![]() Exciting and Historical in Our Business By Nick Hodge | Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 Hi, I’m Nick Hodge. I can assure you I’ve never created a letter like this one. This is both exciting and historical in our business, because this current offer tops every single one I’ve ever made throughout my career. In short, today you can claim a full year of Early Advantage, our most successful research service, at half the retail rate before August 31st. Today, I’ll show you why I’m making you this offer and how you can claim your spot before the deadline hits. But keep in mind, upon joining our investing circle, you’ll become part of a new wealth revolution brewing across the financial industry as a few regular Americans are getting wealthy beyond their wildest dreams... Todd Schneider called in to say... "Nick, I'm planning to retire a multi-millionaire!" Then Brent Lovern chimed in, "Nick, I’ve enjoyed some remarkable gains in several of your discoveries. As a matter of fact, I couldn't wait to renew. Today the entire position is up 111%. I'm happy. Please keep up this good work." But this call from Anthony Reymond made my day... "Hi Nick, This is the most profitable service in almost 10 years of trading. Pure and simple. [Three picks] have been triple-digit winners for me. As a friend of mine who speaks broken English would say, 'THANK YOU VERY BIG'" They're all talking about the same thing... the fast-paced and successful moneymaking research they get from Early Advantage. And it’s unlike anything you’ve seen or heard in the financial research industry. I have to warn you first: everything in this presentation may come to you as corny and boastful. But I can assure you that’s not the intention here. This presentation is only intended to help you gain access to what I believe are the most unconventional yet safe moneymaking solutions in our business. You’ll see the success of everyday American men and women: retired engineers... teachers... once-disgruntled investors... and the "hopeless" who became hopeful again... In this volatile market, everyday folks are making hundreds of thousands of dollars in pure profits away from prying eyes, regardless of how rigged the stock market is. And it’s all because of one simple yet overlooked strategy I use to help my readers rake in absurd profits through my Early Advantage research service... A service that uses my exclusive 3 Prong Strategy to investing, which most investors hardly apply because it may be too time consuming or too expensive. But it’s given my readers an "unfair" advantage that makes almost every trade profitable in some way. It’s been the driving force behind Early Advantage since 2007.
This strategy cuts out almost all the risk and "unknowns" of many investments before you can put your hard-earned money into them. It's a strategy that will continue to unleash thousands upon thousands of dollars for hopeful Americans who are already thinking of retirement with their newfound wealth. For instance, I got this note from Donald McMillan... "Thank you, Nick: On your information I did very well on two picks. Pretty lucky with a profit of $27,649." But there was no luck involved. Another gentleman fired me this email: "Great job Nick! I got in a bit late, but I still made over 60% on my money in less than 90 days. Wow! Almost as good as a savings account at my local bank! Not! :-) I am ready to jump into your next recommendation." — Mark R. And Tom Donaldson made this much on one trade: "Nick - My account is now over $450,000. Happy with the gains so far! Thanks!" It’s no surprise — based on these results and another solid reason I’ll show you later — that my business associates declared we need to raise the price tag for Early Advantage. When I heard this, I was dumbfounded and numb... and for good reason. You see, I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I started my own landscaping business at 14 and worked my way through college. Before my massive success and my current position in the financial industry, I was just a regular guy. I never wanted success to go to my head. I know what it’s like to work hard. I also know money is not something that can be plucked from trees these days. That’s why I’ve always kept a full yearly subscription to Early Advantage at a very affordable $499.
Through my research recommendations, Early Advantage has been minting more success stories than any other research service here at Angel Publishing and has even become our bestselling advisory. Member William S. wrote to say, "Religiously followed your tips and recommendations and made lots of money." Another gentleman named Benny J. said he had multiple success stories... doubling his money on one pick, earning 280% on a tiny biotech, and sitting up 180% on a solar technology company. Dario C. watched his shares of one company surge from $2.54 to $9.76 for a gain of 280%. He's also up around that much on another recommendation. Early Advantage gave those small everyday investors an edge over the wider investment community and the rigged Wall Street system. Coming from humble beginnings and gaining such investing success, I wanted to keep Early Advantage at the lowest affordable price for my readers... many of whom renew their subscription each year. But due to the price tag attached to the cutting-edge research that goes into each recommendation, I can no longer keep Early Advantage at its current price. As of August 31st, the price will be nearly doubled. To be fair to you, since you’ve not joined us yet, I am sending you this one-time invitation to claim a full year of Early Advantage, our most profitable research service, at half price... All you have to do is act before August 31st. (You can do that now by clicking here.) If you miss that deadline, you will end up paying the newly raised retail rate to get in. First, though, you may want to hear some...
