

The Problem with Pleasure by Laura Frost -- Save 30%

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Columbia University Press
Pleasure and Unpleasure in Modernist Literature
The Problem with Pleasure, Laura Frost
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Read an excerpt from the chapter A Repudiation of Pleasure

Modernism and Its Discontents  

Laura Frost

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"A tour de force that will be widely and passionately read. Laura Frost has panache, acuity, incisiveness, and pleasure to burn. This is an important and shimmering book, a firework in its own right." - Jennifer Wicke, University of Virginia
Aldous Huxley decried "the horrors of modern 'pleasure,'" or the proliferation of mass produced, widely accessible entertainment that could degrade or dull the mind. He and his contemporaries, including James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, D. H. Lawrence, and Jean Rhys, sought to radically redefine pleasure, constructing arduous and indirect paths to delight through their notoriously daunting work. Laura Frost follows these experiments in the art of unpleasure, connecting modernism's signature characteristics, such as irony, allusiveness, and obscurity, to an ambitious attempt to reconfigure bliss.

In The Problem with Pleasure, Frost draws upon a wide variety of materials, linking interwar amusements, such as the talkies, romance novels, the Parisian fragrance Chanel no. 5, and the exotic confection Turkish Delight, to the artistic play of Joyce, Lawrence, Stein, Rhys, and others. She considers pop cultural phenomena and the rise of celebrities such as Rudolph Valentino and Gypsy Rose Lee against contemporary sociological, scientific, and philosophical writings on leisure and desire.  


$35.00 $24.50
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£24.00 | Cloth | 304 pages

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