

Norovirus Outbreak.. Illicit Chinese Cash.. Seeking Morgan Freeman

January 2, 2013

NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. - An outbreak of norovirus at a Metro Vancouver hospital has forced the quarantine of two wards until at least Friday.

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Illicit Chinese Cash Flooding Vancouver's Real Estate Market: Report

What's Next For #IdleNoMore In B.C.?

SFU Student Still Looking For Morgan Freeman

Pine Beetles' Move Up Threatens Western Forests: Study
Scientists behind a new study say a warming world has not only made it easier for the mountain pine beetle to invade new and defenseless ecosystems, but also to better withstand winter weather that is milder and erupt in large outbreaks capable of killing entire stands of trees, no matter their composition. Continue reading...
Made In Vancouver Gives Your Car More Mojo
Imagine not fumbling for your key fob to open car doors. With Vancouver-designed, your car senses the proximity of your phone, and unlocks the car door for you. Don't fret about forgetting to turn off the house lights or locking the doors. notices you've left the driveway and locks up the house for you. It also dims all the lights in your house, saving you money on energy costs. Continue reading...
Do I Have to Lose Myself to Be a Mother?
I am trying to understand why my old, cool friends have gotten so high strung and opinionated after becoming parents. In fact they actually seem to be shells of their past selves. With no energy to do yoga, or write or think about creativity or their dreams because now they are intent on micro-managing their child's every interaction. Am I destined to do the same thing? Continue reading...
Media Bites: Five Things the Media Got Wrong in 2012
2012-04-27-mediabitesreal.jpg Well, I mocked and I teased but in the end, I couldn't resist. Year-end retrospectives might be trite, but dagnabbit, they're also a lot of fun. So here's my picks for the "Top Five Media Bites Moments of 2012", also known as the "Top Five Times the Canadian Press Was Inadvertently More Interesting Than the Stories They Were Trying to Cover." Continue reading...
So Long, 2012: New Year's Resolutions I'd Like to Hear
Happy New Year, HuffPosters! May your 2013 be filled with love, laughter, passion and 365 full nights of sleep. Through the years, I've discovered something about New Year's resolutions: while it's not so easy to keep them, it's very easy to make them for other people. And a lot more fun, too. So here are some New Year's resolutions I'd like to hear assorted public figures make and keep: "I'll find better uses for my $150 million than trying to buy an election." ~ Sheldon Adelson. "I will stop endlessly repeating in your brain. Eventually." ~ The "shine bright like a diamond" refrain from Rihanna's "Diamonds (In the Sky)". "I will finally quit making excuses and coming up with crazy ideas, like armed guards at every school, and admit that guns really do kill people, and lots of them." ~ NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. Continue reading...

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