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Marine Parents Care Package Project [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZk9p7OnY_Q6O65ioKkTy5RoFoDf7qrPkK6hwcbiyk7s7kNyI-vM6IQts9H5wtrIJYjslYI9Ac7YecNO9DXpqD84nJM6fVFLGhAJW3K7D9Oj_Ho5_zYFEK-X]
In This Issue
Total Packages Sent
Team Marine Parents
2013 packing dates
Package for your loved one
Souper Heroes Needs Your Help
Registration Now Open
Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
Book Your Hotel Room
Pre-Pack Day Volunteering
L.Cpl. Leon B. Deraps Memorial Scholarship Fund 5th Annual 5 Mile Walk/Run/Ride
Ways You Can Help
Total Packages Sent Since 2005:
2012 CPP Pack Dates Poster [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZlXD4IbBHoqcux0EK5w9K8bW2Ejb-xLhf6YP_aWFhwLgm3lia6LbSmUOh7Y_aD5zrJCZgY-thBVR9ACjt7kRfXE8l51_K14Sj_OyHsM41zdZtdGqoH-3NloQ9g1pD1cR6M=]
This is our new Care Package Project drive poster for use if you're going to hold
a drive for us. To sign up and get a Donor ID, call (573) 449-2003 or click here
Want to Contribute to the Care Package Project?
There are endless ways you can show your support:
* Hand writing "Thank You" cards and letters
* Donating needed care package items
* Holding an item drive
* Holding a fundraiser
* Donating shipping funds
* Volunteering before pack day to prepare
* Volunteering on pack day
Click here to learn more about how you can help... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZlBuW6YE0hQlu1TTgoeb9oCHgOwEjJyvi3d8_B6vWmlef9ss1FbuizdxjC3fYt85mksdCajy6QnCJGuRYmItd_3Js0dwPxW_HIzaGhHnpE1LbYnnjKoavZTCj9Oor3YQLo4KztLB6nGbg==]
Get Fit and Support Our Troops with Team Marine Parents!
Team Marine Parents(TM) is a group of people who participate in walks, runs, marathons,
bicycling, triathlons, swimming, motorcycle rides and other events nationwide.
The goal of Team Marine Parents(TM)is to raise funds for, and awareness of, MarineParents.com
and its various outreach programs.
Click here to join the team... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZntfHfclO_fahQs5W4RulOdgZLOxtvzDzJGFItpU98AXYK4jhKzlmsAXcrXO4-oMWp_KJbP6Xx0rjDIcfVhSlOC0kV4o7lFJSJAKCeBwZtMRjQHhTIwHVe7]
2013 Saturday
Packing Dates
* January 19, 2013
* April 20, 2013
* July 27, 2013
* November 2, 2013
New Care Package T-Shirts [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZmkmlrW51hcelOEdvqCYeQqS0QXkxp0Ryb32UhUahP10b7UP8rHTIMozZ1HoKZRL9Mavs0OByu7goS9UWaFVxVPzS5x6GqlKroHzzU9a1YRNWa25MpEgdGAsQBcB8mAngkXg8vZTtgOO8ZKbaln3dfmaJBJtQfsv8Dx-G3FC3R0EQ==]
Want our new logo on a T-shirt? Get yours now before our next pack day on April
20, and we'll see you here!
Click here to order... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZmkmlrW51hcelOEdvqCYeQqS0QXkxp0Ryb32UhUahP10b7UP8rHTIMozZ1HoKZRL9Mavs0OByu7goS9UWaFVxVPzS5x6GqlKroHzzU9a1YRNWa25MpEgdGAsQBcB8mAngkXg8vZTtgOO8ZKbaln3dfmaJBJtQfsv8Dx-G3FC3R0EQ==]
A Care Package for Your Loved One
If you have a friend or loved one deployed to Afghanistan, we want to send them
a care package! Use the link below to request a care package. Please sign up your
Marine at least 10 days before the packing day. You only need to enter your Marine's
name once per deployment.
