

Mindfulness Starts Here.. A Quick Morning Meditation.. 5 Strategies To Help You Forgive

April 1, 2013
How does the heart relate to mindfulness? Mindfulness is about being present to what you're feeling, thinking and sensing. Connecting to our hearts enables us to be in "the heart of the moment," and if you don't want to get hooked into those thoughts and feelings, you let them pass through.  Continue reading...
These Things You Can Change
We have more than we''ve ever had and can do more than we ever thought. We can meet strangers across continents on devices in our pockets from the comfort of wherever we are. We can crowdsource with those same strangers to start a company or make a movie. Continue reading...
5 Strategies to Help You Forgive
While research indicates that training in forgiveness can actually bring about improvements in both well-being and health, actually forgiving can be easier said than done. If forgiveness is something you want to practice, try one of these strategies. Continue reading...
Meditating for Sleep: Beditation 101
Though scientific studies are undecided on whether meditation actually improves sleep (some researchers say it does by easing depression, some say it makes you need less sleep, some reveal increased alertness), I find it the spiritual equivalent of counting sheep. Continue reading...
Is Fear Holding You Back? Try This
How can you learn to embrace risk for the sake of your future happiness, particularly when risk taking doesn't come to you naturally? When you think about making a change, focus only on what you have to gain, and banish all thoughts of what you might lose. Continue reading...
When Smart and Social Don't Mix in a Relationship
Ultimately, you chose your partner for a reason. You have a soul-level connection that can transcend any differences. Hold strong to that fact and you'll soon find that smarts and social can indeed go hand-in-hand in any relationship. Continue reading...

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