

| 04.03.13 | EPA MATS update packs hard financial punch

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April 3, 2013
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This week's sponsor is Elster.

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Today's Top Stories
1. EPA MATS update nearly $10B to implement
2. Cincinnati hopes PACE can grow solar
3. SCE $2.2M upgrade part of $1B infrastructure plan
4. Lone Star energizes Texas CREZ power lines
5. NY taps $146M for solar infrastructure

Also Noted: ABB
Spotlight On... Virginia tech demos portable biomass plant
U.S. broadband growth slows; simplifying IT processes and much more...

Pacific Gas and Electric still fighting smart meter skepticism
Smart meters are quickly cementing themselves as the energy industry standard, as utilities and customers across the country realize the energy conservation and communication benefits of the devices. But not everyone is on board with the accelerating pace of the technology. PG&E, in particular, still faces challenges. Feature

CHP: A new generation of renewable power technology
Growing energy consumption is a global problem. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), worldwide energy use will jump 49 percent between 2007 and 2035. Clean energy generating Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units -- or co-generation systems -- produce electricity using the generator engine, converted diesel, to turn a standard generator. Feature


News From Across the Energy Industry:
1. Glendale Power and Water sets gold standard for AMI
2. Consumer misconceptions hinder EV use
3. ComEd transforming substations into smart substations

This week's sponsor is Pegasystems Inc.

Click to learn more

Sponsor: Equifax

FierceLive! Webinars

> The Equifax Big Picture Outlook on the US Economy- April 15th, 2pm ET / 11am PT
> The IT/OT Integration Imperative - April 23, 2 pm ET/ 11 am PT


> Inaugural Healthcare Growth Capital Conference - April 11 - W Hotel NYC
> UTC TELECOM 2013 - May 15-17 - Houston, TX
> IEC 61850 Europe 2013 - May 22-24, 2013 - NH Hotel Prague, Czech Republic


> White paper: Cyber Security and the Energy Sector
> eBook: Smarter Service: The Contract Center of the Future
> eBook: How to Get a Return on Knowledge in a Big Data World
> Research: How to Unlock Knowledge from Big, Unstructured Data to Improve Customer Service

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Today's Top News

1. EPA MATS update nearly $10B to implement

By Barbara Vergetis Lundin Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated its Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), based on new information and analysis that became available after the rule was finalized.

MATS are the first national standards to place limits on power plant emissions of mercury and such pollutants as arsenic, acid gas, nickel, selenium and cyanide. The updates apply to pollution limits for new/future coal- and oil-fired power plants but do not change the types of pollution control technology plants would install.

The mercury emission limits for units not designed for low rank virgin coal have increased just slightly, from 0.002 pounds/GWh to 0.003 pounds/GWh. The updates ensure that emissions limits are achievable and pollution levels can be measured continuously. The public health benefits and costs of the rule remain unchanged, according to the EPA.

The emission limits are expected to cost the industry around $9.6 billion to implement and have already had an effect on the building of new U.S. coal-fired power plants, according to PennEnergy.

In February, officials connected to the proposed 1,320 MW White Stallion Energy Center, a $2.5 billion new coal-fired plant, cited the rules as a reason why the project was canceled, PennEnergy reported.

For more:
- read the rule

Related Articles:
ACCCE bashes EPA 
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Read more about: Power Plants, MATS
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This week's sponsor is Equifax.

Webinar: The Equifax Big Picture Outlook on the US Economy
Monday, April 15th, 2pm ET / 11am PT

Attend this webinar, and you'll gain a clearer understanding of current and future economic indicators along with a high-level analysis of the big issues facing markets today. Register today!

2. Cincinnati hopes PACE can grow solar

By Travis Mitchell Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Cincinnati is not the first place that comes to mind when it comes to sunny skies. But the city's vice-mayor is hoping the adoption of a new financing tool will help spur solar development in the city.

