

Who Will Pop The Art Market Bubble?

January 3, 2013
Calling all collectors, connoisseurs, patrons, economists, starving artists, tastemakers and enraged bystanders. The New York Times wants you to engage in a conversation about the art market. In a recent letter to the editor entitled "Invitation to a Dialogue: An Art Market Bubble?" William Cole writes rather dramatically about what most of us already know... Continue reading...
'Beauty Isn't Owned By Skinny People Alone'

Lee Wright, Homeless Artist, Gets Big Break

Case Dismissed Against Pro-Gay Play

Top 5 Movies You Did Not See in 2012
Why can't a film simply exist without trying to change the world? There are plenty of different kinds of movies, and in the chaos of awards season some wonderful, little flicks are completely forgotten. Continue reading...
At Last, Some Films That Acknowledge That People Get Old
Yes, people do get old, though you wouldn't normally know it from films. But at the moment, if you choose carefully, you might. Continue reading...
'A Mind Like Schwarzenegger's Body' -- Interview With Susan Fernbach on Behalf of Mark O'Brien
After seeing the movie The Sessions... I looked for someone to enlighten me further on how Mark O'Brien was able to engage in life with such charm and spunk. Continue reading...
Mat Gleason Is the Sam Peckinpah of the Art World: Part 1 (VIDEO)
Working with Gleason, I got the sense that he doesn't really care what medium you use, where you're showing, and where you went to art school. He wants to know if you are human. Continue reading...
Philosophy and Drama
I hope that this Greek production about a famous Greek will remind us of the fact that Greece has been the source of so many of the great aspects of our western democratic culture. Continue reading...

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