Click for more information ... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZkvC2NMmmHwHc53UD7oFgIgZYdDh_3eJ9NmRe9jMtLrbBzh0Cz1QZHJlZmMVFT57crEyS0NOu4GQWV_DvVSpmRUVDVRoTv5B3nTJSK0kkeJOLvshsm3x4sZ3rXjXD0kQlak4n72aVBqaA==]
Additional Information
If you have questions or need additional information, call our Outreach Programs
Coordinator, Babs Blackmon, at (573) 449-2003 ext. 305 or email her at CPP@MarineParents.com
March 29, 2013
Spring is finally here, and welcome to this issue of The Care Package Project News!
Registration is now open for our Saturday, April 20 pack day! Click here to register.
This pack day is quickly approaching, and we can use your help in a variety of ways.
Click here to learn more. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZnz1ybZaOgMdDndhqY-XHFmbeS4LHQyWHZ_s3sZvrZwXpCXvFO8eLzuzfzZjLmu0eIgvPLNr12femjg4eA3QlZvX8DT9ZbNmo7V9cGtJZfJ_DNnE677ReDO]
National volunteer week is April 21-27, and we'd like to thank all of our volunteers,
past present, and future for all of your hard work. It's thanks to you that the
Care Package Project is able to support our troops overseas.
We once again ask for your support with our spring campaign for our deployed men
and women. More details are below on how to help. Click here to donate! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZm7BGCp07nn3I24RMMtoQE-v4KlN_xbfmKtseoo8j7Ucp_q1IFDIIMI1CaVjANTRIid9Lr14-o3Jix30pwExIvrcW8oJ-ARv30tUB9537EBxh8ui1EVM-tUb6aHglMReC8=]
Also in this issue, we have information on the L.Cpl. Leon B. Deraps Memorial Scholarship
Fund 5th Annual 5 Mile Walk/Run/Ride, hotel information, pre-pack day volunteer
opportunities, and more ways for you to get involved!
Thank you for joining us for this issue and for your continued support of our brave
men and women in uniform.
Semper Fi, Marine Families!
Babs Blackmon, Program Coordinator
The Care Package Project
MarineParents.com, Inc.
Sponsor a Care Package for Just $25
Care Package Project Spring Drive
Help our heroes receive a little bit of comfort from home by sponsoring a care package
for just $25. The care packages contain items for Marines such as non-perishable
food and beverages, toiletries, socks, T-shirts, and cards and letters of appreciation
for their service. You also have the option of sponsoring a care package in someone
else's name, in which you pay the $25, to have a package sent "from" someone else.
Sponsoring a care package is a great way to show your support for our Marines and
let them know that you appreciate their service and sacrifice.
Click here to help... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZn56J82Rxaoh62XHcBDdT2P9r710Jp5ZG9H9WPS-Sb1pFV6J4FKQeuhcqo3lV33CeF3qhzJIhCm8HMYvgCxQLY-aIrFZ6dK2vdd-i0zLZ4YxI4OgunHUUG66E0LV5WVGoLIACJwvizR789FfP3hRccM0NfAk1C5c6I=]
Registration Now Open!
Sign up to help pack and ship Care Packages on April 20!
Who: Anyone over the age of six. Children ages 10 and up can participate in the
assembly line, while those under 10 will be able to participate in the children's
area. Those under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
What: Packing 800 care packages to send to Marines in Afghanistan.
When: Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 8:00a.m.-1:30p.m.
Where: Marine Parents corporate office
3208 LeMone Industrial Blvd.
Columbia, MO 65201
The EGA Store will be open all day for shopping!