A March resolution sets a goal of reducing the city's energy consumption in the built environment 20 percent by 2028. This will be achieved, in part, through the establishment of a solar rooftop program that will make it easier for residential and commercial customers to sign lease or power purchase agreements for PV installations.

The proposal also includes a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program, which allows property managers to receive 100 percent funding for solar projects, repaid over a 20-year period. This avoids the need for up-front investment by engaging third-party financing.

The facts show that Ohio could support a growing solar market. The state ranked 16th nationally in installed solar capacity in 2012, according to data from the Solar Energy Industries Association. Further, the average price of installed residential and commercial PV systems fell 14 percent in the last year.

This is not the first action by the city of moving toward more sustainable living. The Green Cincinnati Plan, approved in 2008, identifies more than 80 areas for becoming "greener." This includes supporting economic growth and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2028.

For more:
-see the motion
-see this article

Related Articles:
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Many Ohioans support renewable energy; will the Ohio Senate?

Read more about: Solar
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3. SCE $2.2M upgrade part of $1B infrastructure plan

By Barbara Vergetis Lundin Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

To ensure continued reliable electric service, Southern California Edison (SCE) will invest more than $2.2 million to upgrade a distribution circuit that serves the city of Rancho Palos Verdes.

The project entails replacing approximately 150 poles, 57 transformers and 2.75 miles of overhead power lines to improve reliability, and will cause a planned power outage for SCE customers.  

As part of its responsibility to maintain service reliability and expand and improve its local distribution grid, SCE plans to invest $1 billion in the next two years to strengthen its system-wide distribution grid, which serves nearly 14 million people.

For more:
- visit this website

Related Article:
SCE demo moving smart grid to customers

Read more about: Reliability, SCE
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4. Lone Star energizes Texas CREZ power lines

By Barbara Vergetis Lundin Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Lone Star Transmission, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, has energized approximately 330 miles of new 345 kv transmission lines and associated transmission facilities.

The project, which includes four circuits and five substations, enhances the reliability of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) transmission grid as part of a transmission grid improvement program that will add approximately 2,300 miles of 345 kv lines to deliver power from the Competitive Renewable Energy Zones (CREZ) in west Texas and the Texas panhandle to the Dallas/Fort Worth area and other population centers in Texas.

In addition to enhancing the reliability of the grid, the project has created nearly 1,000 jobs and should generate more than $10 million in tax revenues in the first full year of operation alone.

Lone Star Transmission is the first new transmission utility to energize its CREZ facilities.

For more:
- see this article

Related Articles:
GE on board with NextEra wind farm 
Solar Eclipse

Read more about: transmission
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5. NY taps $146M for solar infrastructure

By Barbara Vergetis Lundin Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

As part of Governor Andrew Cuomo's NY-Sun Competitive PV Program, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) awarded $46 million of first round funding for new solar capacity.

A total of 28 recipients have received awards to finance 76 large-scale projects across 33 counties totaling 52 MW of new solar capacity at businesses, factories, municipal buildings and other larger commercial and industrial companies. The $46 million from New York State leverages $100 million in private investment, resulting in $146 million in infrastructure projects.

The program will quadruple the amount of customer-sited solar photovoltaic capacity added between 2011 and 2013 and is being extended through 2023. 2012 proved a year of unprecedented solar growth and more PV systems are being deployed in the state today than in the entire ten years prior as a result of NY-Sun.

The projects are meant to produce power for on-site use, not for direct sale to utilities; however, under certain circumstances unused power can be added to the grid in exchange for future utility credit.

The award recipients or solar host sites include Constellation New Energy, Hudson Solar/Hudson Valley Clean Energy, and National Grid Energy Management.

In addition to the Competitive PV program, NYSERDA, under the NY-Sun Initiative, offers a smaller-scale solar PV program (50 kW or less for non-residential and 7 kW for residential) under the NY-Sun Initiative with funding currently at $3.1 million a month.