Besides my track record and minting of satisfied followers, there are a few things igniting the demand and success of Early Advantage. As I mentioned before, it all boils down to an expensive 3 Prong Strategy I constantly use to leverage the success of each recommendation in Early Advantage. It’s this strategy that allows me to deliver triple-digit winner after triple-digit winner to the many thousands of Early Advantage members. For years, I’ve kept my strategy to myself and milked it for all its worth. That’s what any smart investor would do. And I live a worry-free life when it comes to finances as a result. But perhaps the most thrilling thing for me is how I use my strategy to help everyday folks — who thought the investment system was totally against them — make lots of money. And yes, the system is rigged. But my strategy keeps you one step ahead of the game consistently. Like member Maartin Bais, who told me, "Nick, Thanks to your recommendations, I made a considerable profit." Or member David Silverstone, who left this message: "I am 100% up on the year thanks to you! Kind regards." And Anna Sipos, who chimed in, "Way to pick a winner. Up over 200%! I'll let it ride." For the first time, I’ve decided to come forward and reveal what this strategy is... and how it could help you multiply your money in months. Let me give you the full story... Early Advantage began back in 2006 as an alternative energy service called Alternative Energy Speculator. When I came on board, I decided to change the service to focus on certain sectors that give the best bang for your buck in the shortest time possible. At the same time, I sharpened my focus on a strategy that would "supercharge" every recommendation I make. This strategy took shape when I started speaking at numerous closed-door investment conferences and built a network of contacts across the industry. It gave me the edge I needed to weed out lagging investment ideas and zero-in on the potential 10-baggers. I knew I was on to something. The next step was to find a small group of followers who would beta-test my work and watch the profits multiply. And that I did... The rest is history.
Right off the bat, my followers and I ransacked the financial markets in our favor... making thousands of dollars in a few days. "Thanks for your advice I am up 60% in just a few days. It is amazing!!" Dario Cintioli told me recently... Another member named Jim Badger said, "Hello — I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for the insights into the market. My portfolio is up approximately 75% in the last 4 months. Had I gotten in sooner the gains would have been greater. Thanks again." There were times it seemed as if my readers got caught up in the euphoria with some notes that seemed too emotional for the financial industry, like this recent one from Doug Jungquist: "Nick, you are my hero. I have been listening to you on a regular basis and have built what I believe is a portfolio that will return generously. I am part of your future bud, all of it, as long as I don't die and stay sober. I have told anyone who will listen that I hold you in high regard and that they would be serving themselves wisely to come on board. Maybe that is how I am giving back what I have been so generously given at this time. Sometimes it goes a whole lot deeper than only money. Right? I trust your vetted recommendations without reservation. Waking up is a wonderful thing." I didn't pay them to say any of this. They actually paid me. When was the last time you were that satisfied with a product or service you bought? Some write in to share hunting and fishing stories. Others sent in best wishes for my recent wedding. Some send notes about how I've helped them and how they feel the same way about certain political and financial issues... and how they love the fact that I even have the guts to put some of what I do on paper. My readers enjoy what I do. It’s reflected in the number of years they stick with Early Advantage. There are literally thousands of members with multi-year and lifetime subscriptions. As Geoffrey G. puts it, "I've made serious money with you. Accordingly, I'm a subscriber for life and strong disciple. Thanks!" Dozens of readers write in if I delay a Thursday issue while traveling, researching an opportunity, or speaking at an investment conference. In short, an investing legend was born. Early Advantage now leads the way in cutting-edge financial research... giving everyday folks the edge on first-round profits ahead of Wall Street and other institutional investors. But it all boils down to that 3 Prong Strategy I’ve been telling you about, which I execute on behalf of my members. It’s the driving force behind the success and growth of Early Advantage, allowing some of my readers to bank profits as high as $450,000 on one solid pick. It’s a simple yet costly strategy for me to maintain. But it lets you in early on some of the most obscure safe investments on the planet. In short, it’s the work I do to help members like you get rich.
