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Dear Wall Street Daily Nation,

A spectacular price anomaly now exists deep inside the energy market.

Put briefly, the United States pays roughly $4/mcf for natural gas.

Yet the European Union pays upwards of $15/mcf.

It's one of the widest price gaps energy expert, Karim Rahemtulla, has ever witnessed.

It's happening because the market is being artificially manipulated by Russia, says Karim...

"Russia has a monopoly on the natural gas it supplies to Europe. And when you own all the gas, you can charge whatever you want."

It's extortion, really.

But Russia is about to be eliminated from the situation.

It'll happen virtually overnight, too.

"Pricing anomalies never last. They always correct. And when the big correction happens, investors stand to make a ton of money."

Karim expects European gas prices to violently stabilize in the coming days.

At the heart of this geopolitical firestorm lies one company that trades on the NYSE.

Shares are extremely coveted right now, and Karim just slapped a $300 price target on the stock.

Although the stock is presently listed as a "Buy," Karim plans to move it to a "Hold" as early as Friday.

"Moving the stock to a 'Hold' is the only way to protect my readers from buying shares too late. When this explodes, it's going to happen extremely fast."

To view Karim's full report, click here.

Ahead of the tape,

Robert Williams
Publisher, Wall Street Daily

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