Click here for more information on pack day... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZluOHj8p9Jb3j8Gjl7mdDkD_cSvKUI2zuS_1INtMvDIKRtBQ2WxmZ0T3u0MG5ZNw5Dy_TWn21ezaR5mx16j0nK1CerLan54PcdUB_Ep-7i5K30Y5dKYvpG6Rw0XBylMsXBl0udV2c0wvA==]
Click here to register as a volunteer... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZkgE1L_0wLiKokkaA5esCYXDv_63KwmwyYjK7leG5QwwQi0D9g7SViZ8pdL8NNrMXmABmAHszF0ReDBbimjLqHZfL-nWdc7q5IpB5QDJB52hR2hvZY5O63w8YMFiSTMSYjqWtPiH77HPA==]
Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
Reserve Your Spot Today
April is National Volunteer Month, and to say "Thank you" to all of our volunteers,
we will be hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Lunch immediately following pack day
April 20, which we strongly encourage you to attend.
At the lunch, we will be handing out Presidential Service Awards to our volunteers
who have earned them. To earn a Presidential Service Award, an individual must
dedicate AT LEAST 100 hours to volunteering that year (for adults and young adults,
children must dedicate at least 50), and we're privileged to be able to acknowledge
and honor those who give so much of their time to others.
Lunch will be catered and will most likely be barbeque of some sort. Sides, beverages,
and cake for dessert will also be served, and all of our volunteers will receive
a gift from the EGA Shop.
To get an accurate idea of how many people will be attending the Volunteer Appreciation
Lunch, we ask that everyone who wishes to attend PLEASE RSVP on the pack day registration
We look forward to seeing you April 20!
To learn more about the Presidential Service Awards, click here... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZmVWB0Az9b37imqsrlY7AzEEmBSZHVj8mjAgDBVE53gD9-clDYlKcLHz3VL7wKLjzvHVzNvFsD_eCPIjD5QqK-gfGAbQq4cr6q37I5nn99tzUvqk-hTWsZ6aGGtyeQtEZw=]
To register for pack day and RSVP for the Volunteer Appreciation Lunch, click here...
Book Your Hotel Room
Get a special rate at a local hotel...
The Courtyard Marriot just down the street from our corporate office is available
for this pack day! The hotel is located at 3301 Lemone Industrial Blvd.
If you are coming to Columbia from out of town, call (573) 443-8000 and mention
Marine Parents to get a discount on your room for the pack day weekend!
Pre-Pack Day Volunteering
Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19 8:00am-5:00pm
We need your help to prepare for pack day! We need volunteers on the Thursday and
Friday prior to do small projects in the warehouse, print and prepare customs forms,
and sort donated items. We'd love your help, whether you can stay the whole day
or just a few hours!
The Friday before Pack Day is a fun time. We serve our famous chili, so it's a day
you don't want to miss!
If you can volunteer on Thursday or Friday, register here to help! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZnjBDD_GiTiHt7YB1GJqnGWPhbKHIfGUgAnmQYgkM-8W6gFoP3RBC6xE85_oN4o3aHg9TbZRB7vdeN_L_IXq6k_hmOLrIVP1qbafboL7jHMoSlzz70pVxCieYQXPcyxbev2TAMx8nqC_g==]
We thank you in advance for this much-needed support!
If you have questions or need additional information, give our Outreach Programs
Coordinator, Babs, a call at (573) 449-2003 ext. 305, or email her at Babs@MarineParents.com
Leon B. Deraps Scholarship Fund Raffle and 5 Mile Mother's Day Run/Walk
Sign Up to Support the Memory of an American Hero
On May 6, 2006, Lance Corporal Leon B. Deraps of Jamestown, Missouri made the ultimate
sacrifice for his country while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province,
To honor Leon, his family, along with the Moniteau County C-1, Jamestown-area high
school FFA, set up a scholarship fund in his name in late 2006. Since its formation,
the fund has awarded $1,000 scholarships to approximately 20 Jamestown high school
graduates, with more being handed out every year.
Money for the scholarship is raised through an annual 5 mile walk/run/ride held
in early May. First held in 2009, this year marks the event's fifth anniversary.
This year, the walk/run/ride will be held Saturday, May 4, at 9:00 am in Jamestown,
We STRONGLY encourage people in the Mid-Missouri area to register for the event,
whether or not they plan on attending it, as a way to honor Leon's sacrifice and
support his memory. His mother, Sandy, is one of our longest-serving pack day volunteers,
and this truly is a wonderful cause.