For more:
- see this article

Related Articles:
Sun shines brightly on ConEd customers   
NY passes multiple solar bills
New York packing big solar impact

Read more about: NYSERDA, solar photovoltaic
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is ABB.

Webinar: The IT/OT Integration Imperative
April 23, 2 pm ET/ 11 am PT

Traditionally, IT and OT systems worked as separate entities; however, the smart grid requires a convergence of both. Join FierceEnergy and a panel of experts as they examine the effects on utilities that do not take steps to converge/integration their IT/OT systems. Register Today.

SPOTLIGHT ON... Virginia tech demos portable biomass plant

The portable biomass power unit.

Virginia Tech's Department of Sustainable Biomaterials has begun demonstrations of its new portable biomass power plant. The power plant is about the size of a Mini Cooper and generates electricity by burning wood chips, corn cobs, manure, and other agricultural waste. Article



Quick news from around the web:

>A lack of clear timelines and metrics can sabotage big data initiatives. Article
>U.S. broadband has reached the end of its growth phase. Article
>Homeland Security Department CIO voluntarily takes leave. Article
>Six ways to simplify your IT processes. Article 
>Maine is considering legislation that would eliminate its smart meter opt-out fees. Article
>PSE&G's $39 million Residential Multifamily Housing Program is making apartments more efficient. Article
>After much customer backlash, Xcel Energy has revised its rate increase request. Article


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> The Equifax Big Picture Outlook on the US Economy- April 15th, 2pm ET / 11am PT

Attend this webinar, and you'll gain a clearer understanding of current and future economic indicators along with a high-level analysis of the big issues facing markets today. Register today! 

> The IT/OT Integration Imperative - April 23, 2 pm ET/ 11 am PT

Traditionally, IT and OT systems worked as separate entities; however, the smart grid requires a convergence of both. Join FierceEnergy and a panel of experts as they examine the effects on utilities that do not take steps to converge/integration their IT/OT systems. Register Today.


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* General ad info: Click here.

> Inaugural Healthcare Growth Capital Conference - April 11 - W Hotel NYC

Conference to cover strategies on growing existing healthcare businesses to scale & providing expansion capital to high-growth companies with tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues. Register now to receive $100 off with discount code: GCCFRC.

> UTC TELECOM 2013 - May 15-17 - Houston, TX

Gain critical knowledge through education, networking, and access to cutting-edge information and communication technologies and services from the industry’s leading technology experts. UTC TELECOM is the vehicle to deliver your future. Register online today.

> IEC 61850 Europe 2013 - May 22-24, 2013 - NH Hotel Prague, Czech Republic

Join us and enjoy a real-life review of IEC 61850 practical implementations by the key European TSOs and DSOs. 16 case study presentations will be given by representatives of National Grid, Elia, RTE, Gas Natural Fenosa, ENEL, DONG Energy, Alliander, Stedin, amongst others. Register today!


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> White paper: Cyber Security and the Energy Sector

Utilities face many security challenges today. AT&T and Sierra Wireless are working together to provide strong and proven security technologies enabling utilities with a secure and flexible two-way communications infrastructure to connect and communicate in real time. Download now.

> eBook: Smarter Service: The Contract Center of the Future

This eBook explores the challenges facing traditional contact centers and the benefits of deploying the contact center of the future. You'll find links to further resources on the final page. Download today.

> eBook: How to Get a Return on Knowledge in a Big Data World

Get ahead of the market - learn how to get a higher return on your company's collective knowledge with advanced enterprise search technology and watch your employee productivity rise and profits soar. Download For Free Now!

> Research: How to Unlock Knowledge from Big, Unstructured Data to Improve Customer Service

Learn how to unlock knowledge trapped in silos and systems and read how advanced enterprise search technology can put your organization's collective knowledge in the hands of your service reps. Watch your service performance improve and customer satisfaction soar. Download Now!

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