Let me show you some of the cutting-edge, money-grabbing research I’ve uncovered using this obscure strategy. Before most people even heard about 3D printing, my readers were already in on three 3D printing stocks that were on the leading edge of the industry, using their technology to change life as we know it. My research showed all the way back in early 2011 that 3D printing was the next trillion-dollar industry. And I wanted to milk it for all it was worth before Wall Street got in... or the wider investing public jumped on the bandwagon. That was the first important step in building our profit potential. You see, one of the companies, Organovo (ONVO), prints three-dimensional tissues on demand for research and surgical applications. Imagine a new 3D-printed heart, exactly like a real one, coming out hot off the printing press... Organovo is the only company in the world that owns the patent to print those organs. Plus, it gets to keep any intellectual property rights to tissue construction that result from the partnership, as well as a cut of sales from any successfully tested drugs that use its technology. In other words, this company’s technology is protected by law. So much so that both Pfizer and United Therapeutics have already signed on. And yet the wider investing public had no idea this revolution was going on. Wall Street was clueless. Organovo started trading in February 2012 at $1.65 per share. I recommended Early Advantage members buy it at $2.00. As I suspected... thanks to extreme interest in its technology, it quickly ran to almost $11.00 per share. My readers saw the stock explode for a 567% gain in just four months. But Organovo is far from the only one. I also recommended two other 3D printing companies to my Early Advantage readers. The first was Stratasys, which helped engineers simultaneously evaluate the performance of different materials on a trial basis... For instance, printing mechanical parts to detect which metal alloy performs best in a plane's landing gear. What happened next was nothing short of remarkable. The stock bolted for a 411% return in less than a year. The second company, 3D Systems, erupted for a return of 322% at the same time. We squeezed every ounce of profit out of the 3D revolution. And the best part? My readers were ahead of everyone else. Now everyone’s talking about 3D printing like it’s something new. Those are the people we sell our shares to. That’s what happens when people are late to the party. But not members of Early Advantage. They don’t remain clueless like lemmings. Every breakthrough with the potential to make money is filtered to them way before everyone else. In short, all three 3D printing companies fit nicely in my 3 Prong Strategy, which I've been telling you is the profit booster behind Early Advantage.
That’s what makes Early Advantage so unique and so profitable for my readers. Had you put a small $5,000 into each of our 3D plays, you’d have walked away with an extra $65,000 in under a year. Start with $10,000, and your combined profits would have been a stunning $130,000. That’s enough extra cash to pay for a nice vacation, put a lump sum on your mortgage, or simply grow in your retirement account so you don’t have to bag groceries in your golden years. That’s exactly what my readers have been doing with their profits. You won’t believe the avalanche of "thank yous" that began pouring though our customer care service. Dario, who we heard from earlier, had enough time to almost triple his money for a 280% gain... "Nick, BTW, I have sold 1/3 of my position in ONVO a few days ago at 9.76 from 2.54 when I bought the stock. In less than one year, thank you!" Johann Z. saw his stake grow for a nice 150% profit: "By the way: thanks also for Organovo. I bought it at $2.55 and I sold 50% for $ 6.48 a few days ago. Quite a good deal. Thanks again, Johann" And Joe Allwein simply said, "Nick, I have made nice money with your recommendations. Keep those recommendations coming!"
