

Record Bets Against Canada.. New Plastic Bills.. BlackBerry: Tablet Is Dead

April 30, 2013
The tablet computer has no future, BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins told Bloomberg in an interview.

"In five years I don't think there'll be a reason to have a tablet anymore," Heins said in an interview in Los Angeles Monday. "Maybe a big screen in your workspace, but not a tablet as such. Tablets themselves are not a good business model." Continue reading...
Was Your Mortgage Made In Bangladesh?
The tumultuous events in Bangladesh are not as far away as you might think, and their effects on your well-being go far beyond cheap chic clothing. What we have on a global scale is a massive amount of lending by the poor to the rich. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? To his credit, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was one of the first economists to identify this problem, way back in 2005. He called it a global savings glut. It has only gotten worse since then. It is responsible for your low mortgage rate, and also large deficits and high unemployment in the industrialized countries. Continue reading...
Public Debt and Economic Growth
Reinhart and Rogoff seem to be correct in one basic respect: Economic growth does seem to be lower in very-high-debt countries. But the entire debate over their paper's flaws begs the central question of cause and effect. Is growth lower because of the high debt? Or does cause-and-effect the other way around? Continue reading...
How Poker Can Tell Us If a Person Will Blow His Money
Poker players frequently give off signals that tip off the kind of cards they have. It is the same thing in these conferences. I would actually pay the attorneys and clients to bring me to meditations as I can spot problems and make corrections before they get money in their hands. Continue reading...
The Sunny T'Sou-ke First Nation Loves Solar Power
The T'Sou-ke First Nation developed a community plan that led them to build the largest solar photovoltaic project in B.C. and cut their energy use by 75 per cent. With this vision in place the T'Sou-ke tackled the challenge of energy self-sufficiency with gusto. A few years ago they installed 75-kilowatts of solar PV on several buildings. Continue reading...
Google's Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets
Dictators, mired in more technologically primitive societies, didn't develop the fearsome new implements of control of the National Security State. Google and other leaders in this field of massively mined and shared information did. Continue reading...

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