In the Next 24 Hours, $6.9 Million Will Flow into this “Secret Market” Let me show how to tap into it…and quietly rake in windfall profits like $1,535, $1,930, and even $2,433 in as little as 8 trading hours Hi Z, I’d like you to meet Sid. Sid is similar to most investors. He makes some of his trading decisions based on data, some based on “instinct,” and some based on experience. He also follows a pretty strict set of trading rules. But there’s one really big difference between Sid and traders like you and me. You see, Sid trades using an adaptive trading algorithm created by a 25-year-old math whiz named Shing Tat Chung. Sid isn’t human. He’s a computer. Sid is part of the new “secret market” of high-frequency trading, or HFT. I refer to it as the “rise of the trading machines.” Last year, this “secret market” of high-frequency trading pulled in about $1.8 billion in profits. That’s $6.9 million every trading day. In this new world of robo-trading, big profits – and losses – can happen in a millisecond. Because in this “secret market,” supercomputers are programmed to react to specific incidents in an instant. Without any human intervention or oversight. It’s the stuff of science fiction. It’s also Wall Street’s dirty little secret. Because it’s causing havoc in the market. HFT is why we experienced the first “flash crash” in May 2010. It’s why the Dow plunged nearly 150 points in less than 4 minutes in a mini “flash crash” this past April. And it’s why Knight Capital lost more than $400 million on August 1 last year. But while others lose sleep at night worrying about the next “flash crash,” you can use this new trading trend to target a small fortune. Because I’m about to show you how you can position yourself to turn this “cyber-trading” trend into profits like $1,535, $1,930, and even $2,433...practically overnight! Wall Street’s Little-Known Transformation and How to Profit from It When you see the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on CNBC, you’re looking at a bunch of raucous traders frantically waving their hands in the air and furiously shouting out orders. Well it may look good on TV...but what you’re seeing is a far cry from how most trading is done today. These manic traders aren’t moving the markets. Computers are. Computers like Sid. That’s right. Computers make about 70% of the trades placed on the U.S. stock market today. They execute around a BILLION trades a day. If you haven’t heard about this, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Wall Street keeps the info hush-hush. But these bizarre “flash crashes” – like the one we had just a little over a month ago – are ripping the curtain away from this secret trading practice. You may be surprised to learn that Wall Street hides these huge machines far away from the stock exchange. Many of these machines are housed in a large warehouse in New Jersey. This warehouse is the size of 3 football fields and is packed with row after row of super computers that whirl and hum 24/7. They talk to each other in a secret and complex computer language programmed by Ivy League math wizards. And these “robo-traders” are the new “masters of the universe” when it comes to controlling the direction of the stock market. How? They can place millions of trades in a millisecond – making human traders obsolete. And while it sounds like something straight out of the Terminator movies, I can assure you it’s not. We now have machine domination of the trading floor. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that only 30% of all trading actually happens on the floors of the exchanges. The other 70% are being placed by computers! This domination is one of the biggest contributors to the dramatic increases in market volatility – with stocks swinging 3% to 4% up or down at any given time. And these huge swings are happening more often than during any other time in history. And I’m giving you a great way to profit from it... I created a service designed to take advantage of the new high-frequency trading environment. A service that allows you to profit from the new intraday and overnight volatility...instead of falling prey to it. I call it Overnight Trader. And you can use it to reap profits like $1,535, $1,930, and even $2,433...practically overnight! Now some traders pay $1,595 to get 1-year of these unique short-term recommendations. And at that price, they still consider it a bargain...because each Overnight Trader recommendation targets gains of up to 100% – in as little as 8 trading hours! But you won’t pay anywhere close to $1,595 today. Because I’m so outraged by the profits that are being swiped from investors like yourself with this new high-frequency trading environment, that I want to give you a way to profit from it. So I’m letting you try my Overnight Trader...on-the-cheap! Until midnight tonight you can take a whopping $1,100 off the regular price. For just $495, you get one full year of Overnight Trader – at least 48 recommendations in all – at nearly 70% savings. You could make up to a thousand in extra cash with every trade – so you could bank up to $4,000 in profits in the next 30 days alone! That’s a potential profit of more than 8 TIMES the cost of your subscription – in just the first 30 days! And that’s not all I’ll give you today…I really want to level the playing field for retail investors, so I’m also giving you an extra year of trades free! So you get not 48 but 96 hot trades over the next 2 years for the low, low price of just $495. We’re talking just $5.15 a trade here! But hurry! Because the bean counters won’t let me offer this great deal for more than a few hours… Or call 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1251 today between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET for more information. A HUGE Opportunity for You – If You Play it Right! Here’s the really devious truth behind this new high-frequency trading. Many of these large swings are being made in the dead of night...while you sleep...and the market is closed. So just because you hear the “closing bell” ring out at 4:00 p.m., doesn’t mean trading has stopped. That’s because volume trading is no longer limited to the daylight hours. A large percentage of volume and volatility is happening at night. In fact, on days when the market makes a big move, the amount of volatility occurring overnight more than TRIPLED from 2005 to 2011 thanks to this secret high-frequency cyber trading. Now you may be wondering...if high-frequency trading is here to stay, how can you take advantage of it and turn it into cash in your pocket? That’s a great question. I want to show you how you can make a small fortune with big, fast profits...even while the market is closed and you’re peacefully slumbering. I want you to know how to beat the trading machines at their own game. Just look at the kinds of profits you can make as an Overnight as little as 8 trading hours. | - $2,433 in PROFITS on S&P Depositary Receipts calls. Buy 10 contracts for $2,015. Pocket $4,448.