But it’s not like we bought those stocks hoping they would soar beyond our wildest dreams. I knew, based on my research, we’d make a lot of money. Why? Remember, almost every recommendation goes through my strict 3 Prong Strategy that cuts out the guesswork so many other investors fall victim to. That’s why I’ve never — until today — revealed exactly what this strategy is and how it leads to cutting-edge picks in any market sector... before they hit the news. Not only did we do it with 3D printing, but my strategy also racked up serious profits in another sector that was completely off everyone’s radar... Intense research also led me to a beaten-up and failed sector: solar. In the middle of it all was a corner that presented an unheard-of opportunity. The company in question is Natcore Technology. Natcore had the ultimate solutions to the two problems that plagued the solar industry worldwide. You see, Natcore doesn't make or sell solar panels. It isn't even a solar company. What I discovered was way better... It owns patented technology that allows solar cells to turn more light into energy and also the technology to cut the operational cost of solar companies in half. This was a game-changer for the solar industry. Solar companies were fighting over a 0.5% increase in solar efficiency. Natcore increased that efficiency by 10% And it's the only company in the world that can do that with numerous patents it holds. In other words, Natcore’s technology is protected by law. I had to see for myself. Without wasting time, I hopped on a plane to visit its facility in Rochester, New York and meet with management... and I was thoroughly impressed with what I saw and heard. I immediately fired a buy recommendation to readers to get in under $1. Three months later, the stock popped 128%. Bob D. said he bought Natcore below a buck and that the pick had been "very rewarding." He also said he was adding more to his holdings. George H., a retired electrical engineer from New Jersey, wrote to say he's up over $6,000 on Natcore Technology and established a position in other picks I recommended. And while my readers were busy counting their money, no one — outside of Early Advantage — had heard of companies like Natcore Technology. It wasn’t written about yet, and Wall Street wasn’t pushing it. So what led us to successes the likes of Natcore, Organovo, or 3D Systems? My 3 Prong Strategy I’ve been touting. When you combine each of the three parts that make up this secret strategy, it becomes a supercharged research tool that always gives you a head start over the investing public. Hence the name: Early Advantage. But to get that advantage and secure gains as high as 567%, 322%, and 411% in months... all three parts of this strategy must work together to become supercharged. No one else I know of in the markets deploys this strategy as I do. That’s what sets Early Advantage apart from other research services... even the other ones we publish. Here’s how this strategy unfolds.
Advantage Phase #1: Finding small companies with life-changing, cutting-edge products in agriculture, energy, biotech, medical, and technology. I have to admit, fulfilling this first phase of research is not easy. It takes time, money, and energy to find the right companies with strong fundamentals and the potential for future growth trading below $2 a share. Keep in mind, we’re not considering penny stocks here, but rather companies whose share prices have lots of space to run wild. Most times, I totally neglect 80% of the companies I come across. They just don’t cut it. Which is why the second phase is so important. It’s what solidifies the growth potential — as well as the profit potential — of these chosen small companies. Advantage Phase #2: Selecting companies that are protected by law and own patents that give them a global monopoly. It takes cutting-edge research to discover those companies. But the exciting thing is these companies often hold strong monopolies in their industries. They’re protected by the law... making them the only suppliers of their products in the world. Many of them even hold several patents for various products. Their growth potential is staggering, which translates into massive percentage gains for my readers. Advantage Phase #3: On-the-ground visits to companies' facilities. Most analysts ignore this phase of investing, but it’s the only way to avoid the BS that comes with investigating a company online. Quite frankly, most companies prop up their websites beyond the truth. Just sitting in an office behind a computer never gave me the real picture of what we’re putting our hard-earned money into. That’s why my third phase takes me to California to investigate a biotech start-up... or to New York to the facilities of a solar technology company... or in a floatplane to Alberta, Canada to investigate a new uranium deposit. It’s always after this last phase of investigation that I dispatch a quick email to my readers to get in now — before the rest of the world. Just take a look at the huge winners I’ve mentioned above: Natcore and Organovo... they both hit all three spots on my 3 Prong Strategy. They all traded under $2... have many patents covering their cutting-edge breakthroughs that will have a huge positive impact on our lives... And I paid my visit to their facilities or research labs to make sure the technology could deliver as promised. These are not the kind of companies you’ll read about in the Wall Street Journal or hear about on CNBC or from your broker. These are the hidden gems that only Early Advantage readers and a few "insiders" know about. As I said, these days, everyone’s talking about 3D printing... but we’ve already moved on to the next best opportunities.