Anyone who is attending pack day and wishes to sign up to participate in the event
will be able to do so. We will also be holding a raffle at pack day to raise money
for the scholarship fund, so we encourage our pack day volunteers to plan on buying
some tickets and help us honor a true American hero.
For those who choose to pre-register for the event before April 20, the fee is only
$25 for adults, $15 for youths age 12-18, and $10 for children under 12. Registration
after April 20 is $30. For more information on registering for the L.Cpl. Leon
B. Deraps Memorial Scholarship Fund 5th Annual 5 Mile Walk/Run/Ride, please visit
http://www.leonderaps.net/index.html [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZn2j1TUJp3WJALvLQK1i6LgzWOUgcbBnLqxc0qkEgJbNLx3uGOptYjrnP1YNM_GSPHUJ1iZvm4_5XtC4I-mA7UGR6ZIDHvbsyMmfIaSIepYqCKEoqFp0hG3]
We also encourage those not in the area who would still like to donate to the fund
to visit http://leonderapsscholarship.org/donations.html [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZkC7kywz6LtIo9iwsdDzTZ7KrhkE7nI9hUSiwJn2Pb_UK9U9hCP1wWBJbfhcXlEMj9bMMGdgRINBaIDp1hmGSTju9LGNtzMijH4INgTAoXYSoQ_t14fQBL5ipbQfEI0ZOdHmk7FNM8muA==]
There are many ways to help
Write letters, organize a drive or sponsor a care package
If you can't make it to Marine Parents HQ in Columbia, MO for our next pack day
on January 19, there are many other ways you can help:
Have your family, your company, your church or your school write "Dear Marine" cards
and letters and forward them to us to send in our care packages. Marines serving
overseas are especially touched by the homemade cards they get from schoolchildren.
Organize an item drive to help us keep our warehouse stocked with all the care package
Set up a fundraiser to help us with shipping costs.
Become a Care Package Project(TM) sponsor. To become one, you select how many packages
to sponsor at $22 each and how many months you want to subscribe.
Click here to learn more about becoming a sponsor ... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZkIJqfuBxOGpc7-CCz4v3IxPjhfd0MRv2SzUXyJvEXQUkH11p2mcTDYEFlf3nKt8PYxwLlt2DP3U5vWqNxPfDGfnnESnUK1HWpK2tHysmqIO6K2Y-CGJ-9D6Y8McUzoUNZNbFBe2Amjzw==]
Your Cause
Your Card
Your Cause Your Card [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZlj7noVIdvD9QsCXoGOrj1b5N_9Og3hZr8l8MxKLg4vqeSI5RgiHTTzm2ZZ5yNV2zyngSSEnDlZ5x7tZtsCziNIobAXM1fTIyofb0s0pLXiy3NPCCc86p2Q3RNwuFvMO7kWSGPb7yeG6AnCE4zTRTk8]
Show YOUR support with every purchase you make on your Marine Parents credit card
from Capital One!
Get all the competitive credit card benefits you want and expect as well as a simple
way to support Marine Parents outreach programs like The Care Package Project.
Capital One will donate $50 to Marine Parents after you make your first purchase
as well as 2 percent of your gas and grocery store purchases and 1 percent of all
other purchases!
With low introductory purchase rates and custom card designs, this is a unique opportunity
to show your support and help spread the word while doing simple, everyday events.
Click here to get your Marine Parents Visa Platinum card today! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001AYGn8XB4eZlj7noVIdvD9QsCXoGOrj1b5N_9Og3hZr8l8MxKLg4vqeSI5RgiHTTzm2ZZ5yNV2zyngSSEnDlZ5x7tZtsCziNIobAXM1fTIyofb0s0pLXiy3NPCCc86p2Q3RNwuFvMO7kWSGPb7yeG6AnCE4zTRTk8]
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