

Germ-Killing Robot.. Jet-Setting MLAs.. Free Family Day Concerts

February 1, 2013
A Vancouver hospital has become the first in Canada to test a germ-killing, UV-ray-blasting robot that hospital staff have named Trudi. Continue reading...
Vancouver Bands Sing It Forward For Downtown Eastside Music School
"Sing It Fwd is what we call it passion in practice. We had seen and experienced a growing gap in terms of the cultural and arts vision of the city and the province and one of the many issues that really concerned us was youth arts and opportunities for youth to engage in arts in music specifically. So we created our initiative vision — to create an example of the rippling benefits of the power of connecting drivers in the community to take action, mobilize instead of compartmentalize, and hopefully share the story forward to inspire other people to do the same." Continue reading...
The Hole in the Middle of the Bed
To scoot in the middle of our bed, after Donna died, was to inhabit sacred space. I can still feel her there sometimes, and certainly think of her there if I migrate too close to the middle. Continue reading...
Girls Just Wants to Have (White) Fun
Girls wants to tell us something important about twentysomething females of the 21st Century. And, as the elders of our society, we should always be listening to those new voices crying out. But what are they telling us? Continue reading...
Play4Perks Means Earning Rewards While Playing Games On Your Phone
Three former game studio executives with 40+ years of experience could easily be basking in the console glory days of the past. Instead of opting for white sandy beaches and umbrella drinks, these former EA (Electronic Arts) colleagues have co-founded a company that adds rewards to mobile games as you play. Continue reading...
Why I'm Saying Yes To (Mom) Bangs
One of the reason I just got "mom bangs": There is a deep wrinkle above one of my eyebrows that drives me crazy. To anyone else it's nothing, but to me it's a crease I would rather not see every day. Continue reading...

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