Probably one of the most innovative companies that will change life as we know it fell on my radar recently. Obviously I can’t tell you the name here because it’s still open in our portfolio and has lots of space to run wild. It's already soared 322% in just four months, and for good reason. This biotech start-up potentially owns an all-out cure for cancer, Alzheimer's, leukemia, arthritis, and other ailments that send people to nursing homes or early graves. In short, this company possesses the only controlled source of rare blood from an endangered sea snail that is used as a booster for cancer and other types of vaccines. "Several companies and institutions are developing Blue Blood based therapies for a wide variety of cancers," according to the National Cancer Institute. If you're thinking of American giants like Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, and Biogen Idec... you wouldn't be off the mark. And guess what? They can get this blood ONLY from this little biotech, because it’s the only company in the world with the patent to breed and grow these sea snails on land. It's also the only company that can extract the blood without killing the snail, so its resource is sustainable. This is all protected by law. I should know; I visited the company's secure facility on a navy base and sat with its CEO and high-ranking scientists to view the whole operation. As I said, my readers have already made a ton of money on this one stock alone. And the usual gratitude began cascading in... It was on this stock Tom Donaldson made almost half a million dollars in five months. Another member, Anthony R., told me, "Hi Nick, I decided to lock in some profits on the Blue Blood company and so it's the second triple-digit winner with you this year. I'm looking forward to the next. Not only for the profits, but also because these companies are promising and your research is well done." Member Geoffrey M. wrote in to say, "I've made serious money with you on the Blue Blood company. Sold my long accumulated position (handsomely) when I was allowed to get into their private placement for 300,000 units. I'm a subscriber for life and strong disciple. Thanks!" Joe A. chimed in, "Nick, I have made nice money with your recommendations and was able to get into the private placement for 50,000 units (which includes 25,000 warrants at $1.35). Keep those recommendations coming." If you hurry and join Early Advantage at half price now (by clicking here), you have a chance to get in on this biotech stock because it's still trading under $3 a share. This stock is a potential 10-bagger. Which begs the next question: How would you feel about beating Wall Street at its own game using the stock-picking formula I’ve created for Early Advantage?
Besides the mammoth profits... as a member of Early Advantage, you’ll get to know about cutting-edge technology like new cancer vaccines, energy breakthroughs, or new resource deposits before your family members, your neighbors, or anyone else. Which brings me to another point... Another thing that makes Early Advantage so successful is the legion of contacts I’ve forged across deep corners of the investing landscape. I can pick up the phone and call a well-respected geologist to have him take a look at a deposit for me... Or guys who've financed dozens of successful deals to take a look at a company's share structure. Along with my 3 Prong Strategy, this network has led to picks like the biotech play I just told you about... long before anyone else hears about them. That’s what sets Early Advantage apart from other services I know of. For instance... My readers were in early on smart grid stocks, graphene stocks, natural gas engine stocks, and high-tech battery stocks. I still come across news articles today touting the benefits of natural gas trucks and Westport, the company that makes them. I recommended Westport in 2007 when it popped 29.82% in five months. That was seven years ago! If it's news now, it's old news. Or take innovative companies like Cree, which my members also traded back in 2007 for 159% in four months. Today, the LED lights made by Cree are all the rage... but the stock is at 52-week lows. Again, we were in and out before anyone knew how big LED lighting was going to be. We bought BYD Company, a Chinese electric car manufacturer I caught wind of, in 2008 and sold it for 309% less than a year later. This was half a decade before stocks like Tesla were popular. Before solar and energy storage were on the tip of everyone's tongue — even before clean energy was written about in many financial publications — my readers had already banked gains of 316% on Akeena Solar.
Imagine yourself setting aside $5,000 for investing at that time. By just rolling your 5K in each tech stock above, you could have walked away in the end with $57,400 in hard cash. Put in $10,000, and you’d have banked $114,800 in extra cash to spoil yourself rotten or set aside for your kids' college fund. But that wasn’t all.
A unique corporation called Alternate Energy Holding, founded by senior executives in the nuclear and utility industry, was a mammoth bread-and-butter winner for my readers. Keep in mind that’s not the kind of stock everyone knows or hears about... But we milked this play on four separate occasions for all its worth, first with a 100% gain in — get this — two days. We closed another 100% gain in one month when we bought the stock again. We bought it again for 115% in two months. Another opportunity surfaced, and we got in for 426% in three months. That’s a mind-blowing 741% on one stock within one year. If you took a second look at those returns, you’d think we were into buying options or some risky strategy. Nope. Don’t forget, my readers are just everyday folks who want to amass a retirement fortune... All we’re doing is buying "hidden" stocks with huge profit potential that meet my 3 Prong Strategy... BEFORE everyone else gets in, or before it makes news. We’re not following the crowd here. We’re leading the crowd in Early Advantage. These are not the stocks you hear about every day. These are not the ones you’ll see on the Internet, touted by some analyst on CNBC, or hear about through your broker. These companies are not the ones you can get in on your own, either. It takes time, money, and inside contacts to uncover them. Which brings me to my next point...
