

How Cracking Down on Corruption Can Prevent the Next Ferguson

The United States of... Bacon and Kale?

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How Cracking Down on Corruption Can Prevent the Next Ferguson

As the crisis in St. Louis demonstrates, U.S. law enforcement has greater firepower than ever. Policymakers must do more to ensure they use it responsibly, Charles Kenny writes. Also, why do local police forces have so much military gear?

New Baseball Commissioner's Task: Managing Decline

Rob Manfred's checklist probably includes controlling player costs, catching and punishing drug cheats, securing fat TV contracts, and fixing the game's old person problem. But there's one larger task at hand.

Starbucks Changes Scheduling Policies in Response to NYT Article

In what may be the fastest response to a piece of public-service journalism in recent memory, Starbucks announced it would change its policies surrounding the schedules of its workers in reaction to an article that appeared in the New York Times.

Coke Takes a Monster Step Beyond Soda

Everyone knows about Coke's big fat problem, but now the company-previously a laggard in the energy drink market-has gulped a $2.15 billion slug of Monster Beverage in a move to hedge a decline in soft-drink sales.

Six Meanings Behind the World Trade Center's New Logo

The World Trade Center's deceptively simple symbol is packed with allusions-past and future, presence and absence, sacred memories and profane retail outlets. That's a lot for any emblem to convey, especially one so ostensibly simple.


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