

You're Paying Way Too Much to Invest... and Are Gold & Silver Zombie Metals?

Sunday, June 30, 2013

In the current edition of the Investment U Weekly Update, Investment Analyst and Host of The Oxford Club's Market Wake-Up Call Steve McDonald runs down the key issues affecting the global economy - and your investments. (Click the image to play.)

Steve McDonald and Investment U's Weekly Update

This week, you'll find...

  • A Chemical Story
  • Paying to Live to 100
  • The "Slap in the Face" Award: Comfort = Punishment
You can check it out in this video.


A New Age of Human History Begins...

One tiny company's technology is launching an entirely new era of human history. Free from cancer and heart disease. Free from nursing homes and the indignities of old age. A Cambridge University geneticist, after months of studying these medical treatments, concluded, "The first person to live to be 1,000 years old is certainly alive today." What's the company making all this possible? Click here to find out.

Here are the top stories that were featured in our Investment U Daily this week...

Alexander Green You're Paying Way Too Much to Invest
By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist

You don't know how much you're paying in investment costs. But if you are using a full-service broker or insurance agent, it's almost certainly way too much.

In a recent op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Burton Malkiel noted that from 1980 to 2006, the U.S. financial services sector grew from 4.9% to 8.3% of GDP.

Most of that jump represented increases in asset-management fees. Yet even though most clients get no performance advantage from these higher fees - quite the opposite, in fact - few complain for a simple reason.

They don't know how much they're paying.

Click here to read the full story.

David Fessler Make More With Less
By David Fessler, Senior Analyst

Two years ago in this column, I wrote an article about energy efficiency. It was primarily focused on the introduction of the CFL light bulb as a means of saving energy.

Now, a mere two years later, technology comes to the rescue. This solution will make CFLs short-lived.

Click here to read the full story.

Alexander Green How to Profit From the Fed-Induced Sell-off
By Alexander Green, Senior Analyst

The markets have reeled in reaction to news that the Federal Reserve intends to end its $85 billion-a-month bond-buying program by the middle of next year.

Let's take a look at why this is happening and how you should play it now.

Click here to read the full story.

Marc Lichtenfeld You Can Still Make Big Money in This Market
By Marc Lichtenfeld, Associate Investment Strategist

This weekend my family and I were checking out a local bookstore when I came across a magazine called The Intelligent Optimist. I would have bought it but I doubt it's any good. (That's a joke. Think about it.)

But a long-term investor is an intelligent optimist - and in this market, that's not an easy thing to be.

There are always good, logical reasons to be a pessimist.

Click here to read the full story.

Marc LichtenfeldAre Gold & Silver Zombie Metals?
By Sean Brodrick, Resource Strategist

The action in the gold and silver markets is enough to drive precious metals traders crazy, and in some cases, I think it has.

Analysts who once talked up the metals are now saying gold will slump to $900 an ounce... or lower. Investors who once loved mining stocks now loathe them. And on the other side, you have respectable people, furious over gold's decline, talking about the metal going to "infinity."

You know who you are, and if the shoe fits, start upping your meds.

Click here to read the full story.

Be sure to check out some of the other investment stories that we've published this week on our website at

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