

Warren Buffett: Tax Dodger? and... What Albert Einstein Would Invest In Today

Investment U Weekly Wrap-Up
Sunday, December 2, 2012

In the current edition of the Investment U Weekly Update, Investment Analyst and Host of The Oxford Club's Market Wake-Up Call, Steve McDonald, runs down the key issues affecting the global economy - and your investments. (Click the image to play.)

Steve McDonald and Investment U's Weekly Update
This week, you'll find...

  • Oil and Gas Drillers are Hot...
  • A New Way to Capture Income With Less Risk...
  • The "Slap In The Face" Award: Boston Tea Party Edition..
You can check it out in this video.

How One Prestigious Club Beat the Average Investor Return by 800%

These days, most people are happy with mediocre gains just as long as their stocks are moving up. The average investor return over the past 20 years? A measly 2%. But one secretive financial club has crushed this figure 8-to-1.

Watch this shocking video They've beaten the market... they've beaten every benchmark around. And they did it all with an extraordinarily low level of risk. To find out how, click here.

Here are the top stories that were featured in our Investment U Daily this week...

Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist
What Albert Einstein Would Invest in Today

Albert Einstein wasn't famous as an investor. He was a genius who revolutionized theoretical physics. But if he were alive today, it's pretty clear what he would be doing with his money. And you should be doing it, too.

Let me explain...

Click here to read full story
Alexander Green
Chief Investment Strategist
Warren Buffett: Tax Dodger?

I'm a longtime admirer of Warren Buffett.

He taught me a lot about stock investing, including the most important thing about it I know: Forget about outguessing the market and focus instead on identifying businesses that are selling for less than they are worth.

While Buffett is a genius at equity analysis, he is no expert on government policy issues. And so it was with regret that I read his New York Times Op-Ed piece this week calling for higher taxes on the nation's top income earners.

I won't bore you with arguments about fairness or job creation or economic growth. The truth is confiscatory tax rates won't change the slightest thing about the national debt crisis we face. And every American should understand why...

Click here to read full story
Marc Lichtenfeld
Associate Investment Director

Time to Buy This Overlooked Emerging Market

Nathan Rothschild is credited with creating the stock market axiom, "Buy on the sound of cannons, sell on the sound of trumpets." The phrase means that the beginning of a war is a good time to buy stocks – as there is usually a fair amount of panic leading up to war.

Through the years, investors have had every reason to avoid this overlooked country.

However, investors who feared putting their money to work here have missed out on some big opportunities...

Click here to read full story
Carl Delfeld
Senior Analyst
Ten Bullets Aimed At the Heart of Mutual Funds

Wouldn't it be great to be a mutual fund executive?

What could be better than sitting on a pile of money that pretty much sticks with you through up and down markets, churning out a steady cash flow?

According to the Investment Company Institute, there are more than $5.7 trillion in stock mutual funds alone. There are 650 firms that sponsor the thousands of U.S. mutual funds, but five giant companies control 40% of assets.

But is there anything that keeps mutual fund execs up at night?

You bet...

Click here to read full story
Mark Skousen
Contributing Editor
The ObamaCare Tax Hike

A massive and complicated tax hike on investors is inevitable this January 1, and it has nothing to do with the current debate about a fiscal cliff...

ObamaCare tax hikes start kicking in on January 1, and they have an immediate impact on investors...

Click here to read full story
Be sure to check out some of the other investment stories that we've published this week on our website at:

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