If you’re easily spooked by new investment ideas or profitable stocks you’ve never heard of... If you want to stick to buying conventional stocks like those you hear about on CNBC, in the news, or from other analysts who refuse to do the necessary research, then I’ve erred... you can stop right now. I don’t want to waste your time or mine. But if you’re tired of getting measly returns on your investments and crave a different route to safe and unheard-of profits to help you retire earlier than you plan... Then you’ll immediately want to grab my offer and get Early Advantage at half price before August 31st. As I said, I am Nick Hodge, founder of the Outsider Club and investment director of the Early Advantage research service. I've been working my entire life. As I said before, I had a landscaping business by the time I was 14. I made up my own fliers, maintained a client list, and billed them with invoices I made in Excel. I've always been success-oriented and independent-minded. I don’t whine about problems... I solve them. I don't take sick days. I'm in my office every day unless I'm traveling to speak or meet a company’s CEO or heading to a resource mine or deposit. For instance, I recently was a keynote speaker at the New Orleans Investment Conference alongside investors like Rick Rule and Marc Faber. I was also at the California Investment Conference, where I spoke about the rigged financial markets, resources, and how the younger generations can invest successfully. I was even invited to speak at the prestigious Cambridge House Resource Investment Conference in Vancouver, Canada. But I admit, when it comes to knowing secrets of the trading world — especially profitable "off-the-radar" stocks — I have a huge "unfair" advantage... You see, I realized early that you need a network of people to help you evaluate things, bounce ideas off of, and tell you things you wouldn't otherwise know about. That’s why I regularly converse with CEOs, financiers, brokers, and other key players in multiple industries, often speak at obscure, closed-door conferences and trade shows, and rub shoulders with some of the best brains and wealthiest investors in the game. Because of the intense research I do, I'm the guy who always says, "already saw that" when someone sends me a link. My family and colleagues view it as a victory if they can tell me about some breakthrough I haven't heard. This just stems from an addiction to curiosity, knowledge, and reading and investigating new investment breakthroughs before they leave the research labs. But my real success has been showing thousands of others how to make lots of money for several years now with Early Advantage. Which brings me to a very important point...
Solid research always comes with a hefty price. Especially the kind I do for Early Advantage. It takes time, money, and lots of personal inconvenience to hop on a plane to remote mines and resource deposits... science labs... and research facilities across the continent to see a new breakthrough firsthand. Quite frankly, it costs close to $1 million a year to run Early Advantage. $1.117 million last year, to be exact. But I won’t quibble, and I won’t stop or compromise the integrity of the quality of recommendations I deliver to you in Early Advantage. In fact, that’s the kind of research that make this service the huge success it is. That’s because I go the extra mile when other analysts won’t bother. Because of the high cost attached to the caliber of research I do, the top executives of our financial publishing business faced a major problem. It became expensive to run Early Advantage. We were left with two options... Either I sacrifice my high-end research, or we raise the price of the service.
