

Take control of IPv6 migration

This week's FierceWireless is brought to you by F5.

F5 Networks
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IPv4 to IPv6 Migration: Seamless delivery of applications


With the depletion of IPv4 addresses and the explosion of new IP-enabled devices, supporting and managing your customers' IPv4 and IPv6 addresses concurrently is critical. To further complicate matters, IPv6 devices and content are not backward-compatible with IPv4 devices and content.

There is an answer. F5 solutions help you manage existing IPv4 addresses while making a seamless, gradual transition to IPv6—and support devices and content for both. We invite you to read the white paper, Managing IPv6 Throughout the Service Provider Network, to learn how to:

Transition to IPv6 with a flexible approach
Achieve high performance and unparalleled scalability
Reduce OpEx and deployment costs

Learn more

Neither you nor your customer have to suffer through IPv6 migration issues. Discover how F5 can help.

F5 Networks

white paper

Managing IPv6 Throughout the Service Provider Network

Download White Paper


F5 Enables BT to be IPv6-Ready

"We knew we needed to become more accessible to everyone using the Internet, whether they're an IPv6 user or an IPv4 user, and the F5 solution has allowed us to do that without substantial re-engineering."

David Osborne
IPv6 Programme Director

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