join Shawn and MAKE’s Creative Director Jason Babler Thursday, Nov. 1, at 1pm PST/4pm EST to geek out about [...]

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DiResta: Junk Doors

junkdoorsketchOn this episode of DiResta, Jimmy is asked by a friend to create something for an auction. Given that the friend runs an organization ( that facilitates the reuse/recycling of props from film and TV, Jimmy created a unique storage cabinet, "junk doors," using some of the junk drawer contents he found in her shop.

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Mini Maker Faire Action: Videos from Groningen

Screen Shot 2012-10-31 at 12.39.02 PMThree beautiful videos from the first Mini Maker Faire in continental Europe, last weekend in Groningen, The Netherlands. Plus news on upcoming international fairs in Japan, Chile and the United Kingdom.

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Food Makers: Live and Online Today at 2pm PST/5pm EST

Sandor Katz, author of "The Art of Fermentation."Just a reminder that for this week's episode of Food Makers, a Google+ Hangout on Air I'll be joined by an all-star panel who will be discussing food preservation and fermentation.

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Kickstarter Cofounder on Creative Entrepreneurship

Screen shot 2012-10-31 at 1.48.06 PMYancey Strickler, cofounder of Kickstarter, talks about his experiences with the company.

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Bumpin' Pumpkin Stereo System

pumpkin-stereoThough it may only last a few days, what better way to bring the beats to a Halloween Party than through a stereo with pumpkin enclosures?

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Spooky Fun Time at Detroit's Theater Bizarre

The_Summoning_Theatre_Bizarre2On October 20th, our friends at Theater Bizarre (who always bring the thrill and chills to Maker Faire Detriot), hosted their grand ball of the season, The Summoning. Knowing that this is a group that pulls out all the stops, we sent MAKE contributor Michael Doyle to see what trouble he get get himself into.

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Pumpktris, Tetris-in-a-Pumpkin

pumpktris_lit-580x435Pumpktris is a Tetris game enclosed in October's most celebrated squash, the pumpkin. My favorite part? The stem is the game's joystick.

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