Compromising my research would mean virtually shutting down the service altogether. It would become just another research advisory like all the others out there. Of course, raising the price was the obvious choice. No way I’d cut back on my research because of cost, especially at a time when my readers are now getting wealthy beyond their dreams. Plus, Early Advantage is the most successful advisory in our business. It would be a major blow to affect the quality of my research in any way. So we speedily raised the price. It almost doubled in one fell swoop. Now bear in mind, if Early Advantage were priced at several thousand dollars, it would still be worth it. If you were to join at the full price, you’d make back your subscription cost on just one trade. We’re aware of that. John Britton couldn’t have said it better: "I just renewed Early Advantage. Made 6k so my subscription has more than paid for itself. Holding Natcore long term, already profitable. Keep 'em coming!" I know hedge funds that charge up to $10,000 to join and still get 20% of your profits. Yet none of them have a winning streak like Early Advantage. In fact, hedge funds like BlueTrend lost 8.7% last year. Cantab Capital lost 29%. John Paulson’s fund lost 19% in 2012 and 51% in 2011. Meanwhile, the Early Advantage portfolio — as independent as we are from Wall Street’s claws — was up 28.38% overall last year. I mean, no analysts get it right 100% of the time. Anyone who says otherwise would be lying to you. But since 2007, when I took over research, our portfolio has been up... 85%... 16%... 46%... 15%... 19%, beating Wall Street at its own game. Yet Early Advantage still doesn’t cost tens of thousands of dollars. And I'll never ask you for a percentage of your returns. In fact, a full year of all my picks and recommendations will soon cost $799. My business associates still think it’s a rip-off. But I’ve decided to walk the plank here. Which bring me to this one-time offer I am making today, giving you a chance to try my research at nearly half of the already super-low price.
Coming from a humble background and growing up on a farm, I like to be fair. It’s in my nature. So I’ve arranged this one-time offer. You can get a full year of Early Advantage for the old rate of just $499. This offer is good till August 31st. (Respond now by clicking here.) No gimmicks. No hidden charges. But this is a strict deadline. At that rate, it’s like getting five months of research free of charge. But you'll enjoy the huge profits just like everyone else paying the full rate. Remember, just one pick brought one of my readers, Tom Donaldson, almost half a million dollars in just four months. Another gentleman made $27,000 in a few months, too. As a member of Early Advantage, you’ll to have the rare opportunity to immerse yourself in trades of this magnitude... To fully experience the thrill and exhilaration of tracking and playing out life-changing trades untouched by 98% of the public. The best part is, I will provide you with a steady flow of simple, specific recommendations throughout the year... I’ll walk you through the entire trading process... show you how to start with a small initial position size... Minimize risk, and seize winners for potentially massive payouts. With my expert guidance, Early Advantage could become the most valuable membership you’ll ever have. As Bob Durant recently told me, "Nick, your picks have been very rewarding. Thanks for all your hard work and 'hand holding' during these volatile markets. It is always reassuring to get your timely e-mails." Once you lock in your membership for Early Advantage at nearly half price today, you’ll join our ranks for a full year with full membership privileges, including:
Going forward, I will constantly monitor the markets using my proprietary 3 Prong Strategy. The moment I spot a chance for big gains, you'll be the first to know. As a member of Early Advantage, you're going to see opportunities in virtually every asset class on the planet. And make no mistake: You will hit the ground running. I don’t want to waste too much time, so listen carefully...
Besides offering you our best research for nearly half price for a limited time, I’d like you to get your feet wet right away with one of my top picks. It’s virtually unknown to almost every investor, yet we’re "in the money" on it. We’re up 109% already! Now, I have to admit, what I’m about to tell you is not yet in the news. And at first you may raise your eyebrows. But listen up closely... This little blockbuster is a small uranium company that hit the jackpot with a world-class uranium discovery up in the Athabasca Basin in Canada. It’s high-grade uranium, topping Kazakhstan's, which is the uranium capital of the world. It's also very shallow, so it can be mined cheaply. And it's close to infrastructure to get the uranium to a mill. In a brilliant move, the company bought its neighboring competition in the area and is now the sole owner of the whole mother lode. Now, if you haven't considered uranium investments in the last couple years, I certainly won't blame you. Uranium prices suffered one-two punches from the drop in demand, and miners suffered from disappearing profit margins as prices hit a nine-year low at $29 per pound of uranium. Yet at that low price, this world-class uranium deposit I’m telling you about will still be profitable. But today’s low uranium prices will soon hit the roof for obvious reasons:
In other words, this company will be the go-to supplier for uranium with over 100 million pounds of the stuff buried in its deposit. And the insiders know this. It's not hard to see the future here. If they sell the deposit at $8 per pound and with 100 million pounds of uranium... this is an $800 million company. Yet it currently trades as a $500 million company... implying 60% from today's prices. And this is conservative. Recently, more drill results came out showing that 150 million pounds is definitely in the cards. At 150 million pounds... you're looking at a $1.2 billion company — some 140% higher than it trades today. But this stock still isn't on anyone's radar. And for good reason. Only a few "inside" individuals are on it and covering it. Including my readers. We’re already up 109% as we speak. But I'm forecasting at least another 140% because...
