

Revising History?.. Harper 'Fed Up'.. Tories, PQ Join Forces

May 3, 2013
Stephen Harper's Conservatives have launched a review of Canadian history seemingly aimed at placing greater emphasis on the nation's involvement in armed conflicts.
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What the Government Is Hiding Should Make Canadians "Blush in Horror"
After 65 years, Canada doesn't do too badly on the right to speak freely, but terribly when it comes to the flow of information from our governments about what they have done. Proud Canadians should blush in horror when they learn that last year the country ranked number 55 out of 93 countries that have laws that allow requests for documents about what their governments have done. Canada ranks so low because our law passed 31 years ago needs a major overhaul. Journalists, people interested in public policy, and others have been asking for years for changes to make the law and the Access to Information (ATI) process really work. Why? Continue reading...
The Root of Harper's Conservative Strategy
Stephen Harper is not interested in root causes or academic debates. When Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau suggested in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings that acts of terrorism are best seen in the context of their social causes, Harper swiftly rejected the idea which points beyond anti-terrorism legislation and partisan spats to the deeper roots of Conservative strategy. Continue reading...
Where Does Joe Oliver Get His Climate Science From?
Imagine if you discovered that a doctor was doing open-heart surgery based on a technique they saw on the TV show. Sound far-fetched? Unfortunately, it's this kind of unscientific technique that the Harper government appears to be relying on to diagnose the health of our planet, and how they should react to it. Continue reading...
The Worst Thing You Can Call a Union Leader? A Boss
Why do the most right-wing politicians and corporate news outlets always use the term "union boss"? Because the worst thing they can think of is to say the leader of a labour organization acts like a capitalist? Strangely, one of the main reasons workers seek to unionize is to protect themselves from the arbitrary power of bosses. Continue reading...
Sun News Asking for a Government Handout Is Ironic, Dontcha Think?
Today, the Sun News Network (SNN) made its final pitch to the federal telecommunications regulator. There is something quite ironic about a network that regularly manipulates information to deliver an agenda that is anti-big government, anti-handouts, anti-regulation, anti-bailout, anti-immigrant, vulture-capitalist -- now begging for a socialist solution to their shortfall. Continue reading...

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