

HuffPost Science: Human Extinction.. Virgin Galactic.. 'Protein Origami'

April 29, 2013
Technology is risky business. At least, that's what some scientists fear: the proposed Center for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge will bring together researchers to brainstorm how we may prepare for technology-related and human-induced dangers in the future. Continue reading...
Big Females Rule in the Animal Kingdom
Although we conform to the mammal-bird pattern of males being the larger sex, this is clearly the exception rather than rule. Most animal males are small and quick rather than large and robust, and females are often giants by comparison. Continue reading...
Forensic Confirmation Bias: When the Evidence Doesn't Speak for Itself
Latent fingerprint analysis is one of the more well-established domains of forensic science, yet these human examiners are vulnerable to the same confirmation biases that plague us all. It logically follows that other, less 'scientific' domains of forensic science that involve visual comparisons could be similarly hampered. Continue reading...
Klingon Worlds
It seems that the frequency of planets able to support life is roughly one percent. In other words, a billion or more such worlds exist in our galaxy alone. That's a lot of acreage, and it takes industrial-strength credulity to believe it's all bleakly barren. Continue reading...
Mars: The Next International Destination
The time to start planning the next large international space mission is now. That mission should be a human mission to Mars. Despite the troubling economic and budgetary times, there is clear support in the U.S. for human Mars exploration. Continue reading...
WATCH: The Incredible Power Of a Single Pair Of Glasses
2013-04-25-ebelingpullThe EyeWriter has been a journey, and due to the nature of ALS it's a never-ending one. It started in 2008, and it continues on today. I am often asked, "Why did you do it?" Continue reading...

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