

Update | Asia-Pacific Deadline, Sales & Customer Service Winners, the Future of User Experience

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Final Entry Deadline for the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards on Monday
  Read Gold Stevie-Winning Entries from Sales & Customer Service Awards
  The Future of User Experience, by an American Business Awards Judge
  IN BRIEF: Stevies in Asia-Pacific Newsletter; German Stevie Awards Coming Soon; Apply to Judge Stevie Awards Competitions
  Upcoming Stevie Awards Calendar
Entry Deadline for the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards on Monday


The final entry deadline for the first edition of the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards is Monday, March 31.

Review the entry kit now – it contains everything you’ll need to know about how to prepare and submit entries.

Asia Pac LogoThe Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are the first new Stevie Awards program to be launched in seven years.  The competition is open to all organizations operating in the 22 nations of the Asia-Pacific region.  The website at is available in seven languages, and entries may be submitted in, and will be judged in, all of those languages. Categories include:

Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie Award winners will be announced on April 23, and celebrated at a gala banquet in Seoul, South Korea on May 30. Attendance is not required to win.

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Read Gold Stevie-Winning Entries from Sales & Customer Service Award


We have published the full-text of the Gold Stevie Award-winning entries from the 2014 (8th Annual) Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service, the world's premier sales awards and customer service awards.


Stevies winners in the 8th Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service were announced in Las Vegas on February 21.

Here’s a preview of some of the Gold Stevie-winning entries you'll find online now.

Company: Strategy to Revenue, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Category: Sales Training or Coaching Program of the Year
Nomination Title: DHL Global Forwarding - Quest for Sales Excellence

Strategy to Revenue (STR) was engaged by DHL Global Forwarding (DGF) in September 2012 to transform the global sales force to become the number one in the logistics industry as part of their 'Good to Great' business strategy.

In order to fully understand the current situation, STR worked in collaboration with the DHL Global Sales Training team to analyze the sales process, existing selling models and concepts used in the field, and identify the gaps to drive high performance...

Company: Kohl's Department Stores - Credit Divison, Menomonee Falls, WI
Category: Contact Center of the Year (Over 100 Seats) - All Other Industries

Nomination Title: The Kohl's Charge Contact Center
The Kohl's Charge Contact Center

The Kohl’s Charge Contact Center, a 900+ seat environment with four locations, provides Retail & Customer Service and Operational Support to 25+ million Kohl’s Charge Card customers and 1,158 retail store locations. 3 balanced elements define the Kohl’s unique Contact Center Strategy…

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The Future of User Experience, by an American Business Awards Judge


Matt ShewmakerMark Shewmaker, chief experience officer at SMITH, an independent digital experience agency based in Seattle, Washington, will chair the final judging committee for the creative awards categories (Apps, Live Events, Publications and Videos) of The 2014 American Business Awards, the U.S.A.'s top business awards. (Entries for this competition are still being accepted.  Get your entry kit here.)

We asked Mark, with his deep understanding of user experience, for his thoughts on what major innovations in technology would most affect businesses in the coming year. 

“I work with many clients who are trying to find out how to connect the customer experiences in their online and offline businesses,” Mark told us. “This often finds its epicenter in the retail channel, where customers, who regularly shop online with a brand, often feel anonymous when in the physical stores.”

Bridging the Gap

“Until recently, there were few options available to bridge the gap,” continued Mark. “Some retailers have tried digital kiosks or other static, immovable installations at their stores, but customers seem to lose interest quickly, leaving these installations to collect dust–or worse, break and never be serviced.”

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IN BRIEF: Stevies in Asia-Pacific Newsletter; German Stevie Awards Film Available; Apply to Judge Stevie Awards Competitions

We've published the March issue of our new Stevie Awards in Asia-Pacific email newsletter. Check out the latest issue here. The extended entry deadline for the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, open to all organizations in the 22 nations of the Asia-Pacific region, is March 31...

The Stevie Awards will soon launch its sixth awards program, the German Stevie Awards. The promotional film is available to watch now. This program will be open exclusively to organizations operating in Germany. Join the mailing list for these awards and we'll send you the entry kit next year, as soon as it's available...

You're invited to apply to be a preliminary-round judge in the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards and/or The American Business Awards. As a judge you'll see how many individuals and organizations around the world are innovating and achieving success, and you'll receive a certificate of appreciation suitable for framing...

Upcoming Stevie Awards Calendar

March 31: Extended final entry deadline for 2014 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards

April 14: IPRA Golden World Awards early-bird entry deadline

April 16: Early-bird entry deadline for 2014 International Business Awards

April 23: Final entry deadline for 2014 American Business Awards

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