

Monday's Daily Brief: Fiscal Cliff Deal Still Uncertain; Arianna's "New Year's Resolutions I'd Like To Hear"; NFL Playoff Picture Revealed

Monday, December 31, 2012
Arianna Huffington: Happy almost-New Year, HuffPosters! May your 2013 be filled with love, laughter, passion and 365 full nights of sleep. Through the years, I've discovered something about New Year's resolutions: while it's not so easy to keep them, it's very easy to make them for other people. And a lot more fun, too. So here are some New Year's resolutions I'd like to hear assorted public figures make and keep: "I will have caller ID installed in my delivery room." ~ Kate Middleton. "I will enroll in a legitimate Biology 101 class." ~ Todd Akin. "I will take a road trip with my new BFFs Barack and Bruce." ~ Governor Chris Christie. "I will reach the 5th stage of grieving -- acceptance -- about Ohio, and send out a "Sorry I blew that $300 million" card to my 2012 donors." ~ Karl Rove.
Biden, McConnell Try To Hammer Things Out
Hillary Clinton Admitted To Hospital With Blood Clot Following Concussion
NFL Playoff Picture
Best New Year's Eve Party Towns
Gang Rape Case Sets Off Debate On Indian Women's Rights
Marty Kaplan: Fear of Fun
Some day not all that far in the future, a new kind of entertainment is going to be perfected that will either be the coolest video game ever, or the media equivalent of a lethal man-made super-virus.
Robert Kuttner: New Year, New Low for Republicans
Obama wanted to be the president who would change the tone in Washington, meaning a more collaborative relationship with the Republicans. That was not to be. The Republicans would not allow it.
Howard Fineman: View From Abroad: Poor America, Undone By Political Gridlock, Gun Violence
I'm headed back to Washington knowing what I had guessed when I left town: that the so-called fiscal cliff "talks" would still be going when I got home. I'm returning with useful, nagging questions ringing in my ears from Kiwis and visitors alike.
Jill Brooke: Nora Ephron Taught Us How to Live and Die
In reflecting on all the people who passed away this year, I am thinking of Nora Ephron and how this witty, wise and loving woman taught us not only how to live but also how to die.
Judi Casey: Does Technology Make Us More Human?
As someone who has focused her career on how we negotiate our work and family lives, I wonder if information and communications technology encourages us to be more human. In fact, it appears that it's a mixed blessing with the potential to negatively impact our ability to have meaningful lives and meaningful work.

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