It’s about the surest moneymaker I've ever come across. In fact, I can guarantee this little gem will be bought for a hefty premium. I suggest you not waste time on this. I should know a thing or two about it... or everything. I've flown to Saskatchewan to inspect the deposit myself. I've talked to the roughnecks operating the drill rigs. I've even eaten at the base camp mess hall. I've held the core samples in my hands (which I had to thoroughly wash afterward because the uranium concentration is so high!). I’ve had the privilege of dining with the company's CEO & Chairman and President & COO on multiple occasions at recent closed-door investment conferences. And I've written thousands of words analyzing drill results and the structure of the formation. As I said, we’re already up 109% on this little player. But I am guaranteeing this will get bought out for an additional 140% premium from today's prices. You must lock in your shares now. You will get all the details in your free report, "Hidden In Plain Sight: The World's Best Unmined Uranium Deposit," once you reserve your discount to Early Advantage today...
Plus, I’d like to do something I’ve never done before that’ll dramatically increase the value of your subscription. A few months ago, I wrote my second bestselling book, Energy Investing for Dummies. It’s the last book The book takes you inside the energy market as sector by sector is dissected. You’ll know how to start investing, how much money to set aside, and what sectors are the most profitable. This book sells for $30 on Amazon. But I'll send it to you free of charge if you claim it with a discounted subscription to Early Advantage today. Remember, you’ll only pay $499 for a full year of Early Advantage if you act before August 31st. After that, all new members will pay $799. By getting in right now, you're saving $300! That’s 38% less than what future members will pay. You will NEVER see the price this low again.
It's important to keep in mind that by getting in before the new price becomes standard... you can lock in today's low rate for as long as you wish. You can lock in that $499 rate for every year going forward... while everyone else is paying more. No matter how high the price rises in the future, you'll only pay the low rate being offered for this special promotion. There is also something else I want to guarantee you. I can guarantee that a membership in Early Advantage is very different from anything you've ever been part of before. You're going to learn about ideas and opportunities you likely won't see or hear about anywhere else — yet that will make you extremely wealthy. In fact, I couldn’t say it better than Steve Mills: "Nick, all these companies are promising and your research is well done... so, hope to have more in the coming years..." If you decide my investment ideas and picks are too "out there" for you... or that you are better off sticking with mainstream conventions... If you don't like it, I assure you it's no problem. We have a very good refund policy. We always want to make our members happy. Believe me, there's no shame in asking for a refund. The ideas and stock picks I'll share with you are not for everyone. In fact, they're probably not right for most everyday folks... even if they could become wealthy from what I share. That’s why I am setting this guarantee in stone. That’s how confident I am. For good reason... You see, if everyone were using my 3 Prong Strategy and secrets and had the kind of industry network I had... well, my strategy would lose its effectiveness and would basically disappear. That's exactly why my strategies work so well — and why they can work to your advantage! I hope you don't miss this opportunity to get in today before the price jumps $300 on August 31st. Just click this link or the button below to join us. I look forward to welcoming you as the newest member of Early Advantage, and to the profits we'll make together. Sincerely, Nick Hodge This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us. You can manage your subscription and get our privacy policy here. Energy and Capital, Copyright © 2014, Angel Publishing LLC, 111 Market Place #720, Baltimore, MD 21202. All rights reserved. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities or financial instruments mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy of the statements made herein. Energy and Capital does not provide individual investment counseling, act as an investment advisor, or individually advocate the purchase or sale of any security or investment. Neither the publisher nor the editors are registered investment advisors. Subscribers should not view this publication as offering personalized legal or investment counseling. Investments recommended in this publication should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company in question. Unauthorized reproduction of this newsletter or its contents by Xerography, facsimile, or any other means is illegal and punishable by law. Please note: It is not our intention to send email to anyone who doesn't want it. If you're not sure why you're getting this e-letter, or no longer wish to receive it, get more info here, including our privacy policy and information on how to manage your subscription. |
This site is an experiment in sharing news and content. Almost everything here came from email newsletters.
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