


February 1, 2013
Blurbs have often been looked upon suspiciously by journalists. Do the authors really believe what they write on the covers of fellow authors' books, or do they just owe someone a favor?
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9 Urban Legends That Just Aren't True
The subject of urban myths and legends is one I have been interested in for a couple of years now. It occurred to me, one day at lunch with friends on the Isle of Dogs, that many long rambling conversations (and ours are certainly long and always rambling) will include a tall tale or two. Continue reading...
Why I Could Write a Positive Holocaust Book
"How can you write such an uplifting Holocaust book?" How could I not, I reply. Continue reading...
An Anti-Censorship Handbook for Educators
How to prepare? Don't wait for a challenge. Get a policy in place, including clear and fair procedures and a written form that encourages those who object to a book to consider the work as a whole and requires them to state specific objections and requests. Continue reading...
A Debunking of Pseudo-Historian David Barton's Book on the Second Amendment
Like many a good Christian, pseudo-historian David Barton likes guns and, of course, thinks that every person in America has an unlimited constitutional -- and biblical -- right to own and carry them. Continue reading...
Possibly the One Thing Almost All Americans Agree On: Libraries (in the Digital Age)
Pew found that 91 percent of Americans (16 or older) say that public libraries are important to their communities, and 76 percent say libraries are important to them and their families. I can't think of another idea, place, or issue that 91 percent of Americans support. Continue reading...

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