

| 08.15.14 | Report: Consumers 'just don't trust mobile security'

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Today's Top Stories:
1. Report: Consumers 'just don't trust mobile security'
2. Consumers like mobile payments, not mobile wallets
3. iPhone's biggest security threat could be USB connections

News Scan:
Venture capitalists grow bullish on mobile tech
Mobile devices causing headaches for courtroom defense teams, more

Also Noted:
Gartner: Mobile devs need to rethink approach; Sony smartwatch unveiling just around the corner Much more...

News From The Fierce Network:
1. Architecture and cloud skills top IT employer 'most wanted' lists
2. More tech giants reveal female IT hiring shortfalls
3. Tennessee firm sues bank over money lost in cyberheist


August 15, 2014

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Webinar: IT and Marketing: Extreme Collaboration
Tuesday, August 26th, 2pm ET / 11am PT | New Editorial Event!

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Sponsor: GLOBO


> Consumerization and the CIO - Now Available On-Demand
> IT and Marketing: Extreme Collaboration - Tuesday, August 26th / 2pm ET / 11am PT
> Advancing the federal cybersecurity workforce - Wednesday, September 10th | 2pmET/11amPT


> Super Mobility Week - September 9 ? 11, 2014 - Las Vegas, NV
> SPTechCon: The SharePoint Technology Conference 2014 - September 16-19, 2014 - Boston, MA


> eBook: 5 Key Strategies for Successful Mobile Engagement
> Whitepaper: Supporting VDIs and Thin Clients
> eBook: eBrief | Making BYOD Work: 4 Critical Strategies for Midmarket and SMB Companies

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Webinar: Advancing the federal cybersecurity workforce
Wednesday, September 10th, 2pm ET/ 11am PT

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Today's Top Stories

1. Report: Consumers 'just don't trust mobile security'

By David Weldon Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Consumer fears over security and privacy continue to haunt mobile commerce, with a new study finding that nearly half of all consumers would never use mobile payment and banking apps.

In an email to FierceMobileIT, digital identity expert Intercede said that its study "The Rise of the Identity Centric Economy" reveals that 44 percent of U.S. consumers would never use mobile banking services and 48 percent would never use bill payment apps.

"The data reveals that while the adoption of smartphones is widespread in the U.S. (close to 80 percent), and more than half say that security is a primary factor in choosing a new smartphone, current security measures are inadequate for consumers to fully realize mobile technology," the firm noted.

In terms of some specifics, the survey of 2,000 consumers found that over one third would never use PayPal on a mobile device, and one in five do not feel safe shopping on their cell phones.

"Furthermore, 63 percent are worried about the level of security on their mobile device, with 84 percent of those concerned about data loss in the event their mobile device was stolen citing identify theft as their biggest worry," the firm explained.

Commenting on the study findings, Intercede CEO Richard Parris said "Nearly every week we read about another high profile hacking story in the news. From major attacks such as Heartbleed to eBay's recent data breach, it's not surprising that consumers just don't trust mobile security. This throttling the mobile economy. But with smartphone use so widespread and with the mobile device boom set to continue, it's clear that security needs a radical revamp."

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Read more about: Mobile payments
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This week's sponsor is GLOBO.

eBrief | Making BYOD Work: 4 Critical Strategies for Midmarket and SMB Companies

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) can be a blessing for mid-size and small businesses. But getting the real payoff requires some attention to details that may differ from those at large enterprises. This FierceMobileIT eBrief provides practical advice for making BYOD work. Download today.

2. Consumers like mobile payments, not mobile wallets

By Lisa Hoover McGreevy Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Last year, Forrester predicted the U.S. mobile payment market will reach $90 billion by 2017. Given the popularity of mobile transaction apps like Square, PayPal and the recently launched Amazon Local Wallet, you'd think consumers would eat up the mobile wallet idea. But, no, it hasn't turned out that way at all.

There are plenty of apps on the market that allow users to store loyalty cards, gift cards and even credit and debit card information. Mobile banking apps are offered by nearly every major financial institution and most credit card institutions offer apps as well. Yet, Google Wallet fell flat with consumers, PayPal digital wallet is underutilized by its own customers, and there's not a lot of excitement over Apple's rumored release of an e-wallet as part of the next major iOS update.

According to a white paper by payment processing company TSYS, one in five smartphone users have a mobile wallet installed on their phone but usage reflects only 1.2 percent of the total transactions made by U.S. consumers in 2012. The biggest issue? Security, of course.

"It turns out that even in the age of social networks and over-sharing, consumers are worried about the security and privacy of mobile wallets, according to a 2013 study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).  People trust storing their loyalty cards and discount coupons in a mobile wallet, but when it comes to money or digital house keys, they will take a big step back, the PwC report says. Their main concerns are theft and loss of access, such as when their phone loses battery power or hits a technical glitch. They also do not want their mobile carriers knowing what they are doing with their funds," reads an article from the technology department at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

At a time when reports of financial security breaches occur on an unnervingly regular basis, getting customers to buy in on the idea of mobile wallets appears to be an uphill climb. Then again, debit cards were met with an enormous level of suspicion when banks first began issuing them. Fingerprint ID and other types of highly individual-dependent types of security are being built into commonplace technology these days it's a fair assumption that it's precisely that type of technology will finally break down the barrier to widespread use of mobile wallets in the not-too-distant future.

For more:
- read the TSYS white paper (reg. req.)
- check out the article at Wharton's website
- read the Forrester report

Related Articles:
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Read more about: Mobile Wallet
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3. iPhone's biggest security threat could be USB connections

By Caroline Wall Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Apple's iPhone may be most vulnerable to malware when connected to a computer, according to IDG News Service, and is particularly susceptible when connected through USB or Wi-Fi.

The article cites a study conducted by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology that proves "infecting a large number of iOS devices through botnets is feasible."

The vulnerability lives only in malware-infected computers which can then become active while syncing iPhones. According to the article, botnet herders make these attacks easier by selling "access to large networks of compromised computers" to hackers.

The trick can only be pulled off when a person has his or her Apple ID account active. The only way to download apps--in this case, malicious ones--is to sign in. However, the researchers, led by co-author Tielei Wang, found a way to use a "man-in-the-middle attack" that uses the USB or Wi-Fi connection to sign in with another user's Apple ID.

What's even scarier about this? The app doesn't have to come from the Apple App Store to make its way onto the iPhone.

"Apple issues developer certificates to those who want to do internal distributions of their own applications. Those certificates can be used to self-sign an application and provision it," the article says.

"Wang's team found they could sneak a developer provisioning file onto an iOS device when it was connected via USB to a computer. A victim doesn't see a warning. That would allow for a self-signed malicious application to be installed. Legitimate applications could also be removed and substituted for look-alike malicious ones," states the article.

That's not all. According to IDG News Service, cookies from Facebook or Gmail accounts can be stolen via a USB connection. For enterprises deploying iPhones to employees, or those who allow Apple products in their BYOD program, this may be worthy of note.

This report comes on the heels of this week's release of Good Technology's Q2 2014 Mobility Index Report (pdf) that shows Apple is losing enterprise app activations to Android. Apple is usually praised for its stalwart security, but with these findings, could Apple see more loss in the enterprise space?

For more:
- read the IDG News Service story (via InfoWorld)
- see the Georgia Institute of Technology paper

Related Articles:
Report highlights cyclical nature of enterprise phone activations
Mobile broadband modems are 'easy to attack,' says researcher
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Read more about: iOS
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is CBeyond.

White paper: Getting Started with Cloud Computing

This compelling resource will define the basics of Cloud Computing, offer the benefits and current market trends, as well as help find the right vendor for your company. Cloud computing has the potential to revolutionize virtually any business's operations. Learn more and download today.


>> Intel to buy Axxia Networking Business for $650 million

Intel agreed this week to drop $650 million in cash to purchase LSI's Axxia Networking Business and its assets. Intel's Rose Schooler says the acquisition will help the company meet its "vision of transforming wireless access into an intelligent, flexible network based on standard building blocks to fuel innovation and increase network efficiencies." The acquisition has been approved by both boards of directors but still needs to go through the government regulatory process. If that goes smoothly, the deal should be buttoned up by the end of Q4. Read more

[More on wireless networking: 4 tips to successfully deploy a wireless security network | Wireless networks improving]

>> Corporate investment in network architecture on the rise worldwide

According to a recent survey released by Dimension Data, organizations are starting to increase spending to strengthen the network architecture that supports enterprise mobility and cloud. The report assessed 74,000 technology devices in a variety of sectors across 32 countries and discovered that while companies are preserving their network assets as long as possible, "the growth in the percentage of access switches that support gigabit Ethernet and 10-gigabit uplink capacity tells us that some refresh was taking place to support architectural trends like pervasive wireless connectivity and enterprise mobility." Read more

[More on networking: So many connected machines, so little time | For tomorrow's workplace, nonmobile is not an option]

>> Venture capitalists grow bullish on mobile tech

Venture capitalists are growing increasingly bullish on technology, mobile tech in particular. CNET is reporting on a VC study by Deloitte & Touche that points to a strong confidence in mobile--4.02 on a ranking scale of one to five. Other high-ranking categories include cloud and robotics. Jim Atwell, national managing partner for Deloitte's Emerging Growth Company, told CNET tech companies tend to have the most excitement surrounding them, which accounts for the rise in VS confidence. Read more

[More on mobile tech: The role of mobile tech in treating mental health issues | Gartner: CIOs ready to invest more in mobile tech]

>> Mobile devices causing headaches for courtroom defense teams

Corporate Counsel's Sue Reisinger reports that corporate in-house attorneys are encountering an increase in e-discovery and audit trail issues. The challenges are due, in part, to the growing use of mobile devices in the workplace which sometimes makes it difficult to know where important case information is stored. Sources say the problem centers around the reality that "the capture, storage and retrieval of data is a constantly evolving challenge, complicated by the sheer variety of connected and mobile devices that now generate data." Read more

[More on BYOD: BYOD benefits: Industry experts weigh in | BYOD policy success requires balancing act]

Gartner: Mobile devs need to rethink approach
>> Traditional development practices don't work for mobile apps (BetaNews)

Speaking of mobile developers, your Firefox OS reference phone is ready
>> Mozilla shows off flexible RAM on $170 Firefox OS Flame (ZDnet)

So, you're good then?
>> Square Wants You To Know Everything's Perfectly All Right Now. We're Fine. We're All Fine Here Now, Thank You. How Are You? (TechCrunch)

Sony smartwatch unveiling just around the corner
>> Sony Smartwatch 3 expected in September but not with Android Wear (GigaOM)

It depends on what you mean by privacy
>> Can there still be privacy with BYOD? (AppsTechNews)

Social Scan:

All the Key Trends in Application Development Explained @itproportal #mobile #cloud #agile #collaboraton #enterprise

What does Manhattan Associates' acquisition of GlobalBay mean for #mobile POS providers? @AdamKSilverman blogs:

#BYOD organized, charged, etc. & ready to go #byodrp


> Consumerization and the CIO - Now Available On-Demand

From devices to services to apps, end users have a lot of choices - and those choices are bleeding into enterprise IT faster than ever. How do these changes affect IT strategy, budget and infrastructure? Register to watch now!

> IT and Marketing: Extreme Collaboration - Tuesday, August 26th / 2pm ET / 11am PT

Media outlets love to focus on the tension between IT and marketing. But if it's a war, both sides lose. Instead, CIOs have to partner with CMOs to help deliver on aggressive business goals in an ever-changing landscape. Register Today!

> Advancing the federal cybersecurity workforce - Wednesday, September 10th | 2pmET/11amPT

Join NIST and NICE leaders as they explore The National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework, innovative spproaches to cybersecurity training and workforce improvement, the broader focus of NICE in advancing cybersecurity awareness nationawide, and more! Register Today!


> Super Mobility Week - September 9 ? 11, 2014 - Las Vegas, NV

Super Mobility Week powered by CTIA is North America's largest forum for the mobile innovations that power your connected life. Thousands of mobile professionals and executives, 1,100+ exhibitors, as well as 1,000+ media and analysts from across the globe will gather in September for this event. Learn more at

> SPTechCon: The SharePoint Technology Conference 2014 - September 16-19, 2014 - Boston, MA

SPTechCon, September 16-19 in Boston, is the world’s premier independent event for SharePoint. It has content geared to IT professionals, business managers and developers. Receive a $200 discount off either the prevailing price of a 4-day or 3-day pass by inserting the code SHAREPOINT at


> eBook: 5 Key Strategies for Successful Mobile Engagement

Read this eBook to discover how you can deliver highly targeted, personalized content and services to your customers across all mobile channels – and the key strategies that are critical to a successful mobile approach. Download today!

> Whitepaper: Supporting VDIs and Thin Clients

Companies have already begun deploying VDIs and thin clients (like Google's Chromebook) on a massive scale. The low-cost, easily deployed workstations present a significant cost savings for companies, but require unique tools to support them. This whitepaper, written by Proxy Networks, outlines the best way to do that. Download now.

> eBook: eBrief | Making BYOD Work: 4 Critical Strategies for Midmarket and SMB Companies

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) can be a blessing for mid-size and small businesses. But getting the real payoff requires some attention to details that may differ from those at large enterprises. Download this eBrief to get more practical advice for making BYOD work.

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