

'Nightmare Scenario' For Keystone.. Plane Crash.. Puppy Stories: Good And Bad

April 2, 2013

CALGARY - A crude oil leak from an ExxonMobil pipeline in Arkansas comes at a particularly bad time for the Canadian company looking to build the contentious Keystone XL pipeline through the American heartland.

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New 'Calgary Compliments' Facebook Page Takes the "Strange Out of Stranger"
Since its inception in January 2013, Facebook page Calgary Compliments has taken our city by storm. So what exactly is the purpose to a page like this? Unlike similar "confessions" pages which have been popping all over the interwebs, this compliments page is a civic outreach initiative to help Calgarians bond. Continue reading...
Teaching Your Child To Cook Healthy Meals At Any Age
Having your child prepare a healthy meal for the family seems like an unattainable dream for most parents. However, if you instil the habit of cooking in your child at an early age, you are providing them with the skills they need to live a healthy life, and having fun while doing it. Continue reading...
In Defense of Stephen Harper
A lot of pundits have been giving PM Stephen Harper a really hard time for muzzling MP Mark Warawa's motion that parliament condemn sex selection abortion. I think both Warawa and Harper are doing a good job, but if I have to take sides, I'll side with Harper. Continue reading...
Wake up and Smell the Coal Alberta!
If a new Pembina Institute report released this week is any indication, we Albertans have happily, if unwittingly, kept the wool pulled down over our eyes when it comes to acknowledging the primary fuel that powers our lives. To wit, fully 64 per cent of the electricity generated in Alberta comes from burning the most inefficient and dirty of all fossil fuels: coal. Continue reading...
Moving to Income-Based Drug Coverage is the Wrong Prescription for Alberta
The Alberta government has announced major pharmacare reforms: the province is planning to move from a system where public drug coverage is available mainly for seniors to a system where coverage will be restricted based upon income. Continue reading...

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