- $1,930 in PROFITS on SPDR Gold Trust calls. Buy 4 contracts for $1,940. Pocket $3,870.
- $1,554 in PROFITS on Apple calls. Buy 2 contracts for $3,100. Pocket $4,654.
- $1,200 in PROFITS on on iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treasury Bond Fund puts. Buy 30 contracts for $4,080. Pocket $5,280.
- $1,368 in PROFITS on SPDR Gold Trust puts. Buy 6 contracts for $2,457. Pocket $3,825.
- $1,177 in PROFITS on Facebook, Inc. calls. Buy 30 contracts for $2,025. Pocket $3,202.
- $1,370 in PROFITS on iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treasury Bond Fund calls. Buy 20 contracts for $3,110. Pocket $4,480.
- $950 in PROFITS on J.C. Penney puts. Buy 20 contracts for $2,960. Pocket $3,910.
- $1,535 in PROFITS on Research In Motion calls. Buy 10 contracts for $1,275. Pocket $2,810.
- $2,350 in PROFITS on more Research In Motion calls. Buy 20 contracts for $1,750. Pocket $4,100.
- $1,544 in PROFITS on more S&P Depositary Receipts calls. Buy 16 contracts for $3,640. Pocket $5,184.
| That’s $17,411 in profits from just 11 trades! And now you can target “secret market” profits like these almost effortlessly...with our Overnight Trader service. TODAY ONLY: Try Schaeffer’s Overnight Trader... And target up to 100% gains in as little as 8 trading hours! Until midnight tonight you SAVE $1,100 when you give Overnight Trader a try. You pay just $495 for a full YEAR of Overnight Trader – at least 48 recommendations in all. You save nearly 70%! Plus you get an extra year free! So you’re getting a $3,190 value for just $495. That’s 96 trades over the next two years! Three Simple Rules to Maximize Your Return in This “Secret Market” If you want to profit from the high-tech Wall Street – where computers make the trades...and where most of the volatility now occurs intraday and overnight.... Then you’ll want to follow these three simple “secret market” trading rules: “Secret Market” Trading Rule #1: Play the Bounce (or Plunge) ...and Double Your Money “Play the Bounce (or Plunge)” means paying close attention to trend lines and potential levels of support or resistance – which often lead to a quick stock move in a particular direction. That’s exactly what happened when we made 50% gains on Apple calls overnight. When we made our recommendation to buy Apple calls, the stock was sitting just above its 20-day moving average, which we knew could serve as a solid level of support. Plus the stock had heavy put open interest just below its current price level – another potential source of support. And the stock had just experienced what we call a “bullish up-gap,” where the stock moves downward and then bounces back up to fill the “gap.” The gap level often acts as support after this happens. After seeing these solid support levels – as well as several other key measures that made call options on the stock look attractive – we recommended that investors buy the Apple calls at a maximum entry price of 18. The next day, we sold our Apple calls for 50% gains. You could have purchased 1 contract for $1,551 and sold for $2,328 in less than 24 hours. Or you could have purchased 2 contracts for $3,102 and sold for $4,656 the next morning. So you would have raked in a tidy $1,554 in pure profits...while you slept. And that brings me to the second new rule of “secret market” trading, which is... “Secret Market” Trading Rule #2: Protect Your Capital With short-term trading, your capital exposure is limited to just a few hours. So you don’t have to sweat bullets while the market tosses your stocks back and forth like a tennis ball for weeks at a time. You can protect your capital by getting in and out of the market in as little as 8 trading hours. Take our SPDR Gold Trust play for example... On a Thursday, we saw that the SPDR Gold Trust was about to make a big move downward. SPDR Gold Trust faced some serious resistance from its 80-day moving average, which was likely to quickly halt any bullish run. Plus employment numbers were due out the next day, and we knew the ETF was likely to drop if the numbers met or beat analysts’ expectations. Meanwhile, the options were cheap. And investors were bullish on the ETF, making it a perfect contrarian play. So we told our subscribers to buy SPDR Gold Trust puts before we left the office on Thursday evening. When we returned the next morning, we sold our puts for a fast 56% gain. If you’d bought just 4 contracts on that trade for $1,638, you’d have pocketed $2,550 overnight. That’s a cool $912 in profits. And if you’d bought 10 contracts for $4,095, you’d have pocketed $6,375! That’s a nice $2,280 in profits! That’s why as an Overnight Trader, it’s amazingly easy to protect your capital. Because you have the potential to bank up to 100% gains in as little as 8 trading hours. With Overnight Trader, you put that short-term volatility to work for you. So instead of clutching your stomach as you watch your stocks swing wildly back and forth... you could be raking in big gains in just a few short hours of trading. And that brings me to the third new rule of “secret market” trading, which is... “Secret Market” Trading Rule #3: Freeze Time...and Get the Most Bang for Your Trading Buck As an Overnight Trader, every recommendation you receive will be 1 to 7 days out from its expiration. Some will be weekly options and some will be monthly options. But every option will expire in 7 trading days or less. And we’ll close at least a partial position of every Overnight Trader recommendation by the very next trading day – in as little as 8 trading hours. Why the short time frame? Because by closing out the trade so quickly, you can in essence “freeze time.” Let me explain. As you probably know, options lose value as time passes. It’s called time decay. And the longer you hold an option, the more time decay eats into your premium – and thus your profits. But time decay does not affect your option premiums when the market is closed. So as an Overnight Trader, you can in essence “freeze time” – and take advantage of all the profit potential that overnight volatility presents...with absolutely no downside. You can buy options that let you profit big from overnight market moves...without having your profits eaten away by time decay – or a market that moves against you. Let me give you an example. At 10:51 a.m. on a Thursday, we bought Research In Motion (BBRY) calls. We were trading on rumors that the company was releasing a new Blackberry phone. The price...about $87 per contract. After placing the trade, we finished out the day at work and went home and slept...while the market reacted to the rumors. Between Thursday and Friday, Research In Motion stock gained nearly 11%. Let me repeat...that’s an 11% jump OVERNIGHT – while the market was CLOSED! By 9:35 a.m. on Friday, we cashed in on a huge 134% gain on the calls. Had we waited until the close of the market on Friday to exit our Research In Motion calls, our impressive 134% gain would have shrunk to just 76%. We would have made 43% fewer profits just by waiting a few more hours to close the trade! And that’s why it can pay off to “freeze time” when trading. Because overnight market volatility can add extra profits to your portfolio...without any additional risk of time decay. By now I’m sure you see how smart-money traders are cashing in on the new high-tech world of trading. Take Advantage of the Next Generation in High-Tech Trading... and Put “Secret Market” Moves to Work for Your Portfolio Today! Now let me be perfectly clear here, I’m NOT suggesting you ONLY have overnight trades in your options portfolio. When you need more time for your move to play out, you need to stick with a longer trading time frame. But there are times when trading short-term and overnight plays make sense – particularly when all the signs show that a stock is about to make a significant, quick bounce (or plunge). And to successfully play the bounce (or plunge), you need a reliable set of short-term indicators. Indicators that allow you to select winning trades based on a price forecast of as few as 8 trading hours. Proprietary indicators like the ones we’ve developed over the past 30 years here at Schaeffer’s Investment Research. The kind that can make you $17,411 in profits on just 11 trades! Prime Your Portfolio for up to 100% Gains...At Least 96 Times over the Next 2 Years Now one of the really great things about being an Overnight Trader is that you don’t have to invest a lot of cash to target big profits. Many of our trade recommendations cost around $500 or less to enter. Now that doesn’t mean we’ll NEVER send you a trade that costs a bit more to get in. Some will be more expensive. After all, I would hate for you to miss out on a really hot profit opportunity just because it costs a little bit more. And remember, with Overnight Trader, you target up to 100% gains in as few as 8 TRADING HOURS. We’re talking in as little as one trading day here. So an investment of $1,000 could generate $1,000 in extra cash in no time at all. Now $1,000 might not sound like much. But if you were to do that 48 times this year, we’re talking $48,000 in extra cash. And remember, you get an extra year of trades FREE! So you could do it 48 times next year too! Which means you have the potential to be nearly $100,000 richer in just 24 months! And here’s the really great thing about Overnight Trader: Because you’re in and out of every trade in as little as 8 trading hours, you can “recycle” your trading capital over and over again...flipping it from one trade to the next...generating bigger and bigger gains each time. Now I need to be clear about something. Sometimes this powerful strategy delivers gains like the 134% overnight profits we made on Research In Motion...but there are also times that the move doesn’t play out as we expect and we have to cut our losses short. Yes, there will be losing trades. That's the way it is when you trade options. You’ll have winners and losers. But remember...the most you can lose on any single trade is the amount you invested, while your potential gains are unlimited. It only takes a few big winners to more than overpower any losing trades that you have along the way...and that’s why I love options trading so much. And it’s also why I don’t recommend reinvesting every penny you make. It’s always good to take some cash off the table from those big winners and stash it away for a rainy day. The bottom line is that you have the chance to rack up to 100% gains with Overnight Trader in as little as 8 trading hours. So the potential to compound your profits is huge. And your potential for savings is huge too, IF you act quickly... SAVE $1,100 When You Join Schaeffer’s Overnight Trader Until midnight tonight you SAVE $1,100 when you join Schaeffer’s Overnight Trader. Overnight Trader regularly retails for $1,595 a year. And that’s a huge bargain when you consider that each trade has the potential to double your money overnight! But you won’t pay even close to that! Because you can get 48 recommendations over the next 12 months for just $495. Wait – did I say 48? Because I’ll also throw in an extra year free. So you get 96 hot trade recommendations in the next two years…for just $495. Remember, just one of those trades could MORE than pay for your subscription. Say you made $1,535 on our Research in Motion trade earlier this year. You could have paid for your subscription – and still had $1,040 in extra cash to spend! And that’s just one trade. With this deal, you’ll get at least 96 trades – each targeting up to 100% gains in as little as 8 trading hours. Here’s what you’ll get with Schaeffer’s Overnight Trader... 96 Opportunities to Profit – with a minimum of 4 Overnight Trader recommendations every month for the 2 years – each primed for up to 100% gains. Detailed Research on Every Trade – For each new trade, we’ll shoot you an email containing a link to both an easy-to-understand trade recommendation and a trade commentary. Just click on the link for the specific option recommendation, as well as greater insight on why we think this recommendation is poised to deliver gains of up to 100% in as few as 8 trading hours. This commentary link gives you trade details including graphs and also technical, sentiment, and fundamental indicators and parameters. So, you always have the information you need – showing you exactly why we expect the trade to deliver. Closeout Instructions on Each Trade – You’ll receive email instructions with details on how to close out either a full or partial position for each recommendation. So, you’re never left wondering what to do. You just sit back, place the trades, and wait for further instruction. A partial closeout for the recommendation will occur in as little as 8 trading hours. If we see room for potential profits, we may keep the remaining partial position open for up to 7 trading days. The time the position is entered to when it is closed will range from as few as 8 trading hours to as many as 7 trading days. Your FREE Overnight Trader handbook – Get detailed money management guidelines so you can easily trade options while maximizing your profit potential and minimizing your risk. Nearly 70% SAVINGS – Join Schaeffer’s Overnight Trader before midnight tonight and save $1,100. You pay only $495. Get an Extra Year ABSOLUTELY FREE – Join before midnight tonight, and you also get an extra year of FREE trades. That’s a $3,190 value for just $495! There are 2 easy ways for you to join Overnight Trader with this amazing offer: Just pick up the phone and call 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1251 between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday to find out more. If You Can’t Beat ’Em...Join ’Em! High-frequency trading is here to stay. So why not learn how to profit from it? Use today’s high-tech, split-second “secret market” rake in gains like $1,535, $1,930, and $2,433 for yourself! Remember, it costs only $495 for the chance to sleep a lot better at night...knowing you have the opportunity to double your money in as little as 8 trading hours. Hurry! This special offer ends tonight at midnight! Yours for bigger profits, more often, Bernie Schaeffer Chairman & CEO Schaeffer's Investment Research 5151 Pfeiffer Road, Suite 250 Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 1-800-448-2080 International 1-513-589-3800 P.S. You can profit BIG by taking advantage of Wall Street’s “secret market,” where 70% of trades are now made by “robo-traders.” Isn’t it time you took advantage of the new high-frequency trading to rake in profits like $1,535, $1,930, and $2,433 – in as little as 1 trading day? ABOUT BERNIE SCHAEFFER - Chairman and CEO of Schaeffer’s Investment Research, Inc. and Senior Editor of the Option Advisor newsletter since 1981
- Recipient of the Traders' Library "Trader's Hall of Fame" award
- Timer Digest consistently ranks Bernie's market timing among the top 10 out of more than 100 analysts
- Three-time winner of the Wall Street Journal stock picking contest
- Bernie often lends his expertise on CNBC and Fox News, and he is a regular guest on Nightly Business Report and Bloomberg Radio
- His award-winning site is the #1 destination for options trading and is widely renowned for its real-time discussions of the option activity and sentiment backdrop on volatile stocks and stocks in the news
Here’s your chance to put our experience to work for your portfolio! If you have any questions about, Bernie Schaeffer or any of our products or services, send an e-mail message to or please call us at 1-800-448-2080. Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing the amount invested in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. If you wish to be excluded from future notices, do not reply to this message. Instead, please go to the following address: Your subscription fee may be 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE if used for business/investment purposes. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions located at: | |
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