

Search And Rescue Changes.. Ontario Budget.. Not Running For UN Seat

May 2, 2013

OTTAWA - Just days after the auditor general's sharp warning about Canada's search-and-rescue capability, the Harper government is unveiling a series of measures to bolster it.

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Attack Ads Damage Our Democracy
If you say "politician A is a crook" often enough, it is only a matter of time before the public comes to believe that all politicians are crooks. That is what is happening now and these are the seeds that defenders of negative advertising are sowing. Politics is not about bludgeoning your opponent until they cannot stand. Continue reading...
The Bill Turning Websites in to Government Spies
CISPA -- which on the surface is meant to allow for voluntary information sharing between private companies and the government in the event of a cyber attack -- is a surveillance bill that is dangerously lacking in transparency and oversight. This would turn websites into government spies. Continue reading...
Making Criminals Out of the Mentally Ill
With Bill C-54, if you are deemed to be "high risk not criminally responsible," you will be held for a minimum of three years before you ever have the chance to see a review board. As someone who has not only been a patient in three separate psychiatric hospitals in Ontario, but has also worked in forensic psychiatric institutions, I know that they aren't always the best places to get better. With proper treatment, I was healthy again and posed no threat to the public within a few months. Had I been forced to remain in hospital for three years, I likely wouldn't be the productive, law-abiding citizen that I am today. Continue reading...
Is Justin Trudeau Actually a Conservative?
Trudeau is trying to find a new niche for the Liberal Party. A preliminary look indicated that he is trying to take the Conservative party's old right-of-centre spot on the ideological spectrum. With fewer differences between the two parties, Trudeau's youth and vitality may come as an asset in 2015 when Canadians go to the polls. Continue reading...
Adrian Dix: The Unpredictable Premier?
Voters want to know where their potential leaders stand before they have to walk into a polling station and put a tick next to a party's name. While it's impossible for anyone to fully anticipate and articulate every possible challenge and scenario ahead of a four-year term in office, taxpayers want a predictable pattern set out. Political leaders should be able to change their mind as circumstances change, but nothing had changed about asset sales or Kinder Morgan. Continue reading...

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