

Paparazzo Killed After Photographing Justin Bieber's Car

January 2, 2013

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Justin Bieber says his thoughts and prayers are with the family of a paparazzo who was fatally struck by a car after taking pictures of the singer's Ferrari sports car in Los Angeles.

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Ke$ha Talks Bisexuality, Doesn't 'Love Just Men'

Kim's Baby To Arrive Before Her Divorce?

Six Degrees of New Year's Resolutions
I'm setting six New Year's resolutions that celebrate help, hope and humor. We can all use a little more of these qualities for 2013. Continue reading...
My New Year's Resolutions
No. 4: Stop saying, "I support the troops." I don't. I used to. No. 5: Apologize for No. 4. Continue reading...
So Long, 2012: New Year's Resolutions I'd Like to Hear
Happy New Year, HuffPosters! May your 2013 be filled with love, laughter, passion and 365 full nights of sleep. Through the years, I've discovered something about New Year's resolutions: while it's not so easy to keep them, it's very easy to make them for other people. And a lot more fun, too. So here are some New Year's resolutions I'd like to hear assorted public figures make and keep: "I'll find better uses for my $150 million than trying to buy an election." ~ Sheldon Adelson. "I will stop endlessly repeating in your brain. Eventually." ~ The "shine bright like a diamond" refrain from Rihanna's "Diamonds (In the Sky)". "I will finally quit making excuses and coming up with crazy ideas, like armed guards at every school, and admit that guns really do kill people, and lots of them." ~ NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. Continue reading...

From around the web

The 11 Nicest Post-50 A-List Actors in Hollywood
I am nobody. I promise. But I talk to lots of somebodies in my job as a celebrity freelance journalist. A-List Hollywood celebs can sometimes get cranky and be self-absorbed, but there are those A-listers who need to be called out for being just plain wonderful. Here are 11 of them. Continue reading...
Nora Ephron Taught Us How to Live and Die
In reflecting on all the people who passed away this year, I am thinking of Nora Ephron and how this witty, wise and loving woman taught us not only how to live but also how to die. Continue reading...

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