

The Nobel Prize… For a Pencil?

Investment U Daily

Dear Investment U Reader,

Take a common #2 lead pencil... add a roll of ordinary Scotch tape...

And what do you get?

Usually, nothing.

But two University of Manchester professors did exactly that - with a twist.

And the incredible substance they produced just won them the Nobel Prize for Physics!

(You may be able to see a photo of this amazing stuff on the right.)

The Wall Street Journal calls their breakthrough "an impending turning point in high tech as important as silicon and integrated circuitry were half a century ago."

It stands to revolutionize a $357-billion market.

And our research shows it could push one company's $9 stock into the stratosphere.

If you've been on the market's sidelines lately, here's a great chance to get your toes wet.

So if you'd like to get in while the getting's good, please take a moment to find out the identity of this company right here.


Andrew Snyder
Editorial Director, Investment U

P.S. This is an extremely time-sensitive opportunity. So please